Posts in category: Not-For-Profit

Posts in category: Not-For-Profit

Bad services from traditional banks.

Bad Service, Access and Speed

Today, there is no reason why it should take a bank long to clear a transaction. This is something that has been accepted by customers and has allowed banks to quietly profit - because “that’s the way ...


How to talk with friends and family about finance.

Talking about Finances

Do you feel uncomfortable talking about your finances with friends and family? If the answer is yes, don’t worry - you aren’t alone! Talking about finances isn’t easy. In fact, many people are uncomfor ...


Not-for-profit services to make grow your savings, and spending power, not harm it.

Not-for-Profit Financial Services

Bringing the Concept of the Community Banking into the Digital Age In the current financial system, the people with less money pay more for financial services. Hard-earned income is eroded by fees — fr ...


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