Notepad Latex

Notepad Latex


I am Nimal . I am a grounded nomad. I love a bit of art and science. You can find me on Twitter , Facebook , and YouTube . Or send an email to .

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Notepad++ is a versatile text editor and source code editor for Windows. I use it as my default text editor on Windows. For convenience of compiling .tex files while editing we can simply add a run command to Notepad++.
This is a simple “how to” for conveniently using Notepad++ as the editor for LaTex (using MiKTex ) on Windows.
I am a grounded nomad.
I love a bit of art and science.
thanks for making this!
you might want to add a “tskill acroRD32”
so that you don’t have to close adobe reader all the time
The kill switch is great but it closes all open Acrobat windows, including some that I’d like to stay open. Is there any way to just close the pdf of interest?
I use Sumatra PDF . It doesn’t require you to close the pdf document before you recompile, and it shows changes immediately.
I had some trouble getting Sumatra to open the newly compiled file. I have both Acrobat Pro and Sumatra installed. I got it to work by changing the RUN command to pass on the full name of the pdf, in addition to the two items in used in Nimal’s approach:
And in the batch-file I changed the START command to:
START “” “C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe” %3
A remaining annoyance is that the pdf will open in a new window as you recompile. I’d prefer a refresh (or, equivalently, automatic closing of the old pdf and opening of the new file).
PS Along the way I learned that %3 is just the third argument in the RUN command, in case that helps anyone.
And the answer is to use Sumatra’s command line switch to “reuse” the current instance:
START “” “C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe” %3 -reuse-instance
There is a critical shortage of informative articles like this.
but your start command does not work as you think.
I didn’t look into that much as it worked for me.
I’m having a little trouble getting this working, any assistance would be much appreciated.
The batch file I’m using, based on the comments to the topic, is as follows:
Oh, and the problem is that when I run the batch file within Notepad++, I get the error:
Windows cannot find ‘.pdf’. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
The quotations used in your start command are not correct.
START “ ” %2.pdf
Hey, thanks, this is cool. One thing I can’t get to work though. When the file is compiled, all output files are put in the notepad++ folder, not in the original folder where the compiled file is. Any idea what needs to be changed to fix this?
I’m not sure how that happens.
What is your OS?
Try putting ” before and after the $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) and $(NAME_PART) in the Notepad++ run command. Like,
Thanks for the post, but I can’t get this to work. I click “Run…” in the Run menu, type the following into the field:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\call_latex.bat "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" "$(NAME_PART)"
and hit “Run” but nothing happens.
Can you explain note #1 to me? I’ve added a “WHERE_MIKTEX_INSTALLED” system variable with the value “C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin”. Was this correct?
I could see that your [path_to_bat_file] has some spaces in it.
Can you try putting that file in C: and try again?
You can try surrounding [path_to_bat_file] with double quotes:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\call_latex.bat" "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" "$(NAME_PART)"
You should add “C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin” to the environment variable “PATH”. If the MikTeX installation was correct, it should be added automatically. So just check the existing PATH variable and append to it only if required.
Thanks for the help. Double quotes around the path in the run input fixed it. Everything is working well now!
This is a version with 2 slight tweaks:
* A 3rd parameter is passed to the batch file if you want to display the output – no 3rd parameter will build but not display
– So I map:
to CTRL+SHIFT+F5 (to match TeXnicCenter)
* Because Acrobat locks open PDFs I installed FoxIt reader, and force the output to open in that (keeping acrobat as my default)
Thanks Chris…
That’ll be a useful tweak.
It turns out on further testing that FoxIt may need its starting directory specified. Calling it using:
… except start expects a title, so it should be
As pdf viewer I just use:
texworks %2.pdf
You are my hero. This works perfectly! Thanks a lot!
Any possiblity to have something similar to use with Sublime Text?
Thanks for tutorial. How to add forward and inverse search feature to the batch file?
Kudos! extremely helpful post, and very easy to implement.
I followed these steps exactly and it worked once. The second time I tried, I get the error that the …*.dvi, …*.aux, etc. files cannot be found. Any idea what’s happening? Thanks.
Masters in Sweden (Last semester for free education)
Some movies are different – The Circle and Or
:: Called from Notepad++ Run
:: [path_to_bat_file] "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" "$(NAME_PART)"
:: Change Drive and to File Directory
%~ d1
cd % 1
:: Run Cleanup
call :cleanup
:: Run pdflatex -> bibtex -> pdflatex -> pdflatex
pdflatex % 2
bibtex % 2
:: If you are using multibib the following will run bibtex on all aux files
:: FOR /R . %%G IN (*.aux) DO bibtex %%G
pdflatex % 2
pdflatex % 2
:: Run Cleanup
call :cleanup
:: Open PDF (Script updated based on comments by 'menfeser'
:: START "" "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" %2.pdf
START "" % 2.pdf
:: (Alternative) Open PDF with Sumatra PDF
:: START "" "C:\Progra~2\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" %2.pdf -reuse-instance
:: Cleanup Function
:: del *.log
del * .dvi
del * .aux
del * .bbl
del * .blg
del * .brf
del * .out
goto :eof

