Non Consensual Bondage Stories

Non Consensual Bondage Stories


Non Consensual Bondage Stories
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5 days ago 1. To the Pain Room She turned her head rapidly to the right. Black was extracting a long nail out of the drawer. She twisted her neck to the left with increasing fear. Her arm, screaming with pain, lay there, bleeding from the deep gashes that Black had so skilfully carved into her skin.
4 days ago A silhouette appeared in that rectangular light with the stature of a man with something over his shoulders. He chuckled sadistically and stepped inside, his heeled boots echoing loudly. He brought the rifle to his front and aimed it at the group of women I was among. "We don't have all day now, ladies. You know the drill."
12 Adult BDSM short stories . Graphic sexual situations. Explicit language. BeDtime Stories for the Master by Kitty Luv ... consensual and safe adults feel free enough to do so. ... bondage , domination, submission, sadism, masochism, , degradation, femdom, toys, humiliation, role play, sex, object , insertion, lesbian and heterosexual sex ...
Rapist Dean Goodwin. Most people feel safe in their own home, but I can no longer bear to step foot in mine after being brutally raped and imprisoned for five hours by an intruder. Dean Goodwin, 32, turned up at my flat, in Poole, Dorset, unannounced at 2.45am and forced his way inside.
May 4, 2022 The Carthanage Stories include the following tales: The Cammy and Alisa Stories : "Fair" (2018) and "Pony" (2020). These are relatively new stories , but might be the best ones to read first. "Fair" is a wide-ranging exploration of many of the facets of Carthanage society, seen through the eyes of two college girls, Cammy and Alisa. It looks into ...
Over the past 30+ years, CF Publications has published works by a good number of outstanding spanking writers as well as stories by a smaller but significant number of fine writers who happened to write about spanking. Susan Marie Thomas (who once threatened me with bodily harm for addressing an email to her "Dear Susie") is clearly among the ...
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Most people feel safe in their own home, but I can no longer bear to step foot in mine after being brutally raped and imprisoned for five hours by an intruder. Dean Goodwin, 32, turned up at my flat, in Poole, Dorset, unannounced at 2.45am and forced his way inside. He then subjected me to a terrifying ordeal, during which he raped in me in almost every room.
It was a rainy November evening last year, no different to any other. I had cooked dinner, had a bath and got into my pyjamas before curling up on the sofa to watch a DVD. At midnight, I decided to head to bed as I knew I had an early start for work the next morning. But just before 3am I was suddenly woken by a banging at the front door and shouts of ‘Police… open up’.
Terrified as to what was going on, I dashed to the door expecting to be met by uniformed officers informing me of an emergency. Instead I came face-to-face with Dean – a friend of my ex-boyfriend – who I had met only a handful of times. I had seen Dean once or twice, but I’d never really spoken to him, he always seemed very shy. Groggy after just waking up, I couldn’t understand what he was doing on my doorstep at that time in the morning. Before I had the chance to realise what was going on, he barged into my hallway.
Dean demanded to know where my ex was. But we had broken up months earlier and I told him I didn’t know but he wasn’t at mine. He then calmly asked me to make him a coffee, I refused and insisted that he go, but there was no way that he was leaving and he even started making one for himself. I pleaded that he get out but he ignored me and began wandering around my flat.
He walked into the bathroom, opened the bedroom doors and even checked my airing cupboard. I asked him what he was doing and he snapped: ‘Checking you’re alone.’ I froze with fear and thoughts of what he might do flashed through my mind.
I knew I desperately needed to get out of there, but before I had the chance to try and escape, Dean lunged at me. At only 4ft 10ins and 7st, I was no match for the burly brute. When he ordered me to remove my clothes, pushed me against the sofa – clasping his hand over my mouth – and started to rip off my pyjamas, I was helpless. I tried with all my might to fight him off, but he was too strong.
He hit me around the head and threw me on to the floor, where he violently raped me. I was trapped underneath him and scared for my life. There was nothing I could do. Sobbing throughout, I begged for Dean to stop. When he was done, I prayed it was over but instead he did it again – raping me in the lounge, the kitchen and the bedroom.
What he put me through was absolutely horrific. He raped me over and over again. I thought it would never end. He kept saying he was a bad man and that I would do as I was told. When I tried to resist him he kept gagging me or slapped me around the head. At 6.45am he eventually left, after trapping me for almost five hours.
As he walked out the door, he said: ‘I know you won’t go to the police. I will tell them you were willing and wanted it rough.’ He then added: ‘I’m off now – I’ll see you in court. Take care.’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He was sick.
I collapsed on the floor in tears, as the front door slammed behind Dean. In no state to think about evidence, I showered and scrubbed myself raw. I got changed ready for my shift, but when my colleague arrived to pick me up for work, minutes later, I burst into tears and revealed everything. Together we called the police and reported what had happened. Officers met me at my work place. I was petrified but I told them everything and gave a video statement.
I had a medical examination to check for evidence and forensics combed my home for DNA. Unable to return to the scene – the flat I had once called home – I went to stay with my sister, while a manhunt for my attacker got underway. I couldn’t ever set foot in my home again. My mum boxed up all of my things and I moved in with my sister permanently. I didn’t want to hear or think about what I had gone through and stepping inside would bring back it all back.
Over the next few days the story was all over the local news – on television and in the newspaper. I couldn’t bear to listen to or read about it. Fortunately four days later, the police called with good news – they had caught Dean. He was charged with raping me and another woman.
When they told me there was someone else, my heart leapt up into my chest. But it wasn’t until the case came to court in April that I discovered how evil Dean really was. Dean was a serial rapist and went on to attack a second victim, a 49-year-old mum on her way to pick up her children from school during the middle of the day.
The vile sex fiend thought he had killed his second victim – a total stranger – after hitting her on the head with a brick during the barbaric attack and dragging her into an alleyway. He raped her and left her for dead before going on to withdraw £90 from her bank account.
I found out that Dean had been released early from prison for similar offences before he carried out the horrific sex attack on me and his second victim. He was a high-risk offender with three previous convictions for sexual assault and was let out of jail after serving 10 years of a 12-year sentence. On the sex offenders’ register, he was supposed to have been monitored by the authorities. In 2000, Dean was imprisoned for 12 years for two sexual assaults on a 13-year-old girl and a 63-year-old woman.
Bournemouth Crown Court heard how Dean had no self-control and how he later told police he had ‘wanted to go out with a bang’ after attacking me. Dean pleaded guilty to four counts of rape and false imprisonment in relation to the attack on me and attempted murder, rape and robbery in connection with the second woman. The judge sentenced him to nine terms of life imprisonment but told him he must serve a minimum of 15 years in jail.
But despite the outcome, I am still struggling to come to terms with what happened. He’s left me feeling wary of everyone. I find it difficult to trust anyone, especially men. I freak out whenever I see anyone of his build with a similar hairstyle too. Sometimes I just sit and cry. But I won’t let him destroy me, I’m determined to move on and put it all behind me.
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Thantasy and I have often done roleplays together. These have taken many directions, but in the last few years they have centered on a mythical society, essentially a 21st century Earth in a parallel universe, which we call "Carthanage," in which, for genetic reasons, there is an overwhelming excess of female humans over males in the population. In long-ago tribal days, this led to the practice of eating women, a tradition which has continued to the present day. In modern-day Carthanage, the consumption of women is an unquestioned part of life, a cultural mandate to which women submit happily as a fulfillment of their destiny, and nobody can imagine things being any other way, as they never have been any other way. Some are called in the government-administered draft and processed anonymously in butcher shops or meat-packing plants, but a more rewarding end for a woman is to be roasted and eaten by her own family and friends.

