Northern Lights x Big Bud autoflower review

Northern Lights x Big Bud autoflower review

Northern Lights x Big Bud autoflower review

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This is my first time here so please bear with me. Light will be timed for 20 hours on and 4 off.. Needing advice on what would be the best liquid nutrients to use for best results. Nutrients will be in reservoir and pump will be on timers for feeding every 6 hours. It is a recyclable system I built! I will post pictures from beginning to end for those who are interested and any advice in the meantime would be greatly appreciated! Here they are looking healthy. Switched from t5s to w HPS, That really made a change! Just startin to bud on those. Apart from a couple at the front there they look fantastic: As far as lights are concerned try and remember that you will need a minimum of 40 watts a foot preferably Keep it up very healthy looking plants. These nuts are over 2 feet and growing like freaking crazy? I aint bitchin …. Its getting to be like a jungle in that room! Yeah I thought so mate: AT least I hope so! Oh believe me I raised the light! WTH am I doing wrong? Ph has been perfect 5. Thinkin bout doing it soon as warms up enuf here …. I get too damn impatient! I should have let the Auto Assassins go longer! Ill never go by what specs say ever again! Microscope helps a whole bunch! I am gonna get one that hooks to laptop next I so I can send you and also post magnified pics on AF. In 2 week start flushin ya think? Hope the THC levels are all what they are said to be!! Yea Ive pumped up the strength of nuts! Oh yeah another little tip: The plants will give you an indication when they are ready as you will find they will start drinking less solution: Also you will see that the ppm will rise quicker in the tank as they stop taking up as many nutrients and more water But honestly I know its hard but you need to try and be patient: Starting a mother plant and using her to make clones \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[ Happy new year btw. Hay I have the same thing with northern lights this is the 2ed one I have had. The first one took 7 mo to finish but!!!! I could have let it keep growing. It would not stop… very strange. Let it get frosty it will and I mean it will it is worth it…. It has been this long. I wanted to plant but could not intill it was done the plant was 6ft by 6ft by 6ft L. Weird weed weenie is back in business and growing camp More nl x bba as well as 20 2 fast 2 vast that I jus started. Posted on June 7, December 3, by campo cultivator. No f in way they are!! I bet that has caused a lot of people to harvest to damn early like I almost did!! The thing with autos is it really depends on how much sativa they have in them! There f in beautiful!!! I have res filled with straight clean water with ph at 5. Then Ill have some killer close ups of the trics! Yes I will use 2 liter bottle for reference! I would be so frikken proud to be nominated for BOM!! Weed is no where close to being harmful to anyone! Damn sure better than booze,pills and that damn meth!! No I have not cut them,trics still clear,some cloudy,no damn amber yet! This seed strain is bloody crazy! Ill get one that works someday! Dravet Syndrome and high CBD cannabis treatment. The science of the CBD. Banana Joint from Elite Seeds. What to look for when choosing a mother plant: Celebrating at a Spanish Cannabis Club. Why do people use CBD Oil? July 2, at 3: December 29, at 8: December 29, at 9: I want to post a pic but not sure how? December 30, at December 31, at 5: January 1, at 6: May 10, at 3: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Comment Name Email Website.

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