Non Consensual Femdom

Non Consensual Femdom


Non Consensual Femdom

slave of Mlle Sadie (843-535-179) says:

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Below is my answer to a comment on this blog I received recently. It raised a question of interest to me. When I asked bitch-boy whether his first submissive fantasies pre-adolescence were all about truly non-consensual scenarios he answered 100%, which I had believed would be the case. I would love to know if other submissives also began with exclusively and wholly non-consensual fantasy scenarios. If so, what caused the change to willingly handover power to a woman.
I am aware though that there is a massive blurring of consent, like under my roof. In order to get the feeling bitch-boy craves of him being helplessly under the power of a cruel dominant woman, he consents to being dominated. BUT, how he is dominated is 100% my way, including plenty he absolutely ‘does not consent to’. He could leave, he could decide not to be dominated, but in order to get the overall feeling he craves, things happen to him he ‘absolutely does not consent to’. If he did consent to all that happened to him he would not get the feeling he craves of him being helplessly under the power of a cruel dominant woman. A VERY TRICKY AREA INDEED.
You write you are not in the least submissive but you dream of non-consensual femdom day and night? I, of course may be wrong and I apologise if I am, but I find it almost impossible to believe you are not submissive given you dream of non-consensual femdom day and night. Particularly given you find the creative punishments and predicaments are a thrill to read about. I guess the big question is does that’thrill’ include becoming sexually aroused???
My interactions over 20+ years with submissives is that 99.9% of them, often between the ages of 7 and 11, begin experiencing their submissiveness with fantasies of non-consensual submission to women. Often their patriarchal family and societal upbringings psychologically preclude them having acceptable thoughts of giving consent to a woman to dominate them.
Until they can no longer live that life of discord and they go against the their society’s stereotype male role of dominance in order to get the life they really crave. But some submissives are so indoctrinated with the ‘males are dominant’ theme, they can never accept who they really are and live their whole lives in discord. This is just what I have learned over 20+ years of interactions, if it does not apply to you, then it does not.
However when you write that non-consensual femdom is not possible, you are mistaken, although it is not common and always involves blackmail. So IT IS unlawful. I have come across instances of wives and mothers-in-law and female subordinates at work taking an opportunity that arises and taking control of a male through blackmail and going beyond simply extracting money and/or material benefits and actually going down the sadistic routes of punishment and humiliation simply for the womens’ pleasure. I think this has and will become ever more common now phones can take audio, photo and video recordings, people put their identifying personal details on Facebook etc, and more societies bring women up to be empowered rather than submissive.
Of course I am not suggesting you OR ANYONE engineers such a situation. It is madness to do so. You might however find a source of accounts that meet your requirements from rare and unscrupulous on-line dominatrices in general and often Findom on-line dominatrices. The unscrupulous dominatrices to which I refer are obviously not representative of the vast majority of honest and ethical dominatrices out there.
One example account I remember vividly of an on-line dominatrix is as follows and screenshots were provided to prove veracity. We will call the victim Fred. First she played along with Fred’s fantasies and he became quite enthralled. Then over time she got his employers name and address and email, (which she checked out by phoning them and asking for him, then hanging up when they said they will put her through). Using that information, she forced him to give her his wife’s name and number. He of course, being a submissive was deeply affected and aroused to be truly under her power at that point. Then it all went wrong for him because she was a REAL SADIST. A very exciting woman for a submissive BUT!!!
Obviously her fees went up and became mandatory and regular. Then the cruelty began on top of that. The incident that sticks in my mind is when she instructed him to go to a huge supermarket and buy a large cucumber, a packet of condoms and a tube of KY lubricant. AND NOTHING ELSE. He had to send her a shot of the receipt. And it had to be done peak time on a Saturday – date and time being on the receipt. The screen shot of the DM exchanges between them are quite the turn on. As he pleads and pleads not to do this, offers money which she takes and then carries on with the same instruction anyway. Totally gratuitous cruelty and a truly helpless male with no option but to comply. Which he eventually did and the supermarket receipt was displayed on her website.
In my last post , Joe ends up being blackmailed into doing what he is told because he had sent the gang a shot of his driving license. In my next post on Joe I will go into that.
So, there is the unethical blackmail scenario and then there is, if this is possible, EHTICAL BLACKMAIL. The online dominatrices who advertise as blackmail mistresses. Most of whom do not take their power too far, but some do. Of course, you would be right to argue that this is still consensual because the submissives do not need to pass over confidential information to the dominatrix in the first place. But having made that mistake, it does become non-consensual.
So I suggest it is the blackmail accounts of on-line femdom, including the unethical dominatrices that will be for you the main source of accounts of real non-consensual femdom.
For info on my BDSM manual, in several formats, click on an image below.
Community is not helping itself December 6, 2019 In "cuckolding"
The easy, ultimate source of power January 14, 2022 With 23 comments
Thank you for sharing. Very interesting
