Not happy about progress after ~1 year of lifting Reddit 😍 Weight Lifting Results After One Month What to Realistically

Not happy about progress after ~1 year of lifting Reddit 😍 Weight Lifting Results After One Month What to Realistically

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5 Years of Lifting Progress Has Been WAY Too Slow Reddit

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I think part of the reason your progress wasn’t as fast as the typical 5 years of lifting is because you started while you were still going through puberty so you basically started as a kid with lower hormone levels so your rates of progression for those teenage years would naturally be slower. The problem is, after about 6 months from starting, it's been really difficult for me to progress in any of my lifts. It usually takes me 3+ weeks to increment the weight of a lift. Some lifts haven't progressed since that 6 month mark (i.e. chest). I don't remember my starting numbers exactly, but my progress is something like this. My progress has usually been slower than I'd like. The way I manage this is by recognizing that I'm not in a race. I don't have some date I have to be jacked by or I've failed. If my lifts continue to increase, even if just by a little, eventually I'll get "big". It'll take time, but did I really expect to hit my goals and then just maintain. Im gonna be straight up with you - For a years worth of lifting 5 days a week you should have seen way more progress - the only difference I can tell is a little less fat. Definetly bulk, because if you cut at your current size you will feel drained with no visible gains. 24 mars 2014 · Bench press -255 Dead lift -450 Not bad huh? Now let's say this person runs it for another straight year, again by the book. His lifts would be Squat -505 Bench press - 315 Dead lift -570 Said person now has a 1390lb total after only 2 and a half years lifting How is that in anyway SLOW progress!!!!?. Over the course of 5 months I had 3 fevers, cough and cold, I think it has something to do with too much weight for the deadlifts or too much sets/reps. Longest rest of not lifting was probably 1+ week. This must be what they mean about too taxing on the CNS. I believe the problem is: You are weak. You never write what your lifts were in the beginning and now (squat, bench press, deadlift). Doubling tells us nothing. Maybe you were benching 45lbs in the beginning and 90lbs after 8 months and that would be a very slow progress. Why you're weak? You don't eat enough. - Probably not the case since you. r/Fitness ‱ 5 yr. ago Javaddicted No progress in physique for months but I lift more every week Hi! I am kind of stuck and I have no idea what I am doing wrong, so I am asking here for some advice. I am an 18 year old male, 177cm (5'8 I think). I started at 63kg in september and right now at 68kg, although not with linear progression. What to do when months of hard work don't pay off? I found GetMotivated a few months ago, and it really has helped a great deal to get me motivated and working hard towards my goals. So I thank you guys for that. BUT, I'm finding this subreddit can only help so much if the results aren't showing. Then I stopped working out for a week and fell back to 115, and haven’t been able to progress at all for like a month. I decided to switch to PPL about 2 weeks ago and that hasn’t shown any results. Then the worst part was today I went back to my old gym and 115 felt super heavy, so I’m pretty sure I’ve made like no results. This is my 1.5-year progress. I had spine problems and hormonal imbalances. I am a little bit skeptical about my progress since it took so long and I still look pretty slim. What do you think?. Every challenge, every bug, has a solution. It’s all about the effort you're willing to invest. Failure, don't fear it. Instead, learn from it. Without failure, we'd be like statues, unmoving and unchanging, stuck in the same spot forever, fail again and again it will serve you well. Perhaps it isn't the progress you envisioned after three years. I don't have any answers, except your lift numbers are a bit low for ~3 years. Maybe work on strength for a few months to get them up a bit. Then when I returned from winter break I had a friend show me around the free weights. It was love at first sight. Here is my current workout that has remained pretty consistent throughout with the exception of squats, deadlifts, and OHP which I just started doing 3 months ago. Day 1: Chest & Triceps. 30 pullups Flat Bench Press: 3 X 6. It takes like 5 years of good consistent training and nutrition to be close to your genetic peak. 3 years and you'll easily be within the 1% in terms of muscle mass for your size/frame. It took me 1 year to go from skinny to way better than average without a shirt and average with a shirt. Here is a 9-step method for how to learn to be consistent. These tactics have helped me become far more consistent with my goals. Step 1: Have a Stable Sleep Schedule. In order to build consistency, you need to establish regular patterns of behavior. And that all starts with when you: Wake up And go to bed. What I learned running every day for a year! Training. I hit one my my proudest milestones last week, 365 days of running in a row. The shortest run was 1mile the day after my Marathon, and the longest was a solo 50k I did in November of last year. Here are a few of the things I learned. This is good progress. Losing weight is mostly diet but exercise helps. Also progress is faster at the start and slows down as you go so don’t get discouraged. Make sure you lose it in a healthy way. I had a friend who did a lot of fasting then gained it all back almost as quickly as he lost it. If you want to stay fit you must make it a habit. 20 aoĂ»t 2024 · What does 1 year of lifting weights do? Most men who are new to weightlifting can expect to gain around 20 to 25 pounds of muscle in their first year, and women can expect to gain about half of that, but progress slows dramatically after this point. 22 juin 2014 · 5,581. after 1 year of weight training I had squatted, benched, and deadlifter more than I ever though i possibly could. I looked better, felt better and the lessons learned from weight training had made me a better person, and better at my job. There are many who go further in 12 months than I did. Strength Level calculates your performance in compound exercises like bench press, deadlift and squat. Enter your one-rep max and we will rank you against other lifters at your bodyweight. This will give you a level between Beginner ★ and Elite ★★★★★. 