Nude In The House

Nude In The House


Nude In The House

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We love how these Relax, Unwind signs encourage everyone to feel comfortable about nudity at home.
This sign wants you to know that family nudity is FINE
Get this pillow is available on Etsy.
This doormat makes it clear that being unclothed at home is totally ok

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I have always been a “nudie booty” in my own home. I would come home from work or class and just shed my clothes.
It’s not so much that I dislike clothes; I actually love them quite a bit. I love to be able to express myself with my wardrobe, but when I want to relax, I don’t want anything to do with them.
Not even underwear. Nudie Booty! I just like nudity at home.
My husband had always liked it in the past. He’d come home from a long day at work to find his bare girlfriend sitting at her computer playing World of Warcraft , or his disrobed pregnant wife sleeping on the couch. It was my own body, and it wasn’t a secret.
He even thought it was cute after our first son was born to find the two of us fresh from the bath, napping in the bed.
Not too long after the big gender reveal of our latest pregnancy, my husband came home and found me and our son, playing in the bathtub together.
He very calmly said “Don’t you think you should start covering up around him? He’s getting a little old for that.”
I just brushed it off saying that our two-year-old didn’t care or understand just yet.
Our youngest son is about to turn one. Our oldest son is just over three, and well aware of the differences between my body parts and his and his brother’s.
The thought of my nudity at home around our sons has stirred up a sense of panic in my husband again.
He uses words like “appropriate” and “decent” and “private parts” to try to justify my need for covering up. I guess I still don’t really get it — why I, as their mother, would need to cover up around my sons.
Husband and I had a long talk about it one night because I honestly don’t understand his problem with my being bare around our boys and he rebutted that he didn’t understand why it was such a big deal to me.
I told him I’d think about it and get back to him.
Why should I hide my very real body from my sons? They’re going to be accosted by images of perfectly Photoshopped and smooth women their entire lives.
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to show them, starting from a young age, what one real woman’s body looks like? A size 10, saggy belly, dimply, stretch-marked, real and very imperfect body.
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to show them that bodies are nothing to be ashamed of? That just because you’re not what our society deems as perfect doesn’t mean you should be ashamed of your body. This is part of modeling health body image.
I want them to see their bodies as instruments, not ornaments. Finely tuned machines that need to be treated well to run well with good clean fuel and plenty of exercise. To make them want to do all these things because they want to be healthy, not just skinny.
I want them to respect all shapes, sizes, and colors of people’s bodies for more than just their aesthetic appeal. To realize that there is much more to a woman (or any person) than just her physical body.
I feel like not changing who I am, not hiding my body or being ashamed of my body will be a good foundation and example to point my sons into this direction.
Of course, I do realize there will probably come a time when being around a noody-booty mommy will embarrass one or both of my boys, and when the time comes that one of them asks me to cover up, I will.
But for now, while they still have innocent pliable minds, I think my nooty booty will do them more good than harm.
And now, courtesy of SP Families , I offer this reading list for other parents who want to raise children who aren’t afraid of nudity:
Is there a bed frame that won't betray the frantic motions on the mattress above? I guess what I'm saying is.. How can I make my bed more quiet during sex?!
A 24-year-old novice gardener, hobby painter, and mom of two very rambunctious little boys living and working with the husband to make it in this crazy world and teach our children what's really important in life.
Oh wow, I don’t know where to begin agreeing with and encouraging you!
My parents and brother and I have always walked around the house (well okay, not in front of windows and front doors etc, but to and from the shower and such) in the nude – how very European of us – and I’m certain that (of course among other things) has had a positive effect on how we’ve gone about dating and the opposite sex, like there was less fear of the unknown, if that makes sense?
Anita, Like you , I was raised in a family where nudity was fine. I have two brothers and they seen me and my mother completely nude almost every day until they moved from home. We lived in a rural area with no close neighbors, so we often went nude outdoors. I loved the openness of nudity and am continuing that type of life. I feel like my mother was very smart by making sure we were very open that way. Of course we covered up if anyone came around, my mother was a very attractive woman and she would have had a yard full of admirers if she didn’t.
Hum… that’s given me something to think about. I am not a nude person, but I do often wander around in just undies and a tank in our house, and my daughter can do the same around bed time. You also have to go through my room to get to the bathroom or her room, so she often sees me after my shower, or in the throws of getting dressed.
I ask for privacy while naked naked, just because I feel it right for me, but I’ve wondered about our “pantsless” attitude for a while. I like your comment that there is nothing wrong with a child seeing a real body.
You’re right: you should stop walking around naked in front of your sons when they express discomfort with it. Typically, that begins to happen around age six, but everyone’s different.
Actually, this doesn’t “typically” happen unless or until children are taught to be uncomfortable around nudity, either by their parents, other adults or kids in their lives, or society in general. Being uncomfortable with nudity is not a natural human condition – it is a social artifact.
