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When Isabella's father married a woman named Paige, the 18-year-old has no intentions of getting to know her new mother. When the pair gets into a disagreement Isabella...
TW!!! ‼️‼️RAPE AND INCEST ‼️‼️
I do not support either of those
They are so horrible and wrong but this is a part of a story im writing and I felt the need to write it
What happens when a beautiful young woman steals her best friend's thesis to seek a hero's attention. To be praised. To be adored. Until she lets her heart speak and kis...
This is a letter that I wrote from my personal experience. It's to the guy who broke me and took what I didn't want to give. He won't read it no but I needed to post thi...
Frank Iero decides to make a Facebook account, finally. He gets a friend request from an attractive stranger named Gerard, he takes a risk and accepts the request. Will...
Nineteen year old Vesper is a kind-hearted innocent soul despite her dad's involvement in organized crime. She has always be intrigued by his business partner, Nero. He...
Melody really believed she found the perfect guy in Kyle, but when he starts to become possessive of her, things turn violent for Melody and her loved ones.
Benji has been under the same roof and cage for 3 years and is in poor condition but is finally let out when his master buys him.
Will this be a happy home or even a fo...
Book 1
A mission goes horribly wrong and Clint gets kidnapped. A man named Raymon claims him as his pet. He uses Clint for what ever he wishes and Clint is completely po...
Andrew wakes up to a visitor in his room during a party.
I wanted to write this one because some people have messaged me about writing young justice fan fiction again...
~Dick Grayson AKA the first Robin, AKA ward of Bruce fri...
Tom had trouble trusting people, even his own friends. So what does Tord think Tom would do when he comes crawling back for forgiveness. Accept it? Hell no.
But Tord al...
This is the second installment of my epic Word document. This is a part I am constantly trying to edit because I hate it so much, but at least it's entertaining.
This is a story about 2 boys with completely different backgrounds. 2 boys both missing a piece. In a world so dark and cruel. Will they light aflame and burn out or ris...