i am a submissive man and, in my opinion, You are 100% correct about our need for non-consensual domination by a demanding and cruel Woman. my own awareness began (as You have also observed) when i was a boy, somewhere around 8 years of age. i have been lucky enough to find a Mistress to serve; however, this said, i did make an effort to work on myself and am sincere in my wish / need to be a slave. With this in mind, i am compelled to have my slavery be complete. For me, this means it must non-consensual and inescapable. To this end, i have provided copious amounts of blackmail material and every manner of personal information to my Mistress. She is in a position to ruin me if She so chooses. i, on the other hand, am obliged to obey Her every whim and submit to any punishment She deems necessary. It is often difficult in the moment suffering the whip or obeying a particular command; however, the deep reverence that follows knowing that i am truly owned and dominated satisfies my deeply seated need to be a slave.
Very interesting, thank you.
Mlle Sadie sounds fantastic. Can we learn more about her?
Certainly, Ma’am. You may view Her FetLife profile here: , where You will find extensive and detailed accounts of Her practices.
Absolutely began at a young age as non-consent fantasy, first because I was too young to understand agency or consent and then, as you point out, because I was hemmed in by social expectations for “traditional” power arrangements between men and women.
Flash forward (many, LOL!) years and I am happily in what many would call a “nonconsensual” dynamic but which is, in fact, a BLANKET consent situation.
I have one doorway of agency: to choose to remain in the dynamic or leave.
Everything else is predicated upon her needs, wants, and desires, which is how WE BOTH want it. I find fulfillment in meeting her needs and it is enhanced the more my own wants/desires are ignored as irrelevant.
The only exception, while minor, is in play.
In our day-to-day, any punishment of me in our relationship would be, to the casual observer, boring. I am not whipped or beaten for failures to perform at expected levels of service. It is more likely that I will be given an earlier “lights out” and some privilege (reading, TV, etc) is suspended for a week. All “maintenance” beatings — while perhaps more intense than some would expect in their own relationship — are uneventful.
In full-play mode, however, serious differences arise. Mistress is a full-blooded sadist. I am NOT a masochist in the sense of enjoying, or receiving erotic pleasure from, pain. I endure it in order to please her and THAT gives me satisfaction.
While I have a “safe word” — the ever boring “red”, LOL — it is not to be used except in a moment where Domme-space might prevent her from seeing really harmful distress, ie: a heart attack or stroke or something existential beginning to occur.
Aside from that (which has, fortunately, never occurred), I am expected to take whatever she delivers for as long as she desires at whatever level of intensity she chooses. Canings until blood flows freely down my body? Check. Whippings until the same, zero surface area not blackened/reddened with strike marks? Yup. Paddlings to the point where legs, thighs, and buttocks are pools of subsurface, blackened bruise pools; or needles and hooks piercing my flesh until everything is one giant siren of alert, electrics to the point where all my nerve endings screaming? Yes, yes, and yes.
And through it all, I embrace the surrender of helplessness and — afterwards — recover in the warm embrace of her satisfaction with my service.
I can’t explain why I’m wired this way and I stopped bothering to ponder it years ago. All I know is that my submissive soul needed a partner who would only take “yes” for an answer in both the life-D/s and life/play-BDSM arenas and I’ve been fortunate enough to find them. :)
Thank you. A great comment. Wow what a Mistress-wife! She sounds fantastic.
I wonder one thing. I have coined after much consultation with many. many submissives; the definition of a true submissive being someone who craves to be helplessly in the power of a cruel dominant woman. You say, you endure extreme punishment in order to please your wife and THAT gives you satisfaction. Could it be the case that enduring her punishments makes you truly feel that you are helplessly in the power of a cruel dominant woman, and that brings you the overall state of mind you need to be content?
One more brief remark on a subject near and dear to my heart; In my opinion, being physically overpowered is the ultimate form of domination. It needs no interpretation or setting. Happened to me once when I was 9 and the die was cast.
That is an area I am really interested in due to the explosion in the last ten years of women into serious body building, boxing, martial arts and MMA. Are there DS relationships developing out there based on the woman being able to physically overpower her male sub. Doing whatever she wants to him because that is the source of her power, that she demonstrates from time to time. It is a VERY HOT scenario.
It is a very hot scenario. My wife is seriously into her gym and fitness. With my help she is probably as strong as the average non gym going male. I am significantly larger than her in height and mass once she has manipulated me into a restraining,restraint position she is capable of restraining me obviously I am not to resist. A women who weight trains if she gets a guy, flat on his front body weight on top and arms pinned he’s not going anywhere without suffering a huge amount of pain or until she lets him. I’m 6ft 16 stone weight train my wife is round 9 stone 5-6 and I would seriously struggle end up with a broken wrist attempting to dislodge her and she’s in no way MMA judo or wrestling trained and that’s despite me being able to easily pick her up and carry her .
The instruction to “cross the line” between consensual and non-consensual domination is an invitation, not a threat. By doing so, the submissive enters into a contract. The skilled dominant opens the door a little more each time. By your accounts, this is more or less how bitch-boy has ended up where he is, wants and deserves to be today.
I read in this post you mention that account from “Freddie” with the real sadist who ended up blackmailing him. Do you still remember the name of her blog? Cause I’d be really interested to read it in full
I am afraid not. I recall she was from the USA and had dark hair and she had a lesbian girlfriend, although she herself was bisexual. I think it was probably nearly 20 years ago though. Apologies.
Oh, that’s a pity, it seemed like such a compelling reading. But that’s absolutely fine, thanks for the answer, and as we’re at it, thanks for keeping such an amazing blog.
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