Nova Latin

Nova Latin


Feminine nominative singular of Latin novus (“new”). The feminine is used since stella (“star”) is feminine; thus nova is a shortening of nova stella (“new star”), first used in this sense in 1573 by Tycho Brahe.
See the etymology of the main entry.
nova (accusative singular novan, plural novaj, accusative plural novajn)
Oni ne povas instrui al maljuna hundo novajn ruzojn.
You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.
nova f (plural novas or novae or novæ)
Ico esas nova skrachuro sur mea automobilo!
This is a new scratch on my car!
novajo (“a new thing, novelty”)
nove (“newly, freshly”)
novero (“innovator”)
novigar (“to innovate”)
novo (“a newcomer”)
novyara (“New Year”)
novyaro (“New Year”)
See the etymology of the main entry.
Noun use of the feminine form of novus (“new”).
a nova (third-person singular present novează, past participle novat) 1st conj.
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  conjugation of nova (first conjugation, -ez- infix)
nessuna nova, bona nova ― no news is good news
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This constructed language is used only for the authors personal use.
Nova Latina is a simplification of the Latin language by changing the inflections and additional vocabulary from Italian and Arabic. Plus, article-like endings inspired from the case system of Slavic languages.
The systems of writing used are Latin and Arabic. In writing Arabic words in the Latin orthography, the accuracy of the pronunciation is maintained through the use of letter combinations and diactrics. The pronunciation and orthography are mostly that of Italian added with some new combinations and different sound value to accomodate Arabic pronunciation.

The vowels have two lengths, long and short. For short vowels, they are written with plain letters (a, i, e, o). For long vowels, it can be either one of these:
In monosyllabic words -mostly pronouns, adverbs, articles and prepositions, the stress it is unstressed or stressed depending upon position. If there are two or more monosyllabics come after another only one is stressed and the other is unstressed or all unstressed altogether. When a monosyllabic word or string of words is next to a polysyllabic word, it is usually unstressed. These trait of monosyllabic words are so for flexibility in poetry.
In disyllabic words, the stress falls on the first syllable (i.e. the penultimate). However, for Arabic words, the stress falls on long vowels.
In polysyllabic words, the stress or accent falls on either the third to last(penult) or second to last. Normally, it is correct to choose either one.
Nova Latina's substantive are devided into five categories which are nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and articles. In this language there are four cases each are:
Nouns are declined according to numbers and cases. Nova Latina has two numbers, singular and plural, and four cases, nominative, genitive, ablative, and accusative. For nouns or any substantives to be declined, they are grouped into three classes, first, second, and third declension. The noun stems are classified based on the ending which are -o/-u, -a, and -e.
Adverbs are made by adding the feminine singular nominative/marfu forms with the suffix -mente.
The personal pronouns are as follows: (Prepositional=Ablative=Magrur)
Interrogative pronouns is used to ask question like: "Who/what ran over there?"
But for sentences like, "Did he forced you?" or "You made that?", instead of the pronouns uses the interrogative particle 'an' when starting the sentence.
The interrogative pronoun has the same forms as the relative pronoun.
The demonstrative pronouns are of two kinds there are the near and far. There are two forms of the near demonstrative that are interchangeable.
Relative Pronouns when in use are differentiated into two:
1. Same Case: It is when the noun it modifies have the same case in both clauses. The use of therelative pronoun alone would be sufficient. The position of the pronoun is free. In this type of sentence the word 'item'(too, also) is in use.
ex: Clause1: La cellula facevit seam ATP(The cell made ATP) Clause2: La cellula beruit mytochondriam(The cell bears mytochondria)

