Nude Kid Girls Porn Pics

Nude Kid Girls Porn Pics


Nude Kid Girls Porn Pics

↑ 1 2 Back in booming Lolita City: the online child pornography community is thriving (неопр.) (недоступная ссылка) . (6 июня 2013). Дата обращения: 7 июня 2013. Архивировано 4 декабря 2013 года.

↑ 18 USC § 2256 - Definitions for chapter (неопр.) (недоступная ссылка) . Legal Information Institute (6 февраля 2013). Дата обращения: 13 июня 2013. Архивировано 2 сентября 2013 года.

↑ Coroners and Justice Act 2009 Part 2 Chapter 2 "Images of Children" (неопр.) (недоступная ссылка) . (2009). Дата обращения: 13 июня 2013. Архивировано 2 сентября 2013 года.

↑ 1 2 Gallagher, Sean Anonymous takes down darknet child porn site on Tor network (неопр.) (недоступная ссылка) . Ars Technica (23 октября 2011). Дата обращения: 10 февраля 2012. Архивировано 2 сентября 2013 года.

↑ Liebowitz, Matt Anonymous releases IP addresses of alleged child porn viewers (неопр.) (недоступная ссылка) . (3 ноября 2011). Дата обращения: 25 января 2012. Архивировано 2 сентября 2013 года.

↑ Leyden, John Anonymous shuts down hidden child abuse hub (неопр.) (недоступная ссылка) . The Register (24 октября 2011). Дата обращения: 25 января 2012. Архивировано 2 сентября 2013 года.

↑ Child pornography website back online and booming (неопр.) (недоступная ссылка) . Дата обращения: 6 августа 2013. Архивировано 26 июля 2013 года.

↑ Back in booming Lolita City: the online child pornography community is thriving Архивная копия от 8 августа 2013 на Wayback Machine Архивировано 8 августа 2013 года.

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Lolita City — веб-сайт, находившийся в зоне .onion анонимной сети Tor . Сайт представлял собой онлайн-галерею детской порнографии с фотографиями моделей женского и мужского пола от младенческого до 17-летнего возраста [1] (18 лет является минимальным легальным возрастом моделей для съёмок в порнографии в большинстве стран мира) [2] [3] .

Lolita City являлся скрытым сервисом сети Tor и был доступен через псевдодомен верхнего уровня .onion [4] . Как и на сайтах со взрослой порнографией, на Lolita City была возможность создавать и пополнять подборки конкретных моделей для удобства их поклонников. Некоторые авторы фотографий — профессионалы, другие — любители.

Сайт содержал как эротические изображения, так и жёсткое порно , возраст моделей колебался от 0 до 17 лет. На июль 2013 года сайт содержал около 1,4 миллиона изображений. Возможность просматривать и загружать видео появилась в ноябре 2012 года [1] .

Сайт обладал широким функционалом и позволял загружать фотографии или видео, отправлять личные сообщения, ставить теги, добавлять в избранное, искать по картинке, комментировать. Также на сайте был дискуссионный форум.

В октябре 2011 года участники движения « Анонимус » начали операцию Darknet в попытке нарушить работу сайтов с детской порнографией сети Tor [5] , опубликовав на Pastebin список, утверждая, что в нём содержатся логины 1589 пользователей Lolita City. «Анонимус» заявили, что они обнаружили сайт на сервисе The Hidden Wiki и о содержании на нём более 100 гигабайт детской порнографии. Lolita City на короткое время стала недоступной из-за предпринятой ими DDoS-атаки [4] [6] . В результате широкой огласки акции «Анонимус» в СМИ возник эффект Стрейзанд и популярность Lolita City возросла многократно [7] [8] .

В 2013 году, после ареста владельца хостинга , ФБР внедрило на сайт 0day - эксплоит , использующий javascript - уязвимости в Windows -версии Tor Browser , базирующемся на Firefox 17 ESR с целью деанонимизации посетителей.