Eh, that’s not totally true. Around 4-5, young kids start to recognize that we wear clothes all the time. If confronted with someone who doesn’t – they will typically respond in one of three ways – be okay, be indifferent, or be uncomfortable (not because of the nudity per se, but because the behavior is counter to their every day experiences). And it’s totally okay to not want the world to see your body.
But again, wearing clothes all the time is historically and culturally bound. A person (children are people too) who is accustomed to seeing the body as normal and not something secret or to be hidden is less likely to feel uncomfortable about bodies.
Mhm. Also, there were and are many cultures where people wear little or no clothing, at least part of the year, and no one gets embarrassed about it because that is the cultural norm.
But agreed that it is ok to not want to have your body seen.
Agree entirely. However, feeling uncomfortable, though a social construct, is a real phenomena. So unless we are going to set up an alternative society, we have to accept that our kids will pick up many of the ‘norms’ out there – and we have to go with it, or risk making them feel uncomfortably different. Having said that, many families here in Europe go topless/nude on holiday together, with no problems at all because everyone is cool about it.
It didn’t happen in my house growing up…ever. And my own boys are 18 and 16 and while they don’t walk around nude (but one sleeps nude and is nude a lot in his own room), they haven’t YET expressed concern with much nudity. They still come talk to me in the shower or if I’m changing. I nurse their toddler and infant brothers openly.
And a breastfeeding woman gives them no pause at all.
My son is odd then, I guess. He’ll be 11 and this month and still doesn’t care if anyone else is naked. For a weird twist though, he doesn’t like to be naked himself. *shrugs* To each their own!
I gotta say…I am a bit uncomfortable with the idea that children should dictate how their parents choose to dress (or undress, as the case may be). It’s one thing if you refuse to put clothes on when their friends come over or something, but if they’ve grown up around you being naked all the time, I don’t see why you can’t continue to do it.
I think it would have really upset me as an adult to learn that my parent(s) had stopped doing something they really enjoyed, purely on my account.
One thing you might be missing is–if the parents disagree, the kids pick up on that. My dad used to shower with me and my sister, and I was old enough to remember, but it was great, because showering with daddy was fun! He showed me how to shave (I’m a girl, but he showed me anyway) and we sang songs and stuff and it was the best thing ever. Also, we had a shower with a ledge I could sit on, so we were almost at eye-level. Had I been at exactly crotch-height, it might not have been so cool. I don’t know.
And then… he refused to put anything on in hot tubs, or when transferring from the shower to the bedroom, even though my mom asked him to. She was clearly uncomfortable, my sister was uncomfortable, and their discomfort made me uncomfortable, but I didn’t say anything. Because of social pressure to Be Cool.
It got more and more uncool as we got older, too, but I kept on not saying anything. I’m assuming Krystal isn’t a self-centered idiot like my dad, so I guess I’m just saying you gotta watch out and be sensitive to your children’s averted eyes and fake smiles. I’m sure you’ll make the right choice for your family. And even if you don’t, your boys will still be fine.
My boy is seven and we are both still very comfortably nude around each other. It will stop as soon as he tells me he’s uncomfortable with it. So far, he doesn’t give a toss, and it’s teaching him a lot of good things about body image.
As a son, my step mom enjoyed keeping me nude. That way she got closer to me. We started kissing each other. Sometimes i felt erect but she was least bothered. I always feel like hugging and liplocking her.
Sounds like you had a good relationship with your step mom, nothing wrong with being naked together. I bathed with my own mom from being a toddler until I was 15/16 and it got a bit tight for both of us to get into the tub, I never felt embarrassed or threatened we would help each other to wash and never had a problem with touching each others intimate parts, I grew up respecting the female form.
As mom got older she had problems with Arthritis and found it hard to get in and out of the bath tub, so I used to help her, by this time I was in my 40’s neither of us were embarrassed and I used to get naked to help her so’s not to get drenched when I helped her back out of the tub, over the years she had seen me get erections as a young guy and as I got older when I used to help her and it never worried either of us, she just took it to be the natural thing. After all she had washed it for me often enough when I was growing up and in my teens, so she was used to seeing it just as I was used to seeing her.
I like to sleep with just panties on, and I’ve always wondered if I would continue doing that when my baby is older. My husband is not as offbeat as I am, and I could see him making similar comments to me like the author’s husband did with her. This article has given me something to think about!
As a side note, I’m glad to see I’m not the only girl who has played World of Warcraft in the nude! Woo!
Haha, I’ve played Guild Wars and GW2 nude. I don’t play WoW because I find it too much of a grind, but everyone’s different. I’d like to think my nudie…or at least topless ways won’t change too much when I have kids, but I’ll play it by ear when the time comes.
My parents never walked around naked when I was little, but they did always sleep naked. This actually kept me from going to them if I was sick or scared in the middle of the night. I didn’t know what sex was, but I just knew that there could be things I shouldn’t see going on, and I wasn’t comfortable going into their bedroom. This was not something I ever vocalized to either of them. As an about-to-be Mama, I plan on always sleeping in at least a top and underwear. Just something to think about.
As a counter point, if your parents had walked around naked, you probably wouldn’t have thought that nudity was synonymous with things that children shouldn’t see. Food for thought.
