Nude Mother In Law

Nude Mother In Law


Nude Mother In Law

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Published: 15:20 BST, 30 September 2016 | Updated: 16:03 BST, 30 September 2016
A woman has been left squirming in horror after being confronted with some some very intimate pictures of her mother-in-law.
The Mumsnet user stumbled across a series of naked shots after her partner's mother asked her to transfer photos on to a disc from her phone.
And she turned to the parenting website, asking if she should carry on and say nothing or delete the images. 
Mumsnet user MrsFizzy was shocked to find pictures of her mother-in-law's vulva and breasts after she was asked to help transfer some photos from her phone to a disc (picture posed by model)
Describing her dilemma with her MIL, a Mumsnet abbreviation for mother-in-law, MrsFizzy opened by saying: 'Oh my f****** god.'
She explained: 'MIL asked me if I wouldn't mind transferring all her pictures from her old phone, her camera and other memory cards on to discs for her and to make some back ups. 
'No problem, says I. Happy to help. Oh, and can you make sure there are no duplicates either and don't bother transferring blurry pics etc. I agree to that, what a helpful DIL I am.
'So there I am, trawling through hundreds of pictures, dutifully removing dud ones and transferring the rest. 
Then I come to the phone. Lovely pics of grand kids, oh, look, there's FIL's surprise party, aww cute kitty, then out of the f****** blue is my MIL's VULVA! oh God, there are loads. Boobs, vag the lot.
'What do I do??? I can't tell her I've seen them. But do I transfer them over? Delete them? THIS is what you get for trying to be helpful!'
While many people sympathised, some couldn't help seeing the funny side of the situation. 
'Transfer over,' DerekSprechenZeDick replied. 'Just see it as you've seen your partner's first home.'
SaucyJack suggested having them 'printed on to giant photo canvas' for her father-in-law's Christmas present.
Arfarfanarf agreed that she should transfer them over.
'She will know you know but neither of you will ever speak of it. It's the British Way,' she said. 
'Or, you know, you could have yourself some Photoshop fun. That's the Evil Way.'
'Sorry but that has made my morning!' ArchiesMamaBird replied. 'Maybe she secretly hates you and and asked you to transfer them over knowing full well that you would see them and never be able to tell anyone about it.
'I suggest lots of wine and trying to block this out as a bad memory. If not, there's always counselling.'
Mycatstares said she should count herself lucky there were 'no homemade videos thrown into the mix!' 
Others did their best to offer more sensible advice. 
Flanderspigeonmurderer recommended deleting them and having 'hypnotherapy to get rid of the memory'.
WhatchaMaCalllit suggested putting them in a separate photo for 'very personal photos'.
'When she asks what the folder is, say "I didn't want to delete them but I also didn't want to have to ask you about them either so I just created a separate folder for them", and move on to talking about the weather or whatever.'
Blueturtle6 suggested the addition of gin to make things easier. 
'Drink a lot of gin, send her a text asking if she want's them copied over, less mortifying than conversation, then drink more gin. 
To make matters worse, MrsFizzy explained her mother-in-law was planning to take her photos to Tesco and get them printed off. 
'She's gonna check them first, right?' she said. 'But then as soon as she does she will know I've seen them.' 
'I'm going to have to delete them I think. If she didn't know they were there then no harm done and if she did know they were there then she'll have to admit that to me and I doubt she'd do that.'
She added: 'There are some things that just can't ever be unseen. Why did I not do this this evening when it would be a more acceptable hour to consume copious amounts of alcohol.' 
Youarenotprepared agreed that MrsFizzy should not transfer the photos to the disc.
'Whatever you do DON'T PUT THEM ON THE DISC otherwise you will just be sharing your pain with half of Tesco or humiliating her when they come up on the big screens when she takes the disc in to print,' she said. 
2016Hopeful also advised against transferring. 
'She probably thinks they are deleted. If she wants more pics she can take them at a later date. Best for your future relationship that she thinks you haven't seen them!!! ' she said. 
Jackie0 suggested it could actually be used to MrsFizzy's advantage.
'Golden opportunity to style it out and be the very best DIL who may never be criticised or fallen out with for all time until the end of time,' she said. 
Ijustwannadance poured fuel on the flames by bringing up the idea of an affair. 
'Just a thought, but maybe the photos weren't meant for your father-in-law,' she said. 'She could've been sexting someone else.
'Delete the photos. Don't put that horror on poor Tesco techy or other unsuspecting family members who may be getting a copy of the disc given to them. Then you might need some therapy.'  
PikachuBoo tried to make things a little better by suggesting she'd taken the photos for medical reasons.  
'Maybe she was examining a sore patch or something?' she said.
'I've photographed my sore vulva on a number of occasions to see what's going on, or to see how something progresses over few days. I hope to hell I've deleted them all.'
Pictis, however, had very little sympathy for the situation. 
'Your mil would be mortified if she knew. You're being a bit childish sorry to say,' she commented. 'It was a massive oversight on her part, just be dignified and forget about it.'  
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Say You Won't Let Go

James Arthur

One grandmother has been called 'weird' for walking around naked in front of her seven and 12-year-old grandsons.

