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Ecuador boasts some of the tallest mountains on the South American continent and is home to 2 World Heritage Sites, 11 National Parks, 9 national ecological reserves, and 4 biological reserves, 31 active and dormant volcanoes, and 26 pristine beaches. It shares its northern border with Columbia, eastern and southern border with Peru and with the Pacific Ocean on the west, and shares the Amazon river with Peru, Brazil and Columbia. The country has 2,km 1, mi of coastline and over 2, rivers and streams. From north to south vertical measurement , the country measures about km mi in length and between 40 km 25mi and km mi in width. The head of the Ecuadoran Government is the President, and the government is divided into the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. Ecuador is divided into 32 limited, self-governing council areas administrative subdivisions and comprised of 7 regions with administrative cities in Ibarra, Tena, Riobamba, Ciudad Alfaro, Milagro, Cuenca, and Loja. It replaced the Sucre in Ecuador is one of the lesser traveled tourist destinations in South America which means that many parts of the country have been undiscovered and unspoiled by masses of foreign visitors. For visitors preferring to explore cities and towns, Ecuador offer many rich and diverse cathedrals like the Metropolitan Cathedral in Quito, monasteries such as the one at San Augustine, as well as plazas Plaza de San Francisco in Quito, palaces Palacio Arzobispal, and historical parks like Guayaquil Historical Park. However, there are peak seasons with June to September considered the busiest. In most parts of Ecuador, January to May is the wettest, coolest time of the year. The Galapagos Islands are definitely on the list as well as the white sand beaches dotting the Pacific coastline in Atacames such as Tonsupa and Mompiche, and in Salinas. Other memorable activities include volcano tours in Banos, adventure travel in the Andes, and whale watching as humpback whales make their annual migration off the shores of Ecuador. When planning your trip account for meals, ground transportation, entrance fees, and entertainment. There are many river tours on the Amazon River as well as dozens of companies offering cruises to ports of call such as San Cristobal in the Galapagos Islands and the port city of Guayaquil. Depending on your citizenship and country of origin, a visa and other travel documentation may be required to visit or study in Ecuador. For most visitors, a visa is not required to enter Ecuador, but such stays are generally limited to 90 days. There is a special exception for visitors from Peru red. No visa is required if you are U. If you are planning to visit the Galapagos Islands obtain a Transit Control Card as it will be required. We are using cookies to make the website better. By clicking Agree you are accepting Terms of Service. Galapagos Islands. City Guide. Culture and Society. By clicking Agree you are accepting Terms of Service Got it! This site is supported by ads. Please help us out and disable your ad-blocker. Disable Dismiss.

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