No Apologies — Tracy Wolff, г. Скачать книгу / читать онлайн

No Apologies — Tracy Wolff, г. Скачать книгу / читать онлайн

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Описание книги:
Obsession. Annalise knew the word, but for the first time in her life, she was experiencing the reality. She couldn’t get enough of Gabe. The more he satisfied her hunger, the more that hunger grew. She’d never felt anything like this for anyone–never allowed herself to.But now Annalise, queen of the love ‘em and leave ‘em crowd, was on the verge of falling head over heels in love–and she didn’t like it one bit.The problem was, the more she tried to maintain her control, the more she ignited Gabe’s fury. . . and the hotter the sex became.

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