Northern California Wildfires

Northern California Wildfires

Northern California Wildfires

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In its place, he found only blackened debris, blackened earth, and ash. Lenzi on Tuesday, after going back in the vain hope of finding the pet cat that his father, Carl Lenzi, who is in his 80s, left behind when he fled for his life. But state and local officials warned that with several hundred people still missing and unaccounted for, and some areas still out of reach of emergency crews, those figures are almost certain to rise. In all, six fires had burned more than 91, acres in the two counties, and Cal Fire rated all but the smallest of them as 3 percent contained, or less. The high winds that had propelled the blazes died down on Tuesday, but conditions were expected to get worse on Wednesday and Thursday. Drone footage shows block after block of homes leveled by fire. The less people we have here and the less area we have to evacuate, the better. More than 20, people have heeded evacuation warnings, fleeing on foot and by car as the fires overtook their towns — local governments issued new evacuation orders early Wednesday — and many of them have spent nights in dozens of evacuation centers set up around the region. Survivors told of narrow escapes from walls of flame that seemed to erupt from nowhere on Sunday night and Monday morning, forcing them to run even before text messages and other alerts were sent out by emergency warning systems. From that moment, they stayed with the house seven to 10 minutes, she said — just long enough to load the three of them, a dog and a handful of belongings into a car. Pamela Taylor, 66, at first watched the fire from the mobile home park in Santa Rosa where she lived, thinking it was not near enough to pose a threat — and then, suddenly, it was. James Harder and his friends managed to save his business, James Cole Winery, a small-scale maker of high-priced cabernets, even as the nearby Signorello Estate winery burned. Harder said he saw a wall of flame 20 to 30 feet high descending a hillside toward his property, embers whipping toward him, and formed a bucket brigade with six other people, working through the night, scooping water from a 10,gallon tank meant to irrigate his vines. The reception area was destroyed, fires still burned from gas pipes there, and ash covered an infinity pool with a commanding view of the valley. But in the bar area, a refrigerator held a wheel of manchego cheese, beer bottles and soda cans, still intact. Across the state, Cal Fire reported 17 large wildfires still burning on Wednesday, covering more than , acres. The entire American West has experienced a particularly brutal wildfire season, even as people in the Southeast have suffered the floods and winds of hurricanes. Most of the current California wildfires are in the north, including a large one in Mendocino County and several others in the Sierra Nevada, the north coast and the San Joaquin Valley. But in Southern California, a fire that broke out Monday in the Anaheim Hills burned through thousands of acres and about a dozen homes, sending smoke pouring into Orange County and closing the 91 freeway, the main route into the county from the east. The winds whipping the flames in the area north of San Francisco Bay came from the north, and thousands of firefighters labored to build fire breaks on the southern flanks of the blazes to hold them back from cities like Santa Rosa, which has already suffered heavy damage, Napa, Sonoma, Calistoga and Geyserville. Supported by aircraft dropping water and fire retardant — ranging from helicopters to a Boeing tanker — fire crews used bulldozers, chain saws and shovels to clear trees and brush, hoping to create fire breaks and starve the blazes of fuel. Many of the people taken to area hospitals were treated for smoke inhalation, and people walked through their neighborhoods and evacuation centers wearing paper masks, in hopes of protecting their lungs. Ken Pimlott, chief of Cal Fire, said that the cause of the fires was still unclear and would be investigated. He pointed out that 95 percent of fires in the state were caused by humans in some manner, and said that even a small spark in windy, dry conditions could grow quickly into a large fire. Fires interrupted utilities in and around wine country, including cellular service, which ranged from spotty to nonexistent, making it harder for people to reach family and friends and for emergency workers to search for the missing. Mark Ghilarducci, director of the state Office of Emergency Services, said that about 77 cellphone sites were damaged or destroyed. With large areas still under evacuation orders, frustrated residents congregated at roadblocks on Tuesday, pleading with police officers to let them through to their homes. Soon after they left the house, a neighbor who was out of town called them, and asked them to save some letters from his house before it went up in flames. His wife, who died of cancer this year, had written the letters to their two sons, to open on their birthdays for years to come. The Condrons turned around, but a police officer refused to let them through. Now many people in the region must decide how, and where, to reconstruct their lives. The news and stories that matter to Californians and anyone else interested in the state , delivered weekday mornings. You must select a newsletter to subscribe to. View all New York Times newsletters. A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Sign up for California Today The news and stories that matter to Californians and anyone else interested in the state , delivered weekday mornings. You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times products and services. Thank you for subscribing. An error has occurred. Please try again later. You are already subscribed to this email. In a Warming California, a Future of Flames.

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