Nude Beach Trip with Grandma Ch. 02

Nude Beach Trip with Grandma Ch. 02

The next morning was as beautiful as the one before it. Grandmother and I packed our soft-shell, rolling cooler with drinks, food, and supplies for another trip to the nude beach.

"Ready to go, Mom?" I asked.

"Maybe I shouldn't go," my mother said. "Your father will be here around three o'clock."

"We were planning to come back in time to meet Dad," I said. 

"Come with us, Marie," Grandmother said. "Why be here alone, bored stiff when you can be at the beach with us?"


Bill, Ellie, Karen, Dawn, Marie, and I went to the nude beach. We had our usual great time. I squeezed a lot of boobies and butts while frolicking in the ocean. Ellie had to beat Bill off and Karen jerked me off so we could return to the sand. On our way to our blanket, Karen and I visited with some of the regulars we'd gotten to know on our previous trips to Gunnison

We left earlier than usual and I got home in time to shower before my father arrived. My father and sister arrived within minutes of each other. I helped them with their luggage. My sister, Angie, bunked with Grandma and Mom and Dad had the master bedroom.

We spent the afternoon catching up. Dad took us out to dinner. It was a feast. We returned to our beach house and continued to talk. After an hour, I begged off to visit my girlfriend.

"Since when did you have a girlfriend?" my twenty-one-year-old sister asked.

"Since we came down the shore."

"Good for you, Son," my dad said. He lifted his second glass of scotch and toasted me.

"Amazing," my sister said. "The last time I saw you, you couldn't speak to a female. Congrats. At least one of us has someone special in their life."

I walked to Karen's house. Everyone was there. I joined them in the living room. We watched television. We didn't have an orgy this time. Karen and I made love in her room. It was nice, romantic, and pleasurable.

Afterward, we went for a walk. We talked and had ice cream. I took Karen home. We made plans to go to Gunnison tomorrow and I returned to my beach house. 

I heard shouting as I climbed our front steps. It was my father. He was loud, angry, and drunk, bad-mouthing women in general, and my mother specifically. I paused on the stoop and listened.

"Come to bed, dear," I heard my mother say calmly. "It's late."

"I'm not going to bed with you!"

"Don't be embarrassed that you couldn't get it up. You've been drinking..."

"I get erections as hard as steel. I fucked my secretary silly today. She was a babbling, quivering pile of flesh when I was through with her. It's you. You don't excite me. Your body does nothing for me. I knew coming down here was a mistake. I'm leaving in the morning. You'll be hearing from my attorney. I'm leaving you!"

I entered the house and saw my father going up the stairs. My mother was standing in the living room, her chin was quivering, and tears streaked her face. I went to her, hugged her, and said, "Mom, forget him. He's an abusive drunk."

My arms were wrapped around her. She stood stiffly with her arms hanging limply at her sides. Grandmother and Angie came down the stairs. They were in their sleepwear. Their braless boobs bounced as they rushed down the steps and joined us.

They hugged Mom, and expressed sentiments similar to mine that Dad was a bastard and she was better off without him. They took her upstairs to grandmother's bedroom. I went to my room, and after tossing and turning, fell asleep.


The next morning, I discovered Dad was gone. Angie and Dawn hovered over my mother. I kissed my mother on the cheek and had breakfast. 

My mother finished her cup of coffee and said, "Mom, let's get the cooler packed."

"You want to go to the beach? I asked.

"Yes! Fuck your father!" she said. "I'm done with him, and I'm not going to waste a minute moping over him. Some husband he was! He hadn't touched me in nine months, and now I know why. He had a mistress. Today is the first day of my new life, and I'm going to the beach!"

"Good for you," her mother said.

"Right on!" Angie said. "Let's all go to the beach."

I called Karen and told her we'd swing by soon. We gathered our gear. loaded up the car, and the four of us piled in. 

I introduced Angie to Karen, Bill, and Ellie, and they followed in their car. We parked and followed the path. When we got to the sign at the end of the walkway, Angie said, "Whoa! What's this? You may encounter nude sunbathers?"

"Gunnison is a nude beach," mother said.

"Shit! Angie, we forgot to mention," I said.

"You forgot!"

"Yes. With everything going on," I explained.

"It's a nice beach with friendly people," Grandma said. "Try it. You'll like it." 

By the look on my sister's face, I knew that didn't convince her, so I played the sibling rivalry card. "It's a clothing-optional beach, Angie. You can be the one person there who's wearing a bathing suit. Who would have thought that I'd be the brave one? If you are embarrassed about what God gave you, we understand."