2. Different case: It is when the noun it modifies have distinct cases in each clause. The relative pronoun agrees with the first clause while the second clause uses 'illus/illa'.
ex: Clause1: Facevi unum aeroplanum(I made an airplane) Clause2: Il Aeroplanus volavit ante nos (The airplane flew before us)
The Indefinite article uses the numeral unus(one).
Indeclinable marker: case marker for indeclinable nouns such as abbreviations, foreign terms/names(that havent been naturalised), etc. Such words are listed in the dictionary without the genitive and or plural inflection. The particle comes before the noun, as such: 'ASEAN'(an abreviation, fem.)=sea ASEAN, 'e-mail'(a foreign term, mas.)=seus e-mail, Jimmy Kimmel(a foreign name, mas.)=seus Jimmy Kimmel. The only exception is when such words use articles or adjectives.
The markers are identical to the second and first declension endings of substantives.
Verbs are classified into four categories: first, second, third and irregular conjugations. A verb has two voices (active, passive), five tenses(present, future, perfect, pluperfect, future perfect), three moods(indicative, subjunctive, imperative), two participles(active, passive), and an infinitive. The infinitive is also called the non-finite form, while the finite forms are the participles and the rest of the verb forms. Verbs when in the participial form inflect by case and number. When in finite forms they are by number, person, voice and tense.
The conjugation of finite verbs are in the sequence of 1st, 2nd, 3rd person; singular, plural number. Which is: 1st singular, 2nd singular, 3rd singular, 1st plural, 2nd plural, 3rd plural.
Present tense: -o, -as/-asi, -at/-ati, -amus/-amos/-amo, -atis/-ate, -ant/-an/-anno
Perfect tense: -avi, -avisti, -avit, -avimus, -aviste,-avirunt/-avirun/-avirunno
Future tense: -abo/-ascio, -abis/ascis, -abit/ascit, abimus/ascimus, -abitis/ascitis, -abunt/ asciunt*
Past Perfect tense: -aver(am,as,at,amus,atis,ant)
Future perfect tense: -aver(o,is,it,imus,itis,unt) 
#Second Conjugation(Infinitive: -ere, -ure Present Active Participle: -ente Past/Passive Participle: -utus)*
Present tense: -eo, -es/-esi, -et/-eti, -emus/-emos/-emo, -etis/-ete, -unt/-un/-unno
Perfect tense: -evi, -evisti, -evit, -evimus, -eviste,-evirunt/-evirun/-evirunno
Future tense: -ero, -eris, -erit, -erimus, -eritis, -erunt
Past Perfect tense:-ever/uer(am,as,at,amus,atis,ant)
Future perfect tense: - ever/uer(o,is,it,imus,itis,unt) 
Present tense: -io, -is/-isi, -it/-ieti, -imus/-imos/-imo, -itis/-ite, -iunt/-iun/-iunno
Perfect tense: -ivi, -ivisti, -ivit, -ivimus, -iviste, -iverunt/-ivirun/-ivirunno
Future tense: -iro, -iris, -irit, -irimus, -iritis, -irunt
Past Perfect tense:-iver/uer(am,as,at,amus,atis,ant) 
Future perfect tense: -i ver/uer(o,is,it,imus,itis,unt) 
Some verbs are partially irregular, that is in the perfect tense and past participle are different from the indicative/stem, they will be listed in a sequence such as this: infinitive-pres.part.-past.part. The regular ending for the perfect is -(a,e,i)v-.
2. State an assumption, supposition, or a hypothesis (uses particle: si[if]) 
3. State a conditional sentence contrary to fact(uses particle: si[if]), if not, use the indicative
4. State a purpose (uses particle: ut[for])
5. State a result (uses particle ut/sic[thus, that])
Present tense: -aem, -aes/-aesi, -aet/-aeti, -aemus/-aemos/-aemo, -aetis/-aete, -aent/-aen/-aenno
Perfect tense: habea(m,s,t,mus,tis,nt) +Past/Passive Participle
Past Perfect tense: habuisse(m,s,t,mus,tis,nt) +Past/Passive Participle
Future perfect tense: -avess(im,is,it,imus,itis,unt) 

#Second Conjugation(Infinitive: -ere, -ure Present Active Participle: -ente Past/Passive Participle: -utus)*
Present tense: -eam, -eas/-easi, -eat/-eati, -eamus/-eamos/-eamo, -eatis/-eate, -eant/-ean/-eanno
Perfect tense: habea(m,s,t,mus,tis,nt) +Past/Passive Participle
Past Perfect tense: habuisse(m,s,t,mus,tis,nt) +Past/Passive Participle
Future perfect tense: - evess/uess(o,is,it,imus,itis,unt) 
Present tense: -io, -is/-isi, -it/-ieti, -imus/-imos/-imo, -itis/-ite, -iunt/-iun/-iunno
Perfect tense: habea(m,s,t,mus,tis,nt) +Past/Passive Participle
Past Perfect tense: habuisse(m,s,t,mus,tis,nt) +Past/Passive Participle
Future perfect tense: -i vess/uess(o,is,it,imus,itis,unt)  
Essere(in the main verbs tense, number and mood) + Main Verb(in past/passive participle)
Present tense: som/sum, esi, est, estis, sunn/sunt
Perfect tense: fui, fusti, fuit, fumus, fustis, furunn, furunt
Future tense: ero, eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erunn/erunt
Past Perfect tense: -saraver(am,as,at,amus,atis,ant)
Future perfect tense: saraver(o,is,it,imus,itis,unt)  
Verbs ending in -cere: perfect: -xi past participle: -ctus
                        -gere: perfect: -xi/-gi past participle: -ctus
                       -vere: perfect: -vi past participle: -tus
                       -uere: perfect: -ui past participle: -utus
                       -niere perfect: -ssi past participle: -ssus
All prepositions use the Ablative or Magrur case. But there are two exceptions: de and ad. 'De' uses Magrur to have the meaning 'from, and uses Idafa when it means 'of'. Ad uses Maf3ul when the meaning is the sense of motile direction and uses Magrur to have the meaning of posession, perspective, and facing a direction.
Unlike the Classical Latin language, Nova Latina applies declension to numerals just like any other adjectives. The paradigm will be based upon the declination for the numeral one, two, three, or one thousand in the Classical language.
For 11 to 19, it would be formed as the following:

For 20-30, it would be formed as this (follows first(f.) and second(m.) declensions):
For 11 to 19: turn '-deces' into 'decimus/-a'
For 20-90: turn '-ginti/-e' into '-gintesimus/-a'
For 200-900: turn '-centi/-e' into '-centesimus/-a'
Quando pensavi che haveo fattus unam bontatem
Ma vedeo che siat niente nello mondo
Quando arrivavi ego hi per vedere lam belletiam
Ma vedeo che siat niente nello mondo
Anche quando stavi di avanti dellae portae giardini
Qualique esti, vedeo che niente siat nello mondo
When I thought that I have made a good
When I arrived here to see the beauty
Also when I stood in front of the garden gate
Whatever it is, I see nothing in the world.
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