A mum has sparked a fiery debate online after she asked whether it was appropriate for her mother-in-law to walk around naked in front of her seven and 12-year-old sons.
The Mumsnet user - known as 'Wrongintherightway' - told a story where her husband’s mother had offered to look after her kids for a few hours in the school holidays.
But while she was grateful for the help with childcare, she was left confused when her young sons came home and revealed their grandma had been walking around the house naked.
She wrote on the forum: “They came home and said gran was walking round naked! It turns out she had gone for a mid morning shower and was walking about naked (indoors obvs).”
Before asking fellow parents: “Am I being unreasonable to think this is not acceptable?”
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And people were quick to give their opinions, with many divided over the post.
“Not appropriate in my opinion, not at those ages. How hard is it to wrap a towel around yourself?” blasted one person.
Another agreed: “I don't think it's on especially for the 12 year old a bit embarrassing that she would do that.”
And a third reasoned: “I think she should have anticipated that 12 yr old may have been uncomfortable if that’s not the done thing in your family but fully depends on whether she got caught short without a towel and didn't think they'd see her or was wandering around.”
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Although many disagreed, with one hitting back: “What is your concern?? On the face of it I'd say you are being unreasonable.”
A second then went on to explain: "I'm naked in front of my 12 year old sometimes.. I don’t flaunt anything but neither do I hide away like natural nudity is shameful."
But while a few users insisted being naked is “totally normal” the large majority thought it was “weird” and “unnecessary”.
One particularly passionate parent added: "It’s definitely not appropriate. If this was a male in front of his 12-year-old granddaughter you’d all be mortified."

TSA to My Mother-in-Law: 'There's an Anomaly in the Crotch Area'
A freshman Republican from Texas says the TSA got a little too friendly during a recent pat-down in San Antonio -- leading to an exchange where the congressman and the TSA agent wanted each other arrested for assault. Last week, a TSA agent at San Antonio International Airport patted down Francisco "Quico" Canseco, who sits on the House Financial Services Committee. The agent, Canseco told POLITICO, was so aggressive in his pat-down that Canseco ended up batting the agent's hand away. "As he was moving up my leg, he moved his hand aggressively up to my crotch and he hurt me," Canseco said. "The natural reaction is when someone goes for your crotch and it hurts, you're going to pull back -- and my right arm came down and moved away his hand briskly." That's when the agent stopped the whole process, Canseco said. "As I moved his hand away, he claims, 'I've been assaulted, I've been assaulted,'" he said. The agent then called the police over and asked them to arrest the lawmaker. "I told him, 'Hey, I'm the guy who was assaulted,'" Canseco said. It took 20 minutes for police to untangle the spat, but no charges were filed and no citations were issued. But the story doesn't end there, Canseco said. Earlier this week, he was patted down again in San Antonio.
Okay, I now have definitive proof that al Qaeda has actually won. It hasn't achieved the dissolution of the United States, or succeeded in murdering millions of Americans, or re-established the Caliphate, but it has caused our government to debase itself in the name of security. To wit:
My mother-in-law was traveling home to Rhode Island from Washington Reagan airport this past Tuesday night when, passing through the TSA naked-porno machine, she triggered an alarm.
A bit of background before I continue: My mother-in-law, though youthful in outlook and an all-around very attractive person, is also 79-years-old, 4'11" if she's lucky, and weighs about 110 pounds. She was in Washington to visit her grandchildren, and to lobby the Rhode Island congressional delegation as part of the American Library Association's National Library Legislative Day. She is not a threatening person, in appearance or demeanor. I don't know this for sure, but I think she was probably carrying a library tote bag of some sort -- or perhaps it was an NPR tote bag -- as she approached the security checkpoint. A general rule: terrorists don't carry tote bags.
She entered the machine and struck the humiliating pose one is forced to strike -- hands up, as i
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