Not Shota Shotacon Mom Son

Not Shota Shotacon Mom Son


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Often, a mom and her son will have a strange relationship and we can tell from the types of photos that they take together.
By Aya Tsintziras Published Jul 25, 2019
When we start dating someone, we often look at the relationship that he has with his mom. After all, this can definitely be a pretty creepy dealbreaker. Does he call her on a daily basis... or even more frequently than that? Does he want her to hang out with the two of us all the time? Does he value her opinion and advice more than he does our own thoughts and feelings? Chances are, if this stuff is going on, our relationship isn't going to work out. We might as well ask him why he's even with us in the first place.
Often, a mom and her son will have a strange relationship and we can tell from the types of photos that they take together. Here are 15 mother son pics that are so inappropriate.
Oh yes, that's a doll... This mother wanted to create a doll of her son, and it's totally confusing and strange. This is the type of thing that you just can't wrap your head around, no matter how much you try. Why not just hug her actual kid?! What's up with this?
According to Bored Panda, these pictures are of Liu Yelin who is almost 50 and her son who is in his early 20s. They look like a super cute pair who are going out with each other, right?
Well, they're actually related, which makes these images all kinds of weird.
The most cliche dating profiles ever proclaim that you love taking long strolls on the beach and holding hands and nice dinners. This photo looks like something from a dating app... except that it's an actual mother and her son.
We can't handle the setting, the way that their hands are on each other's shoulders, and the overall inappropriate feeling we get from this image.
Honestly, nothing about this picture seems super appropriate. The mom is making a weird expression like she can't believe what's going on, her baby looks kind of pissed off, and her boys are running wild and holding lightsabers.
It just doesn't look safe. Why couldn't they take a typical photo?
While the mom and one son are smiling, the other two sons look completely miserable, which is strange since this photo appears to have been snapped on Christmas. If there's a day to be happy and joyful, it's that one.
Many people would probably look at this photo and say that there's something creepy about it. It just seems inappropriate.
This is definitely the way that a couple looks at each other, not the way that a mother and son look at one another. That's why we just had to include this photo here.
We never want to see such loving gazes between a mother and son. It's just not appropriate. Not in the least.
Taking a mother/son photo that involves karate doesn't make any sense. The looks on their faces, the outfits, the way that their fists are positioned... Nothing works here.
If moms are going to snap photos with their sons, they need to stand normally and not try anything too creative. Because of the creative shots? They look like this, and they just don't look appropriate.
There is no way that anyone could think that a mother and her son should be posing the way that these two are here. They're holding onto each other for dear life, as if they're totally in love. (Also, look where his hand is...) This is more than a little inappropriate.
If the kid on the left wasn't wearing this totally strange mask, this family photo would be all kinds of sweet and cute. We wouldn't have a problem with it at all.
Unfortunately, this mask ruins the whole thing and makes it seem so nerve-wracking. What was the point of this? The peaceful smiles on the mom and dad's faces just make the whole thing even worse.
There are appropriate times to take selfies... like when you're alone and your son doesn't appear to be going to the bathroom. It's fair to say that this was the wrong time for this type of photo (or any photo at all).
This mom looks really annoyed and mad, and we're just not sure what's going on.
Moms know that it can be super tough to find any alone time... let alone going to the washroom by yourself. It definitely makes sense that sometimes, your little ones would follow you into the bathroom.
The problem with this inappropriate mother/son photo? The fact that the mom is literally on the toliet. No thank you. Let's get some more privacy, please.
Model Stephanie Seymour and son always look too close in photos, and many people have pointed this out. This photo is yet another example of an inappropriate mother and son.
The way that he's holding her (and the way that she's leaning into him) makes it seem like they're going out with each other when, of course, they're related.
Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice) is a great mom and yet this photo of her and her son, Brooklyn, is making people super uncomfortable.
Why is she holding onto his tie like that? Why is he staring at the camera like that... and what is she even looking at? We have a lot of questions about this image, and we're confused.
This photo is another example of an inappropriate mother/son picture since they're both wearing headgear (along with the kid's sister).
Even if the mom wasn't leaning onto her son, it would still be an incredibly weird photo. The fact that they're all wearing headgear doesn't make any sense. It also seems very insulting to people who have to wear it.
Look, every family is different... but... it's safe to say that we don't want to see moms posing with their sons like this. Especially when the mom is wearing a Christmas-themed outfit that doesn't seem appropriate.
This photo, along with the others on this list, makes us feel really uncomfortable. Can we unsee it, please?!
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Aya Tsintziras is a freelance lifestyle writer and editor. She shares gluten-free, dairy-free recipes and personal stories on her food blog, She loves coffee, barre classes and pop culture.

