Nude Black Women In Public

Nude Black Women In Public


Nude Black Women In Public

Woman Forced To Bathe Naked In Public By Husband And In-Laws For Male Child… WTF!

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Hidden Inside Intoxicating Beats, Liger Song Aafat Lyrics Trivialise The Horror Of Rape

5 Things We Learn About The Delhi Police From The 2nd Season Of Delhi Crime

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It's been 2 days since the incident occurred, there is a law against practice of occult and black magic, but... only FIRs have been filed against the offenders. No arrests have been made, yet.
The internet has been bursting since 2 days, about an incident , where a young woman was forced to bathe naked, under a waterfall, in full public view.
Forced by whom? Her own husband and in-laws.
Suggested by whom? A local ‘ Aghori Baba ‘. (Black Magician)
Why? So she could produce a Male Child .
Who reported? None of them bothered, but the lady herself.
And to imagine her plight, her own husband and in-laws disrobe her, insult her modesty and yet she, was helpless. There was no one she could speak to.
As far as sorcery, witch-craft and black magic are concerned, our country still has to go a long way. We boast of women empowerment, higher rates of girls’ education, fewer female infanticides. But then, the real scenario is a completely different story altogether.
Wonder why isn’t it taught in schools, at a basic level, that the sex of a fetus is determined by the man’s chromosomes. When the female duties of Sanskaar, Shadi and Seva are so well etched in all our minds, why not this simple scientific truth?
The lady in question was being harassed for dowry since the past many years. So you might ask casually, “Why couldn’t she complain earlier? Why now?”
I’ll tell you why. It’s been 2 days since the incident occurred, there is a law against practice of occult and black magic, but… only FIRs have been filed against the offenders. No arrests have been made, yet . Many Women Welfare groups and NGOs are calling out, but the perpetrators are conveniently at home.
What purpose does a complaint serve, if the offenders walk free , every time? Why would she dare to complain, if she knew her in-laws would eventually be released, and then wouldn’t they harass her all the more?
Yes, Laws for protection of women against atrocities exist. But what’s the measure of the punishment handed over? Every day, there’s news about a woman’s face been blackened, she being paraded naked, head tonsured, beaten up, falsely accused, gang-raped…
Ever read a story following these incidents, about the accused being nabbed and put behind bars?
No, I guess. The news ends with the torture of the hapless woman and cases being filed .
For all those pending cases, and the wronged women, the world couldn’t care less.
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This is how these songs and movies become popular; this music is corrupting the youth. Where are the ministers now, or the certifying jury who passes films or gives the green signal to songs? 
A newsflash this morning … A 16 year old gang raped and killed by her cousins; her grandmother intervened and got raped. 

We still live in a country where ‘getting raped’ is judged by the length of the clothes we wear. I am sure in the above news when you hear this you must have had an image of a girl in shorts and a grandmother in a suit or saree. You may also have imagined both in short clothes which is nearly impossible coz still we women are supposed to dress our age.

I scream and want an answer. Are our daughters, sisters, mothers, and even grandmothers safe? The answer is NO.
“Courage comes at a price,” for the officers, especially women, who go against the orders of their seniors, even as they are doing the 'right thing'.
The second season of Delhi Crime (2019-2022) delves into the internal functioning of the Delhi Police, much like the first season. However, while doing so, it brings out various problems faced by the Delhi Police on a daily basis.

Here are a few of them that Delhi Crime tries to emphasise upon:

The second season starts with a conversation between DCP Vartika Chaturvedi (played by Shefali Shah) and her husband about how the Delhi Police only has about 138 officers per lakh of population.
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