Nsa Grindr Definition

Nsa Grindr Definition


Nsa Grindr Definition
Single successful individual with no time to spend in the bars looks for NSA relationship. - craigslist
U.S. shadow government agency that touts the mission to save our freedoms and way of life by destroying our freedoms and way of life.
No Strings Attached , but it doesn't refer to a type of relationship, but to the willingness/desire to have sex without the necessity of a relationship. NSA means lets have some fun without creating any obligations beyond the moment. We do what we do tonight and dont ever have to see each other again. But without the negative connotation of one-night stand , even if that is what it is.
ISO of partner for mutual good time NSA.
National Security Agency ; the United States cryptologic organization that coordinates and directs highly specialized activities to protect United States information systems and to produce foreign intelligence information.
The NSA headquarters is in Maryland outside Washington, D.C.; the " crystal palace ."
by Dancing with Fire September 3, 2012
Stands for "National Stalker's Association " A group of people who is very good at finding personal information.
Guy 1: Dude, I saw this chick taking pictures of me outside my window
Guy 2: She must've been part of the NSA
NSA Stands for National Security Agency they probably spy on you and they are probably part of the Illuminati because if you spell Illuminati backward, it makes itanimulli but if you go to itanimulli.com it goes to the NSA website which is pretty creepy. Remember they are always watching you. All of the Whistle-Blowers that leaked all the NSA information say that they spy on you and that they do "total population control" so you are probably being watched by the NSA right now. Look out of your window...
"oh my god I think we were watched by the NSA "
"that guy was following us I think he's part of the NSA"
"This guy is part of the NSA he so creepy " friend: is that a black car following us?
me: I think it's the NSA
Abbreviation for "Not Secret Anymore" which can be used in general not to be confused with the abbreviation for the National Security Agency .
Everything I say and do on my laptop , on the internet and worse, in what used to be the comfort, safety and privacy of my own home, is NSA. Now my whole life and everything I once considered personal and private including: what I look like when I wake up; when I sleep; how I look naked; how often I fart; my whole life story; what I say to a confidant like my mother is all NSA since those guys loaded spyware on my laptop, ironically one of whom repeatedly told me I couldn't keep a secret. Antonyms: be faithful, be loyal, defend, protect, support

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Written by Naz Haider | Published : January 27, 2017 10:17 AM IST
Call me a noob, but I don't usually get modern chatting jargons. Years ago, it took me a while to decode ROFL and TIA (thanks in advance), and then later I had to break my head over lingo modern parents used. DD, DS, DH are all darling daughter, darling son and darling husband respectively, and there are loads like these! It wasn't surprising, therefore, when I learnt of a few abbreviations people use on chats and dating platforms now and was totally clueless about what those meant. If you do not want to feel like an ancient caveman, you need to be up to date about the language people speak nowadays, and that includes knowing the terms people use. So to help you not feel lost, here is a list of terms that you need to know before you start swiping on tinder .

Have you come across any terms that you would like to share? Please post it in the comments below.

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Acronyms are helpful to save time when writing and speaking. However, they can actually make things more confusing when you don’t know what they mean! If you’re here, you’ve probably heard about NSA relationships, but aren’t quite sure what they are or how they work.
In this article, we’re going to look at NSA meaning, how NSA relationships work, and a few other key details you should know to be in the know!
When talking about relationships, NSA stands for ‘No Strings Attached.’ By definition, an NSA relationship is one where two people have a physically intimate relationship without the emotional or logistical responsibilities that come with a traditional relationship.
If you’re interested in a no strings attached relationship, the best place to find someone who’s interested in the same thing is online. Online dating sites allow you to share what you’re looking for without much judgment or awkward conversations.
Here are a few websites you can try for free that are quite popular for NSA relationships.
For many singles, NSA relationships are something quite attractive to them. It gives them the ability to have someone to hang out with and have a little fun with without having to take on all of the responsibilities that come with a relationship.
Most NSA relationships are not exclusive and require absolutely no commitment. In some instances, though, if the relationship is sexual, both parties might agree to be physically exclusive with each other but still forego the other things that come with a committed relationship. But if it hasn’t been discussed, you can safely assume that the NSA meaning is no commitment or exclusivity.
Some of those NSA relationship benefits specifically include:
The biggest risk of an NSA relationship is that it doesn’t work according to plan. In theory, a physical relationship with no emotional commitment might sound great. However, it doesn’t always work out that way.
Here are a few of the biggest risks of an NSA relationship.
The bottom line is that NSA relationships rarely work how they’re supposed to because someone inevitably develops feelings. And even if it’s not you that develops the feelings, you risk the same issues if the person you’re in the relationship with develops feelings. Someone inevitably gets hurt. 
Another popular acronym you’ll hear in this same discussion is FWB. FWB stands for friends with benefits. By definition, FWB and NSA relationships are basically same thing. The one small difference is that you generally hear the term FWB used between two people who are already friends. The term NSA is generally used between two people who may be just meeting or possibly meeting for the first time on a dating site. For example, you see NSA on Tinder profiles quite a bit.
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As evident by the recent revelations that the National Security Agency
(NSA) and the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) have
been conducting surveillance
of online games and virtual fantasy "worlds" such as World of Warcraft
and Second Life, their desire to cast as wide a net as possible in order
to trawl for information knows no bounds.
According to documents disclosed by former NSA contractor Edward J.
Snowden, these efforts also include a keen interest in Americans online
dating habits. A stack of powerpoint slides suggests
that the NSA has infiltrated and is siphoning all user data and activities
from at least JDate , Tinder and, most comprehensively, Grindr .
While both GCHQ and the NSA declined to comment for this article, a
person close to the program, codenamed BACKDOOR , spoke with us on
the condition of anonymity. "When you think about it, it just makes
sense," the analyst said. "What better place to hide and be able to
communicate with other subversives, to plot and scheme terrorist acts than
on Grindr?"
Grindr, according to Wikipedia, "is a geosocial networking application
geared towards gay, bisexual, and bi-curious men." The argument,
according to the documents, is "as brilliant as it is obvious", if only in
hindsight (our source giggled: "hindsight - get it?"): since the lifestyle
promoted by the application is not expected to be supported by the
terrorist profile the NSA deploys, there would not be any terrorist found
on these networks. Logically, they argue, this is precisely where they
would hide.

Objections about illegally monitoring innocent Americans do not appear
to apply. "By being on these networks, you are obviously guilty of
something ," the analyst argues. "In the words of Eric Schmidt :
'If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you
shouldn't be doing it in the first place.'"
This mindset is reflected on the closing slides about
BACKDOOR , citing James R. Clapper's well-known slogan,
coincidentally also found on General Keith B. Alexander's own Grindr
profile : "If the NSA does it, that means that it is not illegal."

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