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“Your turn, Mom.” He said and smiled from ear to ear.
How in the world did I get myself into this? It started off as a playful dare. I mean, after all, we were both outside in our bathing suits. It was warm out, and we were in the privacy of our own backyard. Still, how did all that come to this somewhat perverted entanglement?
My son had just completed his part of the dare. He had peed in his swimming trunks right in front of me. I really did not think he would do it. Perhaps he didn’t think he would do it either. Still, he did, and he was now looking at me to complete the same act in front of him.
“Wow, honey,” I said with a nervous giggle looking at the pool of pee now at my son’s feet. “That was a lot.” I was trying to do anything to avoid the fact that is was now my turn.
“Your turn, mom,” he said with a grin.
I sat up straighter. I was either going to try to do this or get up to flee. I was not sure which, but the smart money was on the latter. My son, on the other hand, took this as my getting into position too, well, you know. He was now grinning more than ever. Shit. He was really getting into this. Ewwww! This was getting more than just a little creepy with him seeming being so into this.
“This is going to be awesome!” my son said, fully expecting to see me pee.
Great I thought. He really wants this. And shit. He is really going to hate me if I decide to not do this for him. Crushed, in fact. Especially now since he accepted and performed my dare. What kind of a lesson would I be setting if I backed out now? Shit, think, think! What should I do? I was also really, really trying to not look at his shorts that was not doing a very good job of hiding this erection that he claimed as from having to pee.
And then it came to me. Stage fright. That’s it! I can fake stage fright. Just like I teased him of having when he seemed to be struggling to pee. Okay, okay, I tell myself. That should work. I mean, it’s not like I’m refusing to perform my end of the dare. It will be more like, hey kid, I tried but I could not.
Good. I started to feel more confident. I didn’t like telling lies. But then again, I think I would not like having to tell the counselor someday that I peed in front of my son on a dare.
“Okay, honey,” I said with a smile with my new found confidence. At least I will fail in a playful way in front of him. I sat up on the foot of the lawn chair in as dignified pose as I could. And for that matter, I mean really. How does one strike a dignified peeing pose? Hell if I know. But I gave my best effect and sat with my back straight and my knees together.
“Hey, no fair,” my son said in protest.
“What, honey?” I said, adding a giggle to my playful voice.
“I can’t see anything with your legs closed like that. That’s no fair.”
“Oh, honey,” I said in my best prim and proper voice. “Ladies always sit and pee with their knees together.”
“Oh, mom,” he said with some genuine disappointment. “Can you open them just a little? Please?”
“Honey no,” I said with a stern mommy knows best voice. “Mommies does not spread their legs.”
“But I want to see. Please,” he said again, not backing off this one.
“Hey mister,” I said, trying to move this show along. “Do you want to see mommy pee or not?”
“Yes,” he said, somewhat discouraged. “But you better pee a lot since you’re hiding like this.”
“Well okay then,” I said with a proper smile. For effect, I wiggled my hips as if I were really going to pee. As I did, I felt just how badly I needed to pee. Shit. I’m not one hundred percent sure my pee got the message that my stage fright act was going to rule the day.
I assumed my best trying to pee face all at the same time trying not to pee. Okay, one thing was for sure. I was not going to be able to fake stage fright for long as I now had to flex every muscle I had to keep the torrent at bay.
“Ah, honey,” I said hesitantly. “I think I might have some stage fright also.” I pressed my knees even tighter together now to help add to my fight to keep the flood gates closed.
