Nude Boys Swimming

Nude Boys Swimming


Nude Boys Swimming
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The following news articles and photos are taken from historic archives of well know magazines and newspapers. They were originally published to be viewed by the general public regardless of age. There are literally hundreds of period specific articles we could post that discussed school or public recreation programs wherein boys were required to swim nude as opposed to the girls, who always wore suits. Prior to the 1970s, this was standard practice and thus, such articles are unremarkable and restate the obvious. Articles we have posted here demonstrate double-standards in that they show young male nudity in public newspapers and magazines, or, evidence mixed-gender access to the swim areas while the boys conducted the courses in the nude.
LIFE Magazine; Jan. 13, 1941. "Democracy in US Schools" , p. 66. (click on image to enlarge for reading)These photos were printed in a 1941 edition of LIFE. The fact that this family magazine was sold to the public on virtually ever newsstand in America is very telling of the culture of the day. Taking a camera into a boys' locker room at school and photographing teenage boys completely naked while showering, then, printing that photo taking up an entire half page for the world to look at was consider perfectly appropriate. The published letters to the editor immediately subsequent to this edition never revealed any reader voicing concern about it. But there is little doubt that had the photograph been taken in the girls' showers showing them stark naked, it never would have been printed anywhere. This clearly evidences a double-standard that reaches well into the 20th century.
1926 Ironwood Daily Globe (click on image to enlarge for reading)In this press release by the district's superintendent, it is clear that the policy for boys to swim completely naked in many programs was not optional but mandatory, all the while girls always wore suits. It states: "Boys shall not be permitted to use suits while swimming. Girls must wear swimming suits preferably of cotton. All instructors in charge of classes consisting of either boys or girls shall wear swimming suits." Also note that the superintendent addresses the issue that swim instructors must contact him immediately if they cannot make their class as he will provide a substitute. Reports from men that once attended such classes tell of stories wherein their normal instructor was unavailable, and the substitute teacher was the female instructor that typically taught the girls' classes.
1940 Sheboygan Press (click on image to enlarge for reading)The dichotomy in standards between boys and girls is emphasized in this 1940 edition of a Wisconsin newspaper. The large print photos, which took up nearly a quarter of the city's daily newspaper, clearly showed nude boys in their swim class with one boy shown on the diving board stark naked from head to foot. Further, not only did the editors provide the boys name, but his street address. The girls are of course clothed in the photo. "There's one striking difference between the boys and girls at the recreation department's swimming classes in Central High on Saturday mornings. The girls wear suits. The boys pretend that the pool is some "ol' swimmin' hole" and go in minus everything except their dignity. The two pictures above were taken at the classes last Saturday morning, the girls at 8:30, the boys at 10:30 o'clock. Instructor Howard Rich has Victor (Chink) Relnholtz, 1530 St. Clair avenue, demonstrate correct diving technique for his fellow swimmers in the picture of the boys. The girls on the diving board in the other picture are, left to right: Doris Dottel, 1603 N. Twelfth street; Marion Frantz, 1916 S. Fourteenth street, and Joan Mahnke, 1014 Cooper avenue. In the background are Howard Rich, instructor, and Harry Emtgh, recreation director, standing among theother girls, โ€”Press photos."
The Appleton Post, 1961 (click on image to enlarge for reading)As time progressed, many parents became increasingly concerned about the policies requiring boys to swim nude. One school district was hit by a petition from parents demanding the school remove the policy. As part of its due diligence, the school district surveyed 34 schools, and of the 31 that responded, 20 had a policy requiring all boys to swim in the nude whereas girls wore suits. This would suggest that at the time, about two-thirds of all schools with swim programs had the full nudity requirement for all boys. However, this statistic is skewed as those schools that allowed boys to wear suits all had pools that were indoor-outdoor in nature, or observable from the girls' locker rooms. Thus, for the one-third of the schools that did not have the swimsuit prohibition for boys, in all cases the reasons were based upon architectural design and placement of the pool, not about the exposure of the boys' naked bodies. This implies that had those schools had similar indoor pool arrangements as the majority, they too would have had the nudity policy as well. From this we can deduce that almost all schools that had indoor pools during that era had the standard policy requiring boys to swim nude while girls were provided suits.Another matter that this article exposes is that although filtration may have been an issue at one time, despite the improvements in technology by the date of this article, boys were still required to swim nude for different
Janesville Daily Gazette, 1967 (click on image to enlarge for reading)The article to the left in yet another Wisconsin publication gives us an indication as to the changing times. In 1962, the American Public Health Association, which set health standards for many associations such as the YMCA and public schools, dropped the nude swimming recommendation because it was no longer needed to preserve public health. This insight is important because it underscores why male nude swimming was recommended and required for more than 50 years. In the article, Marshall Junior High School considers whether it should reverse its 44-year policy of mandatory nude swimming for boys since the pool was built in 1923, despite girls always wearing suits during this same period. The arguments concerning antiquated filtering systems were no longer valid given the new filtration systems, and, the fact that suits were now being made from synthetic (lint-free) fibers.