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Bizarrely, the first thing Katara felt was a wave of relief.
Zuko. Not Ozai. They just wanted her to marry Prince Zuko.
And then the horror of it washed over her, cold and harsh and insistent; an iron grip on her heart.
Their relationship changes, and Panty believes she deserves it.
Hermione is lost, convinced she is coping in the most efficient way in the aftermath of the war. She has left the wizarding world behind her, hiding from the reality and expectations in muggle London, passing the time working in a small bookshop. However, hiding doesn’t mean a quiet life and she learns the issues you ignore have a strange habit of making themselves known to you. When Hermione keeps being rescued by an oddly familiar stranger and discovers a new author she feels she knows through the pages, she doesn’t know if she is losing herself more or if she is finally found.
You have survived the highs, lows, joys, terrors, loves, and hates for a half decade on the most screwed up space station ever conceived.
Dukat is bonkers. Sol is a wreck. The Quadrant is on fire.
Come on. You're not gonna quit now, are ya?
After 'meeting' her future self, Hilda is faced with an absolutely simple task - seduce the professor. Easy enough... unless said professor is Byleth Eisner...
Shawn Mendes had a pretty good life. When he was sent to prison, that life was torn away. He must now come to terms with the stark realities, chance meetings and brutal betrayals of prison life. Men's Central Jail in LA is a minefield of horror, overseen by the mysterious Fiona Goode. The cast of characters Shawn meets along the way (Tom Holland, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Henry Cavill, Nick Jonas and many, many more) will prove to be a raucous band of allies, friends, foes and enemies. Will it all be too much for the young Shawn? Or will he rise to the challenge?
Warning: This fanfiction is purely indulgent and if you don't like even one of those tags please don't read it :T I'm an okay writer, but I have terrible ADHD which causes the ideas to sometimes become muddled. Also, I am my Beta reader, so if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes please don't point them out. The chances that I've read my own work after submitting it and then noticed these mistakes is 100%. I'll just become an embarrassed baby and go die in a hole TT.TT This is what I meant, this was only supposed to be a warning.. I'm so sorry.. Also I'm bad at summaries so here are a few sentences that could be used to describe this fic. They can be read in any order.
Izuku Midoriya is traumatized slightly and has a crush. Kirishima Eijiro is a sweet guy who also has a crush. Shinsou Hitoshi is also a traumatized slightly boy who also has a crush. Denki is oblivious. TetsuTetsu is a sweet guy who also has a crush. Izuku Midoriya is smitten by Katsuki Bakugou, but doesn't think it's going anywhere. He also has terrible coping mechanisms to trauma and ever worse nightmares.
The Margrave cleared his throat. "Your services come highly recommended," he said. "I believe that you successfully treated the elder Fraldarius boy some years ago. The omega."
"Indeed," Seteth said. "Though I do not usually discuss individual cases. Clients such as your lordship often appreciate my discretion."
"Naturally, naturally," the margrave said. "As I mentioned when I wrote to you, we have had difficulties with our son of late. He misbehaves, speaks back, breaks rules. He is…free with his attentions, shall we say."
Seteth provides treatment when the young Gautier heir displays signs of 'Hysteria'.
After a cruel prank goes too far, 16 year old Sakura Haruno finds comfort not in the arms of her crush, but those of his cool and accomplished older brother, Itachi Uchiha. But there's more to Itachi beneath his serene veneer, and Sakura quickly finds herself overwhelmed and outmatched at every turn.
Yet upon discovering that they're more compatible than either would have dreamed, they soon find themselves consumed by obsession, lust, and darker appetites than either would have bargained for.
Bruce had given up on having kids years ago. It just didn’t fit with the life he had made for himself, being both a billionaire playboy and Batman. The choice had been easy for him, a logical step. But things were never easy for him; he should know that by now. No matter the contingency plan there are only two things that are certain in life: fate never plays fair and neither does parenthood especially the secret kind.
There is a man Wilbur has never seen before, backed up against a tree. Next to him on the ground lies a smashed porcelain mask, black lines that may have once formed a comprehensible shape decorate a few of the pieces. The man looks horrified, his green eyes wide in shock.
“Tech, Tech, let me go!” he screams, groaning in frustration and glaring absolute daggers at the green eyed man, who shrinks further in on himself.
“No, Theseus, no, what has gotten into you?” Techno scolds, trying to hold the kid back as he struggles further.
Apparently his efforts aren’t working well to calm the kid because he yells, “let me at him, let me fucking at him!”
OR osmp!wilbur stumbles upon a confusing and somewhat violent scene in the forest. uh oh. (wait a second who's that green guy?--)
Ice Burn: What happens when ice or other cold things contact and damage your skin.
In one universe, Sir Fangar’s heart is set on the daughter of the Tunnel Cat. In another, his eyes are set on the son of the King of the Lions (here's the playlist ).
This is going to be a lot darker than what I've written before, so for the love of all that is right, please heed the tags people. I tried my best to tag them accordingly, but if I didn't get it quite right, please tell me and I'll change them. Really, if I'm writing this sort of thing in an offensive fashion, if I'm being insensitive, ANYTHING like that, call me out and I'll try my best to rectify myself.
When Linda is caught trespassing on private property while practicing witchcraft, the last thing she expects is to run into Hawkins Chief of Police Jim Hopper. However, as twists of fate continue to draw them together, Linda is about to discover the terror that lies within Hawkins. Will she stay and fight the evil lurking around every corner and show the Chief that he isn't as cursed as he believes himself to be, or will she walk away from Hawkins, not only leaving the battle between good and evil but also Hopper behind?
So, I find myself bombarded by stray thoughts as I try to write my longer stories. So I'm bringing this back to see if it helps by continuing 'Did I Hurt You?' through this squeal, I hope I'm still semi good at this and that you all enjoy it!
Each story is a short stand alone, so if one doesn't tickle your fancy, maybe another one would
"Does anything about my appearance strike you as familiar Mr. Teach?" Danford asks, as if Ed hadn't just asked a question, moving aside the bowl to sit down on the stool. "Or my name?"
Ed squints at him. "Nah, sorry, mate."
Danford nods, a hand slipping into the pocket of his apron once more.
"That's about what I expected. Not that it would change matters if you had, I just imagine that these proceedings might make more sense to you. Call this...a reckoning if you will." Or: Before Stede and Ed can reunite after the academy, Ed is captured by a privateer with a personal grudge.
"This is a dangerous game you are should stop now."
"What he doesn't know..ain't gonna hurt him. so shut up, and do what I say."
"By that time..I would have already won."
此文含有特殊性癖,不能接受请勿入内,我不为任何事宜负责。 *没有大纲,写一步是一步 *本文走向是r18g,几乎都是路人(omc)把吴邪这样那样的过激行为 *预定会有强奸、暴力血腥描写、四肢切断,其余看心情,可能会有人体改造我也不知道。 *起因是本人觉得吴邪被割喉之后不被r18g一下天理难容,全部为性癖服务
Three part short from the POV of Caleb, Fjord, and Molly.
Caleb is given to the Mighty Nein pack.
Unknown: [2:03 pm] Let’s make a playlist together, join and edit: Soundtrack for My Mental Breakdown Unknown: [link to Spotify playlist]
Another wrong number AU but with a twist?

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This is the place where non-consent stories(meaning the celeb in question does not agree to the sex in the story) are posted
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The Reluctant Wife
by Heather Lovins

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Charlotte was a woman in her prime. Her hair was still blonde; she even had her figure for thirty. She had a bachelor's degree in Advertising. Unfortunately, she gave up all that she had worked to gain for marriage, to Alex Cahill. He had been charming and outgoing for a rancher. He was six feet tall with broad shoulders, and the prettiest eyes in the state of Texas. She gave up her life, her family and friends in San Antonio to move to the outside of Houston. She did it for love. Now she was giving up her marriage to Alex for her life.
She had spent the last five years being there for him. She did everything for him; gave to him all she had. Why couldn't he do what he promised when they married? He promised to put her above all else.
"Charlotte, where are you going?" Alex came in to find her packing. He truly looked shocked.
"I am getting out. You are never home. I rarely see you any more," Charlotte said with tears in her eyes.
"It's been a busy season. You know that. I need you here with me."
"You never include me in your life, Alex. I am here at home waiting till all hours of the day, waiting to catch a small glimpse of my husband. That isn't right."
"Can't we just talk about this?" Alex didn't want to see her go.
"We have exhausted ourselves and got no where. I am tired of talking. I want a divorce."
"Back home, to San Antonio. I love you but I can't stay here another night, not like this." Charlotte Packed what she could in two suitcases, picked them up and walked out the door. Alex stood back and watched her get into her car and drive away into the night.
July was always the hottest time of the year in Texas. The sun was rising quite early and it was setting too late. Charlotte Monroe had lived in Texas for all of her thirty years. She was used to it. It was six o'clock in the evening as
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