“Oh, that’s okay,” he said with the grin on his face back in place. “I don’t mind waiting.”
Shit, I thought, as waiting was something that was not in the cards for my pee.
“Okay, honey,” I said, not knowing what else to say. I bore down and closed my eyes, concentrating on keeping all my pee inside of me. Trying to position myself on the chair to aid in my flexing. If this was Star Wars then I would be barking out the order, all power to lower deflector screens. Repeat, all power to lower deflector screens.
I then hear my son walk towards me. I open my eyes as a wet pair of swimsuit with a very real erection neared me. “Honey?” I said nervously.
“Here,” my son said with an innocent voice. “I bet tickling you will help.”
“What!” I said, startled. “No, honey, it’s okay!” But he had already begun reaching under my armpits, and yes, I’m very ticklish. In fact, the tickling sensation hit me even before he touched me.
I tried to angle my body away from his hands, but it was no good as he already had one of his hands in the ticklish part of my armpit.
“Honey!” I said, giggling from his tickling. “You are so bad!”
I tried to move my body in the opposite diction to fend off his attack. As I did, the flood gates open. I felt it and heard it pretty much at the same time.
“Cool!” my son said as he stopped tickling me to concentrate on the show that I was now putting on.
Shit, shit shit! What should I do? The pee was pouring out of me. No way I could close the flow now and fake stage fright. So what the hell? Whatever damage I was doing was already done. I mean, the counselor was not going to ask me if I peed for five seconds for thirty. Plus, I needed to go so bad.
“Happy honey?” I said with the pee coming out of me as if there was no limit.
“Wow!” my son said with pure amazement. Damn, I thought. This going past curiosity zone and entering the very creepy zone. Plus he was so close. He could probably smell my pee. I knew I could now. All of a sudden, I felt like he was too close to me.
“Honey,” I said, giggling over the sound of my pee hitting the deck. “Move away honey, you’re going to get it on you.”
“Honey, move,” I said more forcefully this time.
This time he moved. But not away. He instead squatted down. Shit! What was he doing? I looked over at him to see one of his hands reaching under the lawn chair. Then to my horror, I realized what he was doing as the sound of my pee hitting the concert was replaced with the sound of my pee hitting his hand.
“Mom,” he said, giggling. “It’s so warm.”
“Honey, pee is gross!” I said as he made no movement to move.
“Not yours,” he said with that evil smile. “Yours is sexy.”
Sexy! Shit! Did my son just describe my pee as sexy? Shit! Counseling for sure now.
“Honey!” I said but did not really have a reply. I was speechless. I just sat there, peeing, looking at him with his hand under me, catching my flow of pee. The moment was surreal. At this point, I just let my bladder empty the rest of the way into his hand.
As my pee finally came to a stop, I studied his face. He was still wearing his smile and looking at the pool of pee under the lawn chair.
“There,” I finally said to break the silence. “Happy?”
“Wow,” he said. “Mom, that was the best thing ever.”
The look on his face was pure joy. Damn. This was so wrong, but it made him so happy. Still, what the hell?
“Honey,” I said, trying to be playful again. Also trying to convince myself that nothing crazy happened. Just a boy’s natural curiosity. That’s all.
“You’re so silly,” I said. “Go wash your hand off in the pool.”
He pulled his hand up. It was indeed about as wet as a hand could be. He looked at it. I looked at it. It still had some of my pee pooled in the center of his palm.
“Dare me to taste it?” he said with a growing smile.
…Thanks for reading the 2nd draft of Chapter 2. The story continues with Chapter 3. Comments and suggestions welcome.
Sharing the naughty fantasy world that lives inside my mind.

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Not Shota Shotacon Mom Son

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