In Carthanage, many women occupy their time in much the same way as women in our own 21st century society. They can go to college, hold meaningful and authoritative jobs, get married and have children, all in a way that is very familiar to us. But whatever else a woman has done in her life, she knows that in the end, by law no later than her forty-fifth birthday and usually sooner, her body will be cooked and consumed as food. And the practice has been generalized to the point where many women willingly give their bodies to society in a variety of ways before they end up on the dinner table. They might choose to serve as slaves of one type or another, such as bed-slaves, or work-slaves; they might be girlpets, such as body-modified puppygirls or ponygirls, a specialized form of slavery; they might take pride in being chosen as the main course at a large banquet, as in the story "Home for the Holidays" (see links below); they might have their fertility enhanced and bear dozens of babies at a breeding farm; they might, as in the story "At the Dairy Farm," take advantage of a woman's unique ability to produce milk and spend their adult lives as physically altered girlcows on a dairy farm, making liquid nourishment for society, with bodies medically geared towards copious milk production, before finally being snuffed for their meat; and as one of a Carthanage woman's highest aspirations, they might be admitted as students at the very exclusive and prestigious Hanging Academy, subject of the story "Academy Girl," where after an intense three-year course of training, each graduate is purchased from the Academy to perform before a crowd of admirers, who will witness her erotic performance that ends in her very arousing death by hanging. (The Hanging Academy also is mentioned prominently in the early part of "At the Dairy Farm," but it is not the subject of that story.)

