Note from 2006/7 - Nationalism and Anarchy

Note from 2006/7 - Nationalism and Anarchy


Democracy is grandpa's Anarchy.

Anarchy is the underlying reality under any form of government. Monarchy rejects or ignores it, and totalitarianism suppresses it, but democracy tries on the most part to embrace and steer it, to ride on it. At the same time, democracy would have you belive Anarchy is dead and safely locked outside the national borders. To the degree that democracy can manage, Anarchy is sanctified and extolled. The rest of it is used as a boogieman, to keep the natural Anarchy repressed and to maintain civic compliance. The same is done in an equal and opposite mannger with Nationalism, under Democracy. Those parts of Nationalism that would support Anarchy and harm Democracy are rejected and repressed. Those parts that rein in the people and their Anarchy are embraced and treated as natural part of the sacred tenets of Democracy: Freedom and Equality. Logically and spiritually, of course, Nationalism is a mortal enemy of freedom, almost as gravely as it offends the notion of Equality. Such is the delicate symbiosis of Anarchy and Nationalism under Democracy. The balance between these two natural subjets [?] of Democracy defines a great degree of the character of a democratic nation and government. And when this balance is tipped too far, Democracy breaks down.

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