Nsa Meaning Urban Dictionary

Nsa Meaning Urban Dictionary

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No Strings Attached; no obligations
A term used by a person to highlight the fact that this person, who is looking for fun or something else, does not want to bond closely/emotionally.
"I'm single, and looking for NSA-fun"
"Let's have a sexual relationship, NSA (no strings attached)" -meaning there would be no further commitment after sex
see also Big Brother and 1984.

They listen to every radio transmission/telephone call/ etc. etc.
If it's got an antenna attached to it, the NSA is listening
by IrishRepublicanArmy November 13, 2003
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Pronounced 'En-Sas', positive acronym meaning no strings attached sex. Similar in use to ONS however usually used when it meant nothing to both parties.
trevor: so you seeing that girl now or what geezer?
tony: nah man, strictly NSAS, on the real.
trevor: seen?
tony: seen, she's safe wit that tho.
trevor: seen.
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NSA is an abbreviation for "Nuclear Shit Attack". This is when you have a sudden and powerful onset of diarrhea that comes clear out of the blue. Can lead to sharting and other embarassing situations.
I had to give up my place in line when I was suddenly hit with an NSA!
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The National Scrabble Association. This organization sanctions Scrabble tournaments across the country and is the sponsoring entity for the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary.
The 2005 National Scrabble Championship was won by NSA member Dave Weigand of Portland Oregon over 19 year old Thai phenom Panupol Sujjayakorn.

Created in 1952 by Truman and his cabinet, the NSA was, and still is one of the most if not the most secretive agency in our country. In 1982 (or so) its cover was blown by a book called The Puzzle Palace, finally a glimpse inside the workings inside the nations most elusive security workings. Great read, pick it up sometime.
A shared abbreviation that can mean one of many things (the most common): No Strings Attached & National Security Agency.

No Strings Attached is a common English Adverb / expression that refers to no other obligations or responsibilities in a deal. The abrev. NSA has become connected to the casual sex terminology as someone wishing to engage in sexual activities while being free of all responsibilities associated with a romantic relationship.

Many people believe the National Security Agency operates much like the CIA, however, the NSA is a division of the US Defense Department and specializes on the protection of all US Government Communication & Information Systems. The NSA is limited to information surveillance (national and international only) and does not engage in human intelligence activities.

Other such abbreviations: National Shipping Authority, National Standards Association, National Student Association, National Scrabble Association, Niagara Soccer Association, National Scrabble Association, etc. etc.
"25/f/Vancouver NSA looking for a good time" - Craigslist
To know something private about someone or read his/her thoughts
A: So, I guess you're thinking about her again?
B: Dude, stop NSA-ing my mind!
narcissist spectrum asshole NSA

someone (most typically male) who has been group diagnosed and thus medically confirmed by dating females as falling anywhere along the dial between garden variety and full blown narcissist sociopath/psychopath.

if you don’t know what a narcissist is, or these other hijacked psychology terms suggest you ref urban dictionary, top ten signs you are dating one on website blogs or any one of a growing number of Instagram accounts set up by the NSA conglomerate to explain what the hell is going on. This network has single handedly defined the grail most psychologists can only grasp at. They equip themselves and others by banding together and getting the communication out there

Diagnoses may include multiple stops along the personality disorder rainbow. Toxic masculinity and male entitlement over many millennia seem in part to play a role in this disease series
client: do you think I’m the reason I’m miserable? maybe I just need to look more at myself and get back into my hobbies and stop blaming and criticizing him -gets up to leave the session
veteran1: see how you aren’t trusting yourself! get me a Starbucks in here stat
veterans2: no, please sit down. all our combined notes have identified you are in a trauma bond with a level 3 NSA with multiple personality disfunctions. we’re prescribing this blog and a heavy dose of trusting yourself and other veterans. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY
by williet hughnot December 01, 2019
Allegedly the most powerful of all security agencies in the United States. That's probably why you don't here of it as much. The NSA's existence was at one point denied, just like Area 51's. But we all know that it exists. The NSA is the least discussed agency in popular culture. (In other words, movies and video games rarely touch upon the NSA. The 'spies' always work the CIA or FBI.
Sam Fisher works for the NSA

Fuck these stupid 'spy' movies, like Spy Kids, or Cody Banks. They suck dick!
Stands for No Secrets in America. The NSA is a large "secret" organization in America designed to accustom us to the concept of the Thought Police, so that when they do actually take over the world and implement absolutely totalitarian policies every citizen will already have been lulled into mindlessness and the illusion that Everything is Going to Be Allright.
(It's not.)

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo husband...cuz the NSA be spyin' on everyone out there!
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John Doe 1: How the fuck do they know I like to fuck goats?!
John Doe 2: It's NSA

NSA: John Doe 1, you're under arrest, we're going to have to confiscate your hardware, you have right to remain silent if you choose to give up that right we will still our hardware into.
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