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The father was confronted by another swimmer for his 'inappropriate' behaviour. But his wife says he did absolutely nothing wrong.
Pip Christmass / Parenting / Updated 19.01.2021
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A dad has been shamed for showering naked with his six-year-old daughter after a swim at a local public pool.
The wife of the man took to Kidspot to share the altercation between the dad and another man in at the pool’s change rooms.
The dad Kyle had gone swimming with his daughter Isla (not their real names) on a hot day.
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Everything went along wonderfully until it was time to get out of the pool and have a quick shower before heading home.
“Kyle collected the bags and towels and ushered Isla into the men’s change room to have a quick shower and get dressed,” the mum wrote.
The change rooms were empty so Kyle decided it would be OK for him and Isla to have a quick shower to wash off the chlorine and for him to wash Isla’s hair.
“But as they stood together under the water, a man in his 50s walked into the change room and saw them,” the mum wrote.
Kyle saw the man’s “disgusted” look before the man in his 50s spoke up.
“Not really the right place for your daughter, is it?” the man said.
“This is the male change room, not the female. She shouldn’t be showering like that in here.”
Kyle was in a state of “shock” at the man’s comments, his wife said.
They quickly got out of the shower, got dressed and left.
Back at home, Kyle discussed the incident with his wife, who became “absolutely infuriated.”
“He asked me if I thought that him showering naked with Isla was inappropriate in the men’s change room,” she wrote.
“He explained that while he hadn’t given it a second thought at the time, now he was second-guessing himself and his decision to do it.”
But Isla’s mum said it was a completely “normal and practical” thing to do.
“Not only was I infuriated that this man has made this remark to a father caring for his daughter, but infuriated that now my husband was insecure in his own parenting abilities and the decision he made,” she wrote.
“How is a father helping his six-year-old daughter shower in a changeroom after a swim wrong?”
" ‘How is a father helping his six-year-old daughter shower in a changeroom after a swim wrong?’ "
The mum pointed out that Isla, at six years old, was too young to be sent off to the female change room by herself and it was the most “responsible” option for Kyle to have taken her with him.
“I understand that everyone comes with their own views and beliefs and perhaps if Isla was older ... I would have understood where this man was coming from,” she wrote.
“But she is a six-year-old girl - and nothing about her using a public changeroom, even if it is the men’s, with her father, is wrong.”

9yr old daughter started masturbating?
Hello, just recently my daughter has started masturbating in the shower. This really bothers me and I don't know how to handle it or what to say to her. I want to be open and honest and I want her to know that she can talk to me but I don't know where to start with this one. Is it normal?
Yes, totally normal. I personally would just leave it as probing her further may just end up needlessly embarrassing her. It's perfectly normal to explore your own body, why does it bother you? Can I just ask (out of nosiness) how you know she is doing it?
How do you know?! Id say its normal x
Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
Bless her she must have been mortified when you walked in. I am almost certain I did it at that age, I have done it for as long as I can actually remember (and there's definitely nothing wrong with me ). The important thing is that she shouldn't feel it's something to be ashamed of. Perfectly normal and absolutely fine to do privately.
Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
It shouldn't bother you as this is totally normal. Children as young as six learn to masturbate. It's wrong to associate masturbation with adulthood and sex because it's not quite the same.
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Oh goodness. My daughter is 9 and hadn't given it a thought! I remember my mum walking in on me, on the floor, rubbing myself against a cushion!! It was never mentioned though. X
Oh gosh.... I hope my 9yr old isn't doing such things... She still seems so young. Although she bathes with her younger siblings with the door open.... Feeling your anxiety. X
I have a 9 and 11 yr old daughters,and was cort masturbating by my 9 year old.i didn't realize she was stood watching,and now I've seen her masturbating!I feel so guilty thinking its my fault:(
Don't make an issue of it. Somebody a while ago talked about a 'growing up box' which I plan to so for my two girls soon. It included books about sex and biology, sanitary towels etc... Maybe just do something like that and offer her the choice to come to you with any questions...
What is it that you are worried about? This is perfectly normal behaviour.
Oh gosh.... I hope my 9yr old isn't doing such things... She still seems so young. Although she bathes with her younger siblings with the door open.... Feeling your anxiety. X
Not a very helpful comment - it's perfectly normal behaviour
Maybe not helpful, but a scary thought none-the-less...
Maybe not helpful, but a scary thought none-the-less...
My eldest is 9 i wouldnt feel comfortable knowing that either. How do you know she does this? and does she just touch her bits or actually masterbate? i wouldnt have known how to at 9
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12 yr old daughter has had sex. Help!!!
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