Honestly, though, I think it depends entirely on how much and how early your child is exposed to the rest of society, and non-kid movies. I grew up with tons of adults as friends, and always watched movies with my family, no matter what the rating. I’m pretty sure by the time i was 5 I was highly aware of how society views nakedness, and I was on board with them already. I know that nude parents would have mitigated that a little, but likely not for very long.
My mom was a total nudie growing up, and I never wore shirts at home until I was at least 7. I routinely watched movies up to an R rating starting when I was like…5. I already knew that outside of the house, I was supposed to wear clothes, but I also knew that TV was “just pretend.” I have always had a really healthy body image and I feel like it comes from my mom’s comfort in her own “imperfect” skin.
I was exposed to a decent amount of society early with brothers so much older than I. Around 6 or 7, my mom started making me wear at least an undershirt, but that didn’t stop me from stripping my t-shirt off in the living room of a friends house once. I just didn’t understand what the big deal was about girls not wearing shirts. Boys didn’t have to wear shirts, I didn’t see why I had to. However, I’ve known guys that will not strip their shirt off in public, or outside, regardless of how hot they are. Some people are comfortable nude, or partially nude, and others aren’t and never will be.
It’s true! My parents were sometimes naked during the day, so when they slept naked, it seemed normal to us, and we just climbed right in.
I’ve been naked at 339 pounds in front of my son and at 129 pounds. I’ve been naked at 25 in front of my son and I’ve been naked at 49 in front of him. Now, I admit, I don’t lounge around naked, but I don’t do that alone either. I do however lounge around in panties and a bra. I also drop the towel and get dressed when my son is in the room. [At some point I started turning away from him whilst I was getting dressed, but I never stopped dropping the towel.] He’s never asked me to cover up and I never thought to ask him if he’d like me to. I can’t even remember when the last time was that I shut the door to my bedroom. He comes in and out whenever he pleases. Heck, quite often he’ll even come in the bathroom while I’m in the bath and have a chat. Bodies are just bodies.
And I bet when you’re old and he’s the one who has to take care of you, maybe help you out of the tub, you’ll be glad that the nudity issue isn’t one you need to “get over” between the two of you.
I showered with my mom pretty late (I’m a cis*girl), but she would get laundry out of the dryer–in the kitchen, at the extreme opposite end of the house from her bedroom–including bras, running out in nothing but underwear to do so. And let’s just say, these were not underwear that left anything to the imagination. My dad was known to lounge in boxers during warmer months, and if I wandered around in a tank top and underwear during the summer, no one ever said word one about it. My brother wasn’t one to do so, but he never said anything so it was a totally personal decision in our house. Full nudity seemed to be a little passe, but underwear was fair game.
Bonus, if a man from our family sat wrong in a kilt, it wasn’t a big deal, even as an awkward teenager. A simple reminder to “check your sporran” is all that’s needed to avoid continued up-skirt shots of the family jewels.
My brother and I grew up with a very open mother. I must say that even as we got into teen years and beyond my brother and I would both end up having our deepest conversations with her as she soaked in the bathtub. I don’t know if it fostered a positive body image onto us because I’d say we both lack in that department. I would say it creates a special bond and drops social barriers to let a wonderful relationship flourish. I am and my fiancé is a nudie booty as well and we are not small people, I hope to be open the same way my mother was with me with the child growing inside me right now. Good job for standing your ground, allow your husband time but do try to get him to understand the importance of such a great relationship you will have with your sons!
There are two points here, of which only one was acknowledged at the conclusion: awareness of awkwardness in someone who isn’t explicitly saying anything to that effect.
However, you were quite aware that your awkwardness was generated by the other two members of your family who had an issue.
One can easily infer that the dad ought to have been more mindful of your growing discomfort and adapted accordingly. But it’s the mother in your case who wasn’t able to be aware enough to appreciate the affect her emotions were weighing upon you, and as a result, ended up turning something innocent and enjoyable and unharmful into an experience that is sounding more distasteful than it should have been. It’s also something most people will immediately say reflects poorly on the father–a man–who should not be “inappropriately” exposing himself to a growing female child. Of course, that is ridiculous and is based on a predicate that most dads abuse their daughters, which we all know isn’t the case.
But no one pauses to think about the damage caused by the mother creating an issue where there was none previously, and the last effect of it. I’m not suggesting it’s in any way destroyed your life, but it doesn’t sound like it’s instilled a sense of positivity or even nonchalant indifference about the general possibilities of fathers and daughters being naked together without it being weird or uncomfortable.
Most people tend to feel a bit of that, and it’s always something imposed upon us rather than a natural barrier that is meant to stop sex within families. The only way this ends up happening is by the fetishising of a situation or act that everyone around a person believes is wrong or puts measures in place to actively prevent it, hence the excitement for some in circumventing these measures in order to break the rules and go against the norm. It’s the mechanism behind lots of paraphilias, such as scat, and is reliant upon a child being raised to view two separate activities as each being undesirable, th
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