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I am the calculus coordinator at the University of Wyoming. On this blog I will share my insights into teaching mathematics here. Anything that I have found to be meaningful in my job I hope to share.

@ echo off
SET PROGPATH = %~dp0 ..
:: The folder where I hold all my programs is one directory above the batch file.

::MIKTEX setup
SET TEXMFLOCAL = %PROGPATH% \MiktexPortable 295105
:: TEXMFLOCAL is not actually used by Miktex.
:: I defined it because the next four lines use it,
:: which I took from Miktex Portable.
SET MIKTEX_COMMONSTARTUPFILE = %TEXMFLOCAL% \miktex\config\miktexstartup.ini
SET MIKTEX_GS_LIB = %TEXMFLOCAL% \ghostscript\base; %TEXMFLOCAL% \fonts
SET MIKTEX_USERSTARTUPFILE = %TEXMFLOCAL% \miktex\config\miktexstartup.ini

::The next few are my personal set up
:: TEXAUXDIR is where the aux files are placed.
:: MYTEXSTY is where I put my homemade packages
SET PPLATEXPATH = %PROGPATH% \pplatex -1 . 0 -rc 1 \bin
:: pplatex reads the log file my tex file and gives a summary of the errors and warnings.

SET Path = "%MIKTEX_BINDIR%" ; %Path%

:: In the next line, I create a subfolder in TEXAUXDIR specific to this file
IF NOT EXIST "%TEXAUXDIR%\%~n1" mkdir "%TEXAUXDIR%\%~n1"
pdflatex.exe --include-directory= %MYTEXSTY% --aux-directory= %TEXAUXDIR% \ %~n1 -output-directory= %~dp1 --interaction=nonstopmode "%1"
cd /d %~dp0 & %PPLATEXPATH% \pplatex --input %TEXAUXDIR% \ %~n1 \ %~n1 .log

set proghome = $ (NPP_DIRECTORY) \..
$ (proghome) \path\to\batch\file.bat "$ (FULL_CURRENT_PATH) "

@ echo off
SET PROGPATH = %~dp0 ..
SET Path = %SUMATRAPATH% ; %Path%
START SumatraPDF "%~dp1%~n1%.pdf " -reuse-instance

npp_console ?
npe_console a+ --
set proghome = $ (NPP_DIRECTORY) \..
$ (proghome) \path\to\batch\file.bat "$ (FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
npp_console +

begin { $ [ ! [ envname ] ! ]}
\end { $ [ ! [ envname ] ! ]}
[> END <]
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LaTeX on Windows with MiKTeX and Notepad++ – Nimal's …
Mathematics Teaching: LaTeX using Notepad++
Notepad Latex | Hot body | ВКонтакте
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Regular expression + latex | Notepad++ Community
Notepad Latex

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