Her face screwed up as anger built up inside her. I'd never confronted her like that. She said, "I didn't say I'm embarrassed or I wouldn't do it. I've been nude in public before. In college, I participated in the annual naked runs. I'm surprised no one mentioned it."

The others smiled and snickered. Angie marched on following the arrow and tried to regain her pride. 

Grandma picked our spot. We dropped our things and everyone, except my sister, chatted and disrobed. 

Angie looked around and appeared ill at ease. I walked up to her naked and said, "I'm sorry about not telling you and for busting your chops. Seriously, you don't have to get naked. It was hard my first time and it really threw me for a loop seeing Mom naked."

She looked at my cock. It was small, unimpressive, and hiding in a mass of black pubic hair. She snarled and said, "No wonder you were nervous. You're skinny and have a tiny dick."

She undid her bikini top, dropped it on the ground, and shoved her apple-sized breasts in my face. Then she dropped her drawers and showed me her tight ass. She'd shaved around her sex and had a thick, black runway of pubic hair above her vagina. Her tan lines were pronounced.

I looked her over. My dick twitched. She was a bitch and my sister, but she was an attractive woman with a nice body. She pushed me aside and walked to the ocean.

Karen came up to me, laughed, and said, "She's not going to win Miss Congeniality." We all laughed, got the sunscreen out, and applied it to our bodies and our neighbors'. 

My mother said, "I'll go get Angie. She definitely needs sunscreen."

"Let me," Grandmother said. "She's frightened and pissed. She'll be less confrontational with me."

Dawn went to talk with my sister while the rest of us put on sunscreen and lay in the sun. They returned five minutes later. My sister still had a scowl on her face. She turned her back to me as she applied a layer of protection. Grandma did her backside. Angie walked away.

"Thanks, mom for trying to calm her down. At least you got the sunscreen on her. Want me to do your back?" my mother asked.

"Yes. Thanks. Angie will come around. The reason she got so upset is things aren't going well with her job and her boyfriend broke up with her. We were the straw that broke the camel's back and bore the brunt of all her frustrations.

My mother rubbed the lotion on Dawn's back and bum. She laughed and said, "Do you want me to call Eric over to do that thing you do to each other? Delve into your butt crack?"

"No." Grand's face turned red.

I blushed too and said, "So you noticed?"

"We all noticed you rubbed each other's nether region!" Karen shouted.

"Is that a bonding thing I can expect my grandson to do to me?" Ellie asked.

The crowd roared with laughter. Grandma and I had sheepish grins on our faces.

After basking in the sun, we took a break and cooled off in the water. We sunbathed more, drank soft drinks since alcoholic beverages weren't allowed on the federal property, and went into the ocean to cool off.

We did chicken fights. I put Karen and then Grandma on my shoulders, and Bill lifted Ellie and my mother. Whoever was on my team lost quickly. Bill was bigger and stronger than me. 

Angie joined us. She'd found a guy. She introduced the good-looking young man. "Hey, everyone. This is Scott." He wasn't as tall as me, but he was stout. 

"How about it brother?" Angie said. "You and Karen against Scott and me?"


It was another disastrous defeat for Karen and me. While the girls pushed and tugged on one another, Scott crashed into me. His strength and bulk were too much for my skinny frame. I collapsed like a house of cards.

"YES!" Angie shouted triumphantly, and raised her arms above her head. She looked quite pleased with herself. I was glad because she appeared to be in a better mood, and I got a great view of her pink-tipped bobbing boobs.

"We are ready for all comers," Angie boosted. "Bill and Ellie, Scott and I challenge you for the world championship of nude chicken fighting!"

"Challenge accepted'' Ellie hollered. She scrambled onto Bill's shoulders. The pairs faced-off. A crowd formed as other people came over to watch.

It was an epic battle. The advantage appeared to be with Ellie's team because Bill was taller and heavier than Scott. Scott decided that he'd compensate by being the aggressor. He bull-rushed Bill as he had me. The two stout men slammed into each other. Never could move the other.

Ellie was taller and had longer arms than my sister. She could reach over and push on Angie's shoulders, trying to destabilize her. Angie decided to work the taller woman's body. Since Ellie had giant boobs most of Angie's slaps and pushes landed on Ellie's breasts.

The men grunted and the women yelped as their hair was accidentally pulled and tender flesh was pummeled. They battled. The tide began to turn in Bill and Ellie's favor.