5 aoĂ»t 2024 · After one to two years of consistent training, the average guy should be able to lift the following weight on the four main barbell lifts: Squat: 1.75x bodyweight; Deadlift: 2x bodyweight; Press: 0.9x bodyweight; Bench Press 1.2x bodyweight; If you’re a 200-lb man, your numbers would look like this: Squat: 1 rep @ 350 lbs; Deadlift. 2 mai 2024 · What Can You Achieve In Your First Year Of Lifting? (1 Year Transformation)I have been lifting naturally for one year as of April 2024. I wanted to show off. With the constant barrage of misinformation spreading on social media, it's easy to lose track of what constitutes strong for someone in his first year of lifting weights. On one side, you've got the powerlifting locos claiming anything below 500-pound squats and 600-pound deadlifts is weak. After the first year of serious lifting you just to start loosing "newbie gains" then the real fun begins. I wouldn't even focus on aesthetics until into year 2. If your a real newbie focus on a more powerbuilding approach to build good baseline strength and proper form. british-chad ‱ 2 yr. ago Depends on SOOO many factors mate. 2 mai 2024 · What Can You Achieve In Your First Year Of Lifting? (1 Year Transformation) I have been lifting naturally for one year as of April 2024. I wanted to show off my transform. 17 fĂ©vr. 2024 · In conclusion, the lifting results you can achieve after a year of consistent training are numerous and significant. Whether you’re looking to build muscle, increase strength, reduce body fat, or simply feel better and more confident in yourself, weightlifting can be an effective and rewarding way to achieve your goals. By. 22 juin 2014 · after 1 year of weight training I had squatted, benched, and deadlifter more than I ever though i possibly could. I looked better, felt better and the lessons learned from weight training had made me a better person, and better at my job. There are many who go further in 12 months than I did. 26 dĂ©c. 2018 · There’s a natural link between lifting and other crucial areas of personal health and development. Almost all markers of health naturally start falling into place once you lift. Here’s what I. Gained 80 Pounds My First Year of Bulking + Progress After 5 Years of Lifting. In my first bulk, ( I went from 120lbs to almost 200lbs in a year. I got chubby, but lifted like crazy and it was worth it. Don’t be afraid of putting on some fat!. So I’ve gained 20 lean pounds in my first year of lifting. This is solid progress I thought? Based on the research I’ve done I was under the impression that no matter how much you ate you could only build so much muscle with optimal training. So I thought that eating at a small surplus would be a good and valid way of building my. 1 Year of Bulking TLDR: Do not be afraid to bulk! Hello gainers, I just want to share with everyone my 1 year progress. Today marks one year exactly that I decided that I wanted to do my first proper bulk. Unfortunately the first picture is the only one I took before my bulk but the rest of the pictures were taken this morning. 1. HeroboT. ‱ 4 yr. ago. Started at 148, first year got to 178, slowly got to 193 in the next year, crazy physical job took me back down to 166 in about 2 months, now I'm back to 190 in a little less than a year, though 13 pounds of that is in the past 2 months. I gained 28 lbs my first weight lifting and bulking. Quit boxing, my last fight was at 125 pounds. I was just under that the first day I weighed myself. Had never lifted weights in my life. Went from 12-1500 calories and crazy amounts of cardio every day to 4000+ calories, plus basically every supplement I could find (protein, glutamine. I was able to lean bulk from ~170 lbs to 190lbs. My first couple years I stayed lean and probably gained 15 lbs. After my first 3 years or so, my lifting journey wasn't as consistent (lifted on and off), did some heavier bulks and got up to 205. Only once, I actually set out to "bulk" and briefly lost a visible six pack. I honestly. 23 mai 2024 · Weight lifting results after 1 month – male vs female. Will men and women see different results when they start lifting? Yes and no. Men generally have more overall muscle mass and have the potential to hit bigger numbers in the gym over time, with proper training. 15 avr. 2024 · Typical weight lifting results after 1 month: Females put on 1-2 lbs of muscle or lose 1-2 lbs of fat. See others results & how to get your own!. Beginner Weightlifting Goals (Male) Within 6-12 months of proper training, the average guy should be able to achieve the following levels of strength in these core exercises: Barbell Squat: body weight x 1.2; Barbell Bench Press: body weight x 0.9; Barbell Deadlift: body weight x 1.5; Pull-up / Chin-up: body weight x 0.9. 13 avr. 2024 · Weight lifting results after 1 month will vary from person to person, largely influenced by your body type and genetics. Try not to compare yourself to others and focus on making sustainable improvements over time. Create a fitness plan that works for you, and make sure it’s achievable. 17 juin 2024 · For most beginners, the biggest results from working out at a gym after the first month aren’t physical. While you may notice physique improvements like weight loss of 2-6 pounds and rapid strength gains, the increased focus and improved mood are dramatic and incredibly motivating. Squat/Bench/Deadlift, 6'1 and went from 180 to 240 in the first 2 years. 3 months: 230x5/165x5/310x5 6 months: 285x10/175x7/355x8 1 year: 255x5/185x1/365x5 (dieted) 2 years: 400x5/225x7/485x1 (nothing but texas method and weight gain) 2.65 years: 270x5/200x5/370x1 (dieted off 70 pounds). Working on regaining my old PR's at my new. 6 months: Weight: 57-59kg Deadlift: 95kg 8RM Squat: 70kg 8RM Bench: 35kg 9RM 1 year: Weight: 58-60kg Deadlift: 115kg 1RM Squat: 95kg 1RM Bench: 47.5kg 1RM 2 years: Weight: 55-56kg Deadlift: 137.5kg 1RM Squat: 115kg 1RM Bench: 53kg 1RM.é-02-05ño-Cilantro-Sauce-02-05éos-perdues-Ordinateur-02-05éliorée-2024-le-test-vérité-sur-son-02-05

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