Despite these revelations, the school administration was still reluctant to change the long tradition where boys were always expected to participate in all swim classes completely naked. One has to ponder why it was that even when there was no longer any logical reasons for boys to be required to participate in swim classes naked, many administrators, teachers and parents still fought to assure the customary requirement remained.
Were females ever present during swim classes?
Posts by those that lived during this period found on forums and discussion boards are consistent with their agreement that it was more common than not for swimming programs to require boys to swim nude whereas girls were always clothed. What is not consistent with these stories and often debated is whether females were allowed into the pool area while the boys were swimming in the nude.
But the debate is not so clear-cut as to which view is more accurate. To accurately understand history, when studying culture of past eras, one must disassociate their self from current cultural norms. For instance, the concept of human slavery or women not being allowed to vote are abominable in accordance with today's standards, but they are truthful relics of an ugly past. And today, such matters as female reporters in men's locker rooms or female guards monitoring the showers at men's correctional institutions would be equally as abominable if those in previous eras were presented that reality. So it is a small reach to think that during a period of time when men and boys swam nude that in some uncommon situations, women were allowed to either teach swim courses to naked boys, or, families allowed to watch swim meets when the boys swam au natural.
And even within our recent past we see how attitudes have changed. In 1960, Walt Disney produced the G-rated Polyanna, and in the opening shot are naked boys swimming in the river with one boy on a rope swing being shown naked from head to foot:
This tells us that watching naked boys swimming was deemed acceptable for everyone, regardless of the age or gender of those watching. This is also as evidenced in the 1940 Sheboygan Press and Life Magazine photos above, which clearly view publishing photographs of completely naked boys in swim classes was acceptable for wide circulation without restrictions. Given this culture of that era, one begins to give more credence to those men that claim that during that same era, they participated in swim classes and swim meets in the nude while females were in the audience watching and/or, even their swim instructors may have been female. The age level of the boys at which time it might have no longer been deemed acceptable in various communities is still uncertain, but presented herein is enough factual, authenticated news articles, photos and accounts that evidence that indeed, mixed-gender observation of boys of all ages swim and compete in the nude did indeed occur, and was not isolated to a few rare accounts.
We found one blog on a Fargo, North Dakota public high school site wherein folks that went there in the 50s and 60s retold stories of their experiences. The stories were consistent with nudity requirement only for boys whereas girls wore suits. But What was also interesting was the posts by some of the women that talked about how the girls' locker room doors emptied onto the pool area, and the cracks in the door were wide enough to allow the girls to peek in while they routinely would enjoy watching the boys line up for role call naked, and, that their female instructors found no issue with them doing just that. Such stories are numerous, and several have been posted herein on our "Stories" page. However, they do not answer a more perplexing question, and that is - were females ever allowed into the swimming areas at the same time boys were conducting nude swim classes? Anecdotal stories posted by male bloggers have been found where they vehemently swear that, yes, they had female swim instructors while they conducted their swim classes in the nude. Others profess that there were parents nights and swim meets wherein parents were allowed to watch the boys demonstrate their swimming skills and/or compete while the swam in the nude, and, that these parents might bring the boys' female siblings to watch as well.
Finding articles that specifically state there were females in the swimming area while the boys swam nude are rare to find. The preponderance of articles and stories all seem to indicate that in most situations, when boys were taking swimming courses in the nude, they were routinely taught by male instructors, and females entering the pool area was not permitted. However, after exhaustive research, we did find several verified published news articles and accounts that would evidence there were in a number of instances times whereby the boys were swimming nude and while parents and siblings watched, or alternative, the boys were taught by female instructors.
It should be noted that virtually all YMCAs, Boys Clubs, numerous community athletic facilities and many public school with pools followed guidelines for proper and safe management of pools set by the American Public Health Association, a Washington DC based public health professionals organization founded in 1872. In 1926, the APHA adopted guidelines about swimming attire that indicated that because fibers clogged filters, bacteria count escalated and therefore all males using pools should bathe before entering and not be permitted to wear anything whatsoever, and that females should only wear suits that were not dyed. Neither the APHA guidelines nor any published policies for public swimming facilities discuss reasons for the double-standard as to why it was mandatory for boys to swim naked whereas girls were always allowed to wear swimsuits, but this must be taken in context with other double standards of that era such as African-Americans being denied use of certain public facilities in certain areas or social pressures on females against attaining management roles in companies.