My sister, in desperation, reached out, and grabbed one of Ellie's breasts. "Oww!" Ellie hollered.

With her other hand, Angie latched hold of a nipple and twisted it.

"Oww! Fuck! Let go of my nipple!" Ellie screamed as she launched a powerful round-house hook headed for Angie's head. The crowd gasped. We saw the punch coming and cringed. Angie saw it too, and she dove off Scott's shoulders to avoid it. 

She launched herself in my direction. I raised my arms to catch her and my hands found her supple breasts and squeezed. She landed on me and knocked me over. We went underwater. During the frantic flailing of arms as we fought to get our heads above water, Angie grabbed my erection.

We stood, shook our heads, and wiped the saltwater out of our eyes. The crowd murmured and breathed a sigh of relief that the blow didn't land and we appeared unhurt. Angie said, "Thanks for catching me."

Her hands were in the water. She grabbed my penis with one and then both hands. She whispered in my ear, "I was sure I was mistaken earlier, that I was confused because I collided with you, and we went underwater, but I see that's not the case. I can get both my hands on your dick! You're hung like a racehorse!"

She gave my cock a good squeeze and added, "That's for squeezing my boobs."

She let go of me, stepped away, and we dealt with all the people who came up to us and asked if we were all right.

"Sorry I tried to punch you," Ellie said.

"No worries. I deserved it. I'm overly competitive. I apologize for twisting your nipple. Did I damage it?"

"It's okay," Ellie said as she rubbed her sore titty. "When it happened it felt like I was being stabbed with a hot iron poker. That's why I threw the punch. The pain has lessened. I'll be able to breastfeed."

We went to our spot on the beach, had lunch, and lay in the sun.

"I'm hot," I announced. "I'm going to cool off in the ocean." I stood.

"I'm warm too," my mother said. "I'll go with you."

We went into the cool water and dunked ourselves. As we stood there looking at the mass of naked people on the beach I said, "You're better off without Dad."

"I know. Things haven't been good between us for a while. I'd hoped he'd come around, but he liked working and being at the office more than he liked being with me."

"And now we know why. He was cheating on you."

My mother started to sob. I took her in my arms and held her. After her cry and after she splashed saltwater on her face to wash away her tears, we headed back to our friends and family.

"Hell, Eric," Mrs. Worthington called out. I stopped, smiled, and returned the greeting. She was one of the people I had met on my first day at the nude beach. I introduce my mother to Mr. and Mrs. W. 

Mr. W said, "This is our son, Kyle." We shook hands. He was my mother's age, and he gave her a big smile. I instantly liked him. "Please sit with us," Mr. W said. "Can I offer you a cold drink?"


My mother and I joined them. The conversation was light. Kyle was a distinguished-looking man, fit, with an expensive gold watch on his wrist, and he appeared to be taken with my mother. His eyes lit up when they talked, and his eyes discreetly scanned her nude body when he got the chance.

He had one tan line on his body. It was on his left ring finger. My mother had the same noticeable mark. She'd removed her wedding band the morning after my father told her he was divorcing her.

My mother appeared pleased with his looks, wit, and attentive behavior. I noticed she turned her body toward his to give him a better view of her breasts. She laughed at his jokes and touched his arm.

We visited for fifteen minutes. Then Kyle said, "I was going to stretch my legs and go for a walk when you joined us. Marie, would you like to accompany me?"

My mother smiled demurely, said yes, and they left. The Worthingtons and I smiled. When they were out of earshot, Mrs. W said, "Our son is recently divorced. Your mother is the first woman he's shown any interest in."

"My mother is separated and getting a divorce. They make a good-looking couple, don't they?"

We laughed and expressed our hope that something good might come of their chance meeting. I stood to go. Mrs. W insisted on hugging me. The heavy-set septuagenarian stood, wrapped her short arms around me, and pressed her enormous breasts against my slim body.

When I returned to my group, I said, "Mother has found a friend. His name is Kyle, and they are on a walk."

I was bombarded with questions, did my best to answer, and then returned to sunbathing.

I was enjoying the warmth of the sun and closed my eyes. I was drifting off to sleep when Angie poked me in the side and whispered conspiratorially, "They're coming!"

"Huh? What? Who?" I babbled, annoyed. I opened my eyes

"Mom and her beau," Angie said. She sat up, tossed her hair so it rested lightly on her shoulders, smiled, and offered him a good view of her breasts.

I sat up and noticed all the women were similarly posed and smiling. Mother beamed as she made the introductions, Kyle charmed the ladies. The women gushed and fussed over him.

