A Telegraph from AndnixSH

A Telegraph from AndnixSH

To prevent unwanted spam and stress, I have disabled private message and disabled notifications. I will not get any notification when someone tagged me or quoted my posts.

I don't use social medias. Accounts created as "AndnixSH" or similar on social medias are FAKE. Do not bother searching for my name

Although Platinmods does not have official rules, you must still follow general forun rules. Rules will be worked on. Your posts may be edited or deleted, and your account may be banned, with or without notice

I only read my unreaded thread when I have time. I may not respond to your posts after reading

Update request

Before asking for update, check your Play Store first and provide screenshot of game version: https://platinmods.com/threads/how-to-check-for-latest-app-version-on-google-play-store.165939/. Do not lie about update.

Requesting an update on wrong section or being impatience will not help me update faster. Why not take a break? Gaming is not healthy :D

Game/feature requests

I don't aceept game requests nor feature requests. To request a game, post on correct section

Issue with my mods

If you have issues with mods, read the thread carefully and also read FAQ and troubleshooting guide: https://platinmods.com/threads/android-mods-faq-and-troubleshooting.134540/

Dropped mods

Dropped mods are final decision. Do not expect them to come back. Spam and requests on wrong sections will be deleted!


I'm no longer accepting donations. Instead, you can support me by sharing my mods, tutorials or pay a VIP membership on platinmods.com

Using mods from other sites

If you want use mods with malicious ads, or mods with double menus/top banner (Although it doesn't display ads, but it still collects your data without your permission), I strongly recommended using adblocker like Adaway app. It stops apps from displaying ads and collecting your data. See how to block ads on ALL Android apps: https://platinmods.com/threads/how-to-block-ads-in-all-android-apps-and-games-no-root-root.68610/

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