The APHA guidelines that mandated nudity for males while swimming was an important consideration in this discussion. For a public institution to stray away from APHA guidelines exposed them to liability for not following established safe practices for maintaining a healthy environment. Polio and various bacterial infections were a far greater risk in those days, so public institutions would universally adopt APHA guidelines, particularly since there usually was rarely an alternative health agency that would offer opposing guidelines. Like so much else with this subject matter, the level of compliance to APHA guidelines was inconsistent across various public institutions with some having a more flexible interpretation of the guidelines while others while others were far more rigidly bureaucratic enforcing the guidelines at all times absent any exceptions. For those institutions that required full compliance to APHA guidelines at all times as shown on a number of news articles and "Learn-to-Swim" ads, and, when those institutions also indicated in such articles that there were female instructors and/or families would be invited the final swim meet wherein the boys received their certifications, it is one-step short of being conclusive that females were allowed in the pool area to observe the boys swimming while nude. Although this assertion is not an overarching conclusion about mixed-gender presence during this swim classes, given the evidence and when taking everything into consideration, the anecdotal stories by men who swam nude during that era that claim there were women and girls in the pool area is plausible in many cases.
The APHA guidelines recommending nude male swimming remained in effect until filtration systems had so improved that the guideline was no longer necessary, with the official change occurring in 1962 . However, the long held practice of nude male swimming had been around for well over a century. Many public institutions did not want to invest money into providing and maintaining swimsuits for the boys, and news articles published during that era discuss the debates during school board meetings regarding the matter with the policy of continued nude male swimming being kept despite APHA rescinding the recommendation. Evidence shows that the policy for nude male swimming continued throughout the 1970s at many public schools.
It should be noted that many of the news articles on our site come from Sheboygan, Wisconsin. The reason being is not that this one city was anomalous in swimming practices of boys, but that their main newspaper has been one of the most prolific in using optical character recognition ("OCR") and making their digital database part of the free public domain (you can read more about this on our "Process for Research" page). Thus, search engines seem to love this particular newspaper and provides us a plethora of related hits. It also makes us wonder what is still out there in the oceans of inaccessible newspaper databases yet to be OCR digitized and made available absent paid subscription to that news source. Over time, we anticipate more and more articles and documented evidence to find their way onto our website, so please help us keep looking!
So, given the wealth of information from the Sheboygan Press, the city's main newspaper, we focused on a number of articles that occurred over a span of several years featuring the "Learn to Swim" program sponsored by the Department of Public Recreation, an overarching municipal agency that encompassed all schools. What was clearly evidenced is that all articles we found over the span of years searched required the boys to swim nude whereas the girls work tank suits supplied by the department. Such policies are also evidenced well in many articles concerning the YMCA "Learn to Swim" program as well. And interestingly, we have found several instances where these same classes had female instructors teaching courses for boys while, yes, boys were to swim nude.
But again, if one wants to get a full, truthful understanding of all of this, they need to consider the era and culture surrounding this practice. One only needs to read the syndicated columns of Dear Abby, Ann Landers and others that are presented on a dedicated page of this site to gain a better grasp of the culture during this period. There are a number of women writing Abby, Ann and others addressing a common practice of having the boys swim naked in backyard pools and lake houses around girls their same age, including instances where the boys were as old as 13. In fact, one mother felt the boys should not be allowed to "keep their secrets" from the girls, meaning she felt the girls had a right to satiate their curiosity by viewing the boys' genitals thereby requiring the boys to be naked for that purpose. But she also deemed the reverse as highly "inappropriate", and boys should not be allowed to "see the girls secrets". Granted, the desire to have boys always swim nude in the presence of girls was not typical of all mothers, but it certainly paints a cultural landscape wherein it would not have been out of the ordinary at the infrequent "family night" for the boys' swimming certifications that female siblings would have been allowed to watch the boys swim in the nude.
The following articles, when combined, leads us to believe that during the 1940s through early 1960s, there were in fact swimming programs whereby boys swam in the nude, and, females were granted entrance into the swim area to observe them as the did; however, it was more uncommon than common.
1952 Sheboygan Press (click on image to enlarge for reading)The article to the left is typical of the advertisement for the Sheboygan Department of Public Recreations swimming program found from the early 1940s through the 1960s. This particular one indicates the swimming program is open to boys and girls from the fourth grade through the eighth grade, and specifically states: "Boys swim in the nude and are required to bring only a towel. Girls swim in suits provided by the Department of Public Recreation. However, they must bring a towel. Girls must provide themselves with a bathing cap." Regardless of the year these advertisements were published, they always indicate that the boys would not wear swimsuits whereas girls would. Until well into the 1960s, we never found any exception to this, nor was it ever indicated that on certain days boys would be allowed to wear suits; rather, for reasons stated elsewhere, boys were never furnished swimsuits and always expected to swim nude during those years.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1953 Sheboygan Press (click on image to enlarge for reading)In 1953 the program can also be seen advertised in the article to the left. It states: "All classes are free to the participating boy or girl, the only requirement being that girls must bring a bathing cap and towel for, the swimming classes and boys should bring a towel. The boys swim in the nude while the girls are furnished tank suits." One perplexing question is that if the depar
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