No Hand Cumming

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No Hand Cumming
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Almara Abgarian Friday 1 May 2020 12:43 pm
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It’s finally May and you know what that means: Masturbation Month .
The celebration of all things self-love comes around every year to highlight why we should make ourselves climax more often.
Ironically, we’ve all got plenty of time to get frisky now that we’re stuck in lockdown, so this is the perfect opportunity to explore new ways to orgasm.
The challenge: to make yourself climax without using your hands.
How can you do this? Let us help (with advice, not our own hands – stop being so filthy).
Surely this is cheating, because you still need your hands to move the sex toy, right? Wrong.
There are actually plenty of toys on the market that are completely hands-free.
For instance, you could try the Lelo Tiani 3 , which lets you penetrate, vibrate and control the sensations with a remote control.
(OK, so the latter requires your hands to swap vibrations – but once you’ve done that, you’re good to go).
Or hand the remote over to your self-isolation partner, if you have one, and just lie back and enjoy.
Other hands-free delights include suction dildos that you can attach to the floor or shower wall, and ‘ride’, with multiple vaginal and anal options to choose from Lovehoney.
If you fancy the popular rabbit-style dildo, the Wall Banger Suction Cup Vibrator , offers ‘shivering ears’ so that your clitoris is stimulated at the same time.
There’s a plethora of other choices – the (sex toy) world is your oyster.
While you’re doing all those workouts in lockdown, try a core-based exercise for an added benefit, a so-called coregasm .
According to a study from 2014, published in the journal Sex and Relationship Therapy by the University of Indiana, you can give yourself an EIO (exercise-induced orgasm) by engaging your abs.
Try the ‘captain’s chair’ (padded high chair with no seat), climb poles and ropes, take a spinning class or do weight lifting to bring on the desired climax.
Female participants from the study also revealed what type of exercise they had been doing when they got their coregasm:
OK, so you can’t really bring on a sleepgasm yourself, it just sort of happens or it doesn’t.
But to help your subconscious along, try watching porn, masturbating (without climaxing), reading something naughty or having a make-out session with your partner before bed.
There are no guarantees, but it might help.
And if it doesn’t, there’s nothing stopping you from masturbating in the morning anyway.
Delve deep into your mind and explore your filthiest fantasies.
Do a sexy meditation, as such. You can also voice your thoughts out loud to your partner (or to a new lover, over the phone) if that works better.
Apparently, flooding our minds with dirty thoughts can bring on an orgasm without us doing anything else.
The theory was explored in a study in the early 90s, when Rutgers University studied 10 women who claimed to be able to orgasm with nothing but their thoughts.
And they had some success, with findings revealing that their ‘genital self-stimulation generated significant increases in systolic blood pressure, heart rate, pupil diameter, pain detection threshold and pain tolerance threshold over resting control conditions.’
If thoughts alone aren’t enough, try turning on your favourite porn and watch it while you conjure up your filthy thoughts.
Noticed how dogs hump pretty much everything when they’re frisky?
Whether you rub yourself off on your partner’s leg, a pillow, the edge of your couch or something else, giving yourself clitoral stimulation in this way could make you orgasm (it’s also why many women orgasm while on top during sex).
It’s a classic, though it does require one hand.
Hold your shower head on your clitoris, and let loose. Just be careful with the temperature, so that you don’t injure the delicate skin – and don’t spray the water directly into the vagina. It can upset the balance of healthy bacteria or introduce air into the vagina, neither of which you want.
Or turn on the tap of the tub, and let the water shower over your vulva.
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Again, be very careful with the water pressure and temperature so that you don’t harm your precious parts – spray the shower externally only.
Top tip? Do both at the same time, see what happens, thank us later.
Join a tantric workshop to learn techniques on how to give yourself stronger orgasms and tune into your body’s desires.
Your new-found skills might help you do some of the above even better.
Rope in your partner, if you’re isolating together.
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Excuse, the “sensitive” adult nature of this thread…
How can men have full ejaculations with little to no manual stimulation? This came up as bar talk one night, a friend mentioning that his workplace sexual flirtation was so intense/charged that he had the unfortunate experience of ejaculating in his pants when his coworker touched him on the shoulder…he was entirely serious about this and explained it was incredibly embarrassing.
It’s all in the brain/mind. Also, if he was really turned on by her it might not take much squirming and a bit of unintentional rubbing against his underwear to trigger it.
One other question. How old is he? It’s a lot easier for a 15 year old to do this then a 60 year old.
I’m scared to ask what this has to do with “About This Message Board.”