Mother stood. Kyle rose and stood beside her. She said, "I'm going to grab my bag. We're heading back. Kyle has invited me to dinner and I need to shower and put my pearls on. Bye."

Everyone shouted goodbye. When they were gone, the gossiping and guessing went into overdrive. Some of the women had them announcing their engagement in a month. Ellie explained, "You saw how he looked at her!"

Scott laughed and said, "Yes. I saw a gleam in his eyes. He wants to tap that ass!"

A barrage of insults came his way. He laughed them off. The women quickly forgot about him and returned to their discussion.

We spent another two hours at the beach. As we were leaving, I stopped by and told the Worthingtons that Kyle and my mother were going out to dinner.

"We know," Mrs. W squealed. "Isn't it great!" She beamed and shook with excitement causing her big bosom to quake.

A ten-minute discussion ensued about how great it was. I was allowed to leave after everyone agreed that Kyle and my mother would make the perfect couple, and Mrs. W gave me a sloppy kiss and a full-body hug. Ugg!


We arrived home later than usual, while Angie and I unpacked the car, Grandma snuck into the bathroom and took a shower, delaying me. I hopped into the shower next to wash my sweat and the sunscreen off me before my date with Karen.

"Hey! I was next!" I heard my sister shout. "I've got a date with Scott."

"You snooze; you lose," I hollered back.

"Fuck that!" Angie said. She barged into the bathroom, pulled the shower curtain aside, and said, "Move over!"

"Hey! What are you doing? Can't a guy have a little privacy?"

She laughed and said, "You've been naked with me and two hundred strangers all day. I think we can share a shower."

She pushed past me and got under the showerhead. Luckily, my hair was wet, so I could shampoo. 

"I let you wet your body and hair," I said. "Would you step aside so I can rinse the bubbles out of my hair while you shampoo?"


We swapped places. I rinsed my head and turned, so the warm water could pound my back. I watched my sister work her fingers through her hair and saw her boobs jiggle and bounce. I got an erection.

"Move out of the way," she said. "It's time for me to rinse."

We switched places. While she rinsed, I stared at her wet, glistening ass. She turned, saw my hard-on, and said, "That wasn't there a second ago. Are you perving on your sister?" She laughed.

I was relieved that she wasn't angry and said, "This is what happens when I shower with a beautiful woman."

She put her hand on my dick, inspected it, and said, "Damn! That's big! Who would have thought my shy, skinny brother would have a donkey dick. Can Karen deep-throat that thing?"

"No. No one has."

She moved my penis around, viewed it from different angles, and said, "I could." 

I gulped nervously picturing my sister sucking my cock. She let go of my dick and washed her body. I washed. We rinsed, dried off, and left the bathroom one after the other.

Grandma saw us, smiled, and said, "I've heard of kissing cousins. I guess you are showering siblings."

"When you spend hours together naked at a nude beach," Angie said. "Sharing a shower no longer seems taboo."

"I get you," Grandma said. "The rules have loosened around here." She gave me a knowing wink.


My date with Karen was great. We laughed, talked, and had a great time. We stopped by my beach house to drop off a present we'd bought for my grandmother. It was a tee-shirt with a funny quip about being a nudist.

"I love it," Grandma said. She removed the shirt she was wearing, baring her breasts to us, and put the new one on.

Scott and Angie stopped by after having gone out for dinner. "Cute shirt," Scott said."

"Thanks," Dawn replied.

"Do you guys want to go to a bar or a club? Angie asked.

"I loved to, but we're not twenty-one," Karen said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"What're your plans for this evening?" Scott asked.

"We were going to hang out with my sister and her husband," Karen said. She made a face like 'Oh, God! How boring!'.

"Too bad you guys are so young," Scott said. "Let's go, babe. I'll show you how to party!"

Scott and Angie left. Grand said, "I don't like that guy. He's smug and full of himself."

We nodded and left. When we got to Bill's and Ellie's place. The baby was in bed, they were dressed in silk robes, and shots of tequila were waiting for us. We downed the alcohol. 

The girls tossed pillows on the living room floor, and we had another shot. Additional shots were placed strategically in the room so one was always nearby. We got naked, got on the floor, and got busy. 

We kissed and groped one another. The hook-ups happened organically. Karen and I sucked milk from Ellie's breasts while Bill ate her pussy. Bill and I sucked on Karen's pretty, puffy, pink nipples while her sister fingered her. The girls got on top of us to 69. They sucked dick, then rolled off, kissed their sister, and 69ed with the other guy.

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