


Discord is a messenger that allows you to communicate with a huge number of people. But the more people the more ... Notifications! 😱

And so, how to set up notifications so that it does not turn into this


  1. Notifications about everything
  2. @mentions
  3. Others articles

Notifications about everything

Does your PC get so many notifications? Let's stop this mess!

Setup notifications on PC

Server settings
  1. Go to "Server Settings"
  2. Choose "Notification Settings"
  3. Customize notifications for yourself πŸ˜‰
Notification Settings Panel

Reccomended parameters:

  • Only @mentions
  • Mobile Push Notifications
  • Don't turn on Suppress @everyone without reason! Cuz you will forget about us :(

Are there channels where you need to receive all notifications? Don't worry, we’ll configure it now:

Channel notification settings


  1. Choose category or channel;
  2. Choose parameters, what you need;
  3. Done!

Now you can use Discord and not get a nervous tick every time!

What about Mobile?

If you use Discord on your phone/tablet, then now and here everything we will configure perfectly:

Server settings
  1. Click to ⁝ near Server Name;
  2. Choose "Notifications"
  3. Let's setup!
Notification settings

Set up individual channels? Yes, no problem, even for a mobile client!

Done! Now you can safely turn on the sound in your phone πŸ˜‰

Server becomes so noise! What to do?

So noise? Mute server!

On PC:

  1. Click right-button mouse on server icon;
  2. Choose "Mute server" and set time.
Muting server

On mobile:

  1. Tap to ⁝
  2. Choose "Notifications"
  3. Mute server and set time


@everyone, Why so quite? Let's chatting!

So annoying!!! Or it's a useful feature? πŸ€”

@mentions β€” our best friend!

Not just invented it the same way, right? But what's the use of him? Oooh! Remember when there were 1000+ messages per night? And all do not read that. Here, so that you do not read so many messages and invented @mention - you can immediately see who the message was written for you! And if the party is on the server, and the participants are on other servers?

@everyone come on!!!

Or for example

@here Look! I show you sooo interesting!

And if you need administrators to calm one rude member? @Mention the role! Wow!

How to check who wrote me a message?

On PC:


Find and click in top-right corner icon "Inbox" (or just press Ctrl+I). Have so many messages? Use Ctrl+Shift+E!

On mobile:

In bottom choose @ icon


I think it's very useful, isn't it?

@everyone so ANNOING!

So... In notifications settings choose "Suppress @everyone and @here"

Don't turn off everything. You definitely forget about us πŸ˜₯

So, now we know why @mention is useful and how to setup notifications. Have suggetions? Write into #suggetions channel. Need help? Find here: Discord Support
Thank you! Wumpus love you like you love Discord ❀

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