The Carthanage Stories include the following tales:

The Cammy and Alisa Stories : "Fair" (2018) and "Pony" (2020). These are relatively new stories, but might be the best ones to read first. "Fair" is a wide-ranging exploration of many of the facets of Carthanage society, seen through the eyes of two college girls, Cammy and Alisa. It looks into the mores and ethics of a culture that prizes women for the food they provide to society -- by literally being the food. "Pony," which takes place a generation later, then continues the story with a more specific focus.

Academy Girl (2006-2010) is the longest work, about the fulfillment and rewards of being a student and a graduate of the Hanging Academy. This is a series of five novelettes. (I had originally intended that it would consist of four books altogether, but the fourth started getting so long that I split it into two books.) The first book can stand alone, but later books depend heavily on the earlier ones.

Island (2014) is a sequel to Academy Girl (readable as a standalone but preferably read after Academy Girl), about the operations of a restaurant established on Purity Island, with the longterm goal of dragging Purity Island into 21st century Carthanage society.

Unwilling (2021) is an examination of the general practice of slavery in Carthanage society, slaves being women who are owned by another person. Most slaves have chosen a life of submission willingly, but not all of them, as social media celebrity Marly DeFossi discovers the hard way.

Home For the Holidays , a relatively short story, is by far the earliest of the Carthanage stories (written in 2000). In Carthanage, an especially daring way for a woman to offer herself as a slave is simply to go out in public naked without a slave collar -- it is understood that she is not yet owned by anyone but is available to the first person or group to claim her for that purpose. Depending on where she does it, she might expect to serve for many years or be cooked and eaten immediately. "Home" is the story of a young woman whose hopes to be consumed at a banquet aren't going entirely as planned.

At the Dairy Farm (2005) is a book-length tale of a girl who has reached the age at which she must decide whether to take her place in the family business by becoming a girlcow.

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Susan Thomas Stories

Short Stories

Writing is a hobby for me and although it involves quite a lot of hair pulling and screaming it is highly addictive. It’s now got to the point where even cooking a meal involves some muttering away about my characters or the situations I’ve put them in. Of course it’s no fun at all unless you can share your creations with others so I hope you’ll have a look at my site and see if there is anything that takes your fancy. I write stories that I would like to read and that is stories with some spanking in them but, as I’ve discovered, I’m not the only one that does. Don’t worry my stories don’t involve abuse. All the spankings are consensual or at the very least consensual non-consent (as another writer put it).
Over the past 30+ years, CF Publications has published works by a good number of outstanding spanking writers as well as stories by a smaller but significant number of fine writers who happened to write about spanking. Susan Marie Thomas (who once threatened me with bodily harm for addressing an email to her “Dear Susie") is clearly among the very best of the second group.
Susie (she can’t hunt me down for writing a blurb, can she) is prolific; a fast survey tells me she has published 92 stories with CF and, despite my earnest advice, a large number with various other publishers, web sites, and I suspect restroom walls, but there is no discernible drop in quality. Sue’s (no point in prodding the bear again) stories are always carefully written and facts carefully checked, for instance I have been queried as to the alternate routes a high school diploma in the US, a country which she regards as a happy paddling ground for spankers. But more important to the reader than technical proficiency, Sue’s characters are interesting, her plots are engrossing, and her spankings exciting.
There is a new story of mine in the Library of Spanking Fiction. It is a series in nine parts (approximately 30,000 words) about a very strong and [...]
I have to apologise. A huge apology to any who may visit this site. I have neglected it and my only excuse (other than Christmas) is that family [...]
When I finish writing this I shall have to go back and stand in the corner with my hands on my head. I made a big…huge, massive…mistake when I set up [...]

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