Nody is a stage for designers, so it is a welcome expansion to the environment.

Nody is a stage for designers, so it is a welcome expansion to the environment.


What is Nody?

Nody provides instant access to EVM networks via the WebSocket API or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure to seamlessly create your dApps. Dedicated Nody dashboard supports a wide range of customization.

Overview of functions

Distributed and reliable infrastructure, one-click deployment and management.

Effortless dApps creation and integration.

Remote node launch and access.

Automatic nodes deployment and management.


Delegate your NODY Tokens and receive rewards from our revenue streams. Staking will be launched by Q2 2022.

Nody is a stage that gives a solid and dependable foundation answer for all web 3.0 dapps and conventions to be conveyed on it. Nody is a decentralized and powerful framework arrangement, which fills in as the establishment for a decentralized, associated and keen web 3.0. Nody’s innovation depends on the blockchain, and joined with the virtual machine, which is the virtual working framework for savvy gets, the working component for blockchain frameworks. The innovation makes it workable for engineers to fabricate decentralized applications (DApps) easily. The stage is based on top of a decentralized organization, which is an organization that has no incorporated place of control, as it runs on a distributed association. Nody gives designers the instruments that they need to foster DApps in view of the blockchain and brilliant agreements. Nody is a stage for designers, so it is a welcome expansion to the environment.

The organization has presented their principal highlights, which are useful to every one individuals looking for a helpful stage:

The strong web 3.0 foundation arrangement proposed by Nody gives conveyed and dependable framework, a single tick organization and the executives to its clients and crypto devotees.

The organization additionally has highlights that power the Web3 environment, empowering clients to work with disseminated hub foundation for easy dApps creation and combination.

It contains programmed hub sending and the board wherein clients can send off hubs from a distance and access them anyplace.

The stage offers the accompanying restrictive administrations to the crypto fans:

Disseminated and solid framework, a single tick organization, and the executives

Easy dApps creation and joining

Far off hub send off and get to

Programmed hubs arrangement and the board


It can distinguish and perceive faces, articles and voices.

It can grasp normal language and can be effortlessly prepared to see new dialects.

It can decide its area and explore to new regions.

It can peruse and compose text, and figure out complex orders.


(Q1 2022)

WebSocket and HTTPS Support

Nody Closed Beta Launch

Dedicated Nody Dashboard

(Q2 2022)

ETH Support

BSC Support

Campaign (Project Nody)

Delegate Service

NODY Staking

(Q4 2022)

Public Beta Launch

NOTIFY ME Proxy Launch

Bug Hunt

(Q1 2023)

Public Launch

NODY Token

Nody Token (NODY) will be required to activate any service on the platform.

Maximum supply: 1,000,000,000 NODY

Contract address: 0xA78060C2F161F5fAECcb96BE7CA2C9F9Df6c7a18

Decimals: 18

Network: BSC

Symbol: NODY


For more information visit the link below








Forum Username: Coinradr

Forum Profile Link:;u=3446212

BSC Wallet Address: 0xd07a0C378C0019c53CBA52101389Ae3F49526a98

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