General Questions Moderator
Just watch Clive Owen and Lothaire Bluteau have an amazing, gay no-touch orgasm in this scene from Bent. …
It’s called “premature ejaculation”.
Some men have a problem with it, there has been a lot written about it and there are techniques to avoid it. Suffice it to say that your friend has a condition that, if he were ever to hook up with his love/sex interest, would mean that she would find him to be a very unsatisfying sexual partner and it may lead to a lot of resentment. It’s not a good thing. I’m surprised that he would even talk about.
It’s like a wide receiver in football saying, “we needed to score a touchdown, they sent me on a post pattern but I was so fast I ran out of the end zone, through the tunnel and into the parking lot before the QB could get the ball in the air.” You were so excited about how good your QB’s throwing arm was that you totally messed up. Good job, schlub!
It can happen to anyone while dreaming. Of course, lots of things are different when dreaming and when awake.
This scene from Forrest Gump illustrates the issue.
It’s called “premature ejaculation”.
Some men have a problem with it, there has been a lot written about it and there are techniques to avoid it. Suffice it to say that your friend has a condition that, if he were ever to hook up with his love/sex interest, would mean that she would find him to be a very unsatisfying sexual partner and it may lead to a lot of resentment. It’s not a good thing. I’m surprised that he would even talk about.
No it isn’t. It’s entirely possible to experience incidents of ejaculation through purely mental stimulance and at the same time not suffer from premature ejaculation.
I knew of a website (no longer being updated but marginally still around) whose schtick was a beautiful gal who could bring her guy to “touchless orgasms”. Now of course there was a lot of touching and sucking and whatnot beforehand but shortly before his climax she would let go and step back and he’d blow a load halfway to the moon. However, he always had his hands behind his back in every scene. I believe he had something stuck up his butt stimulating his prostate, resulting in the spontaneous and voluminous ejaculations. Apparently prostate massage is what allows certain men the ability to blow loads multiple times and/or in the style of the revered Peter North.
This scene from Forrest Gump illustrates the issue.
There’s one for me the “obvious things you missed in a creative work” thread. I just thought he was hyperventilating.
It can happen to anyone while dreaming. Of course, lots of things are different when dreaming and when awake.
I suspect that most ejaculations whilst dreaming have been preceded by some rubbing against the bedclothes (during the dream). However, as Joey P points out, it is all in the brain/mind anyway. After all, all that the rubbing itself is doing is sending nervous signals to somewhere in the brain causing good feelings and eventually triggering ejaculation. It is the brain (and maybe spinal cord) that actually sends the signal to come. If anything, the mystery is why it usually takes a lot of rubbing to make it happen. Reproduction would, surely, work just as well, or better, if the man normally shot his wad as soon as he got in his todger in the pussy.
The largest and most important sex organ is the one between the ears.
… and I’ve also had an orgasm (more than once) from having my breasts played with for extended periods, or being spanked. Not often, just a couple of times each, but … There was a lot of foreplay, a lot of mental stimulation, desire, passion, etc. But in each case my genitals had not been touched by him or me.
The largest and most important sex organ is the one between the ears.
I’ll never understand you nose fetishists.
Some men have a problem with it, there has been a lot written about it and there are techniques to avoid it. Suffice it to say that your friend has a condition that, if he were ever to hook up with his love/sex interest, would mean that she would find him to be a very unsatisfying sexual partner and it may lead to a lot of resentment. It’s not a good thing.
The value judgment of PE here seems over-the-top for a GQ answer. There are plenty of males who ejaculate prematurely some, most, or all of the time who still are able to please their partners through the use of oral stimulation, manual stimulation, and toys. You make it sound like a male with PE is doomed to never be able to please his sex partner, and that is ridiculously untrue.
Disclaimer: I have no dog in this fight as I am neither male, nor dating a pre-ejaculatory male.
It’s called “premature ejaculation”.
Some men have a problem with it, there has been a lot written about it and there are techniques to avoid it. Suffice it to say that your friend has a condition that, if he were ever to hook up with his love/sex interest, would mean that she would find him to be a very unsatisfying sexual partner and it may lead to a lot of resentment. It’s not a good thing. I’m surprised that he would even talk about.
It’s like a wide receiver in football saying, “we needed to score a touchdown, they sent me on a post pattern but I was so fast I ran out of the end zone, through the tunnel and into the parking lot before the QB could get the ball in the air.” You were so excited about how good your QB’s throwing arm was that you totally messed up. Good job, schlub!
Heh. Spoken like an armchair quarterback.
The largest and most important sex organ is the one between the ears.
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