Nixie Tube

Nixie Tube


In Tube Amplifier, Tube Headphone Amplifier
Схема одного канала усилителя, а также блока питания для обоих каналов, приведена на рисунках.Основных отличий два, это повышенная выходная мощность, около 4 – 4,5 Вт на канал в зависимости от входного…
FIGURE 1. A Numitron tube (with a penny for scale) ready to install. The manufacture of the first Numitron was — according to Wikipedia ( Seven-segment_display) as well as a March 1970 Popular Electronics article ( — attributed to RCA. It was built based on the common seven-segment display format first patented in 1908 by someone called F.W. Wood. Around the same time the Numitron was created, LEDs were also up and rising, and quickly posed a significant competitor. The Numitron had an early advantage: At that time, they were slightly brighter than LEDs of those days, and did not have a great dependence on ambient temperature. Nixies, Panaplex displays,…
Small size, low price, amazing warm sound. On good recordings you will hear height and depth. Tones retain their color and body. Pure Class A. The project – a hybrid amplifier, with pre-amp stage made with dual-triode vacuum tube and power stage made by MOSFET. MOSFET IRF510 is used – of the whole IRF range they have the lowest capacity values. It can be powered with a relatively low voltage, something between 12.6V and 15V will be more than enough. On the first prototype, I connected a 14V power supply and my Bose headphones. I was astonished and amazed by the quality of the sound, I could feel warm bass…
User’s Guide Features Retro incandescent glowing display, featuring Russian IV-9 numitron tubes DS1307 real time clock with backup battery for accurate timekeeping and alarm memory preservation during loss of power Blue LED underlighting for each digit with pre-programmed fade pattern Laser cut acrylic case Programmable alarm 12- or 24-hour operating mode with AM/PM indicator light Easy display blanking for nighttime use and tube life preservation Arduino programming compatibility using standard TTL serial (adapter not included) Setting the Time Press and hold the LEFT button until the cur- rent time begins flashing. Press the RIGHT button to advance to the first setting: 12- or 24-hour operating mode. Press the LEFT button…
Please, follow by link (RU) note: ИВ-8 (IV-8) datasheet The information page for Nixie and other display tubes (ENG/DE) link
This board is the Shield for Arduino, specially power supply is very good designed. etc. filament is driven with AC voltage which is recommended for VFD. 12V input voltage is 3x multiplied to make 36V. This Arduino shield is capable of driving 4 Russian IV-3, IV-3a or IV-6 7 segment VFD tubes. 4 3mm LEDs provide background lighting for the tubes. Also, the components used are cheap and easily available. As this was designed as a moreeducational, easy to build project it is notthe best possible solution to drive these VFD tubes from a technical point of view. Instead of the BC547 and BC557 transistors we could have used A2982W…
Схема одного канала усилителя, а также блока питания для обоих каналов, приведена на рисунках.Основных отличий два, это повышенная выходная мощность, около 4 – 4,5 Вт на канал в зависимости от входного каскада, и кенотронное питание, благотворно влияющее на звучание. В качестве драйверных ламп выбран отечественный триод – 6Н9С. 1/2 лампы включены параллельно, что привело к уменьшению внутреннего сопротивления лампы, как следствие – улучшение нагрузочной способности и соотношения сигнал/шум. Контрольное напряжение на катоде лампы 6Н9С (или военный аналог 1579) в пределах 1,3-1,5 вольт. Выходной каскад сделан на лампе 6П13С, в триодом включении. Именно триодное включение наиболее оптимально с точки зрения качества звучания. Для настройки необходимо подобрать с помощью резистора R8, ток через лампу в…
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4х индикаторные платы под ин-12 и ин-14 служат для построения Nixie часов под управлением Arduino nano и модуля часов реального времени DS3231. Отличительная особенность простота и надежность конструкции. Плата состоит и индикаторной платы и платы с компонентами. Плата разделяется на 2 части. Тех данные Размеры платы Питание 5в, потребление 180 ма Подстройка времени и управления функциями кнопками LED подсветка индикаторов Функции часов Перебор импульсами цифр для продления срока службы индикаторов Плавное изменение LED подсветки индикаторов (режим “дыхание”, постоянное свечение либо отключение) Неоновая точка как инидкатор секунды в версии платы под ин-14 6 режимов эффектов индикаторов Режим “глюков” индикаторов Пример эффекта “поезд” Пример эффекта “перемотка по порядку катода” Компоненты платы: Конденсатор…
Платы под нумитроны служат для построения Nixie часов на 4 индикаторах ИВ9 или ИВ16. ИВ9 и ИВ16 являются взаимозаменяемыми. Возможно использование на этой плате и индикаторов ИВ-19, однако стоимость их велика, так же они являются довольно редкими. ИВ–9 (Индикатор) вакуумный накаливания для отображения информации в виде цифр. В сравнении с проектами на ГРИ (Газоразрядный индикатор) имеет следующие преимущества: Отсутсвует высокое напряжение, для свечение сегментов нумитрона требуется 3,15+1,35 Вольт Часы являются одноплатными, без надстроек плат с индикаторами Яркость свечения выше Нумитроны, несмотря на их даташиты, при качественном блоке питания в данной схеме прослужат на порядок дольше Максимальная “ламповость”, т.к. нумитроны все же нахальные индикаторы Плата часов содержит в себе и Arduino…
Cras eget elit convallis est condimentum congue non id sem. Proin metus dui, eleifend id mollis quis, pulvinar in metus. Nulla pharetra sapien ultricies dui blandit, eget condimentum tortor rhoncus. Donec gravida leo neque, ac consequat diam dignissim ut. In ligula felis, tempus vel est ut, pellentesque fermentum ligula. Proin at dui sagittis, rutrum velit in, fermentum nisl. Donec sagittis, risus vitae mollis pretium, tellus turpis feugiat mi, ac cursus nibh metus quis tortor. Integer ultricies ullamcorper nulla, nec consectetur mi hendrerit eget. Donec at elit vel ex pulvinar vestibulum. Cras tristique molestie leo malesuada sollicitudin. Nunc nec lorem id mi consequat rhoncus ac eget purus. Sed massa orci, volutpat…
We are fascinated by creating Vacuum Tube based devices. We produce Nixie Tube Clocks and Vacuum Tube Amplifiers.
In Tube Amplifier, Tube Headphone Amplifier
Our priority Nixie clock, Tube Lamp Amplifier, custom PCB development & production
We develop Nixie clock | NIXIE DESIGN STUDIO 2019-2020

What do you need to know about Nixie tubes?
What do you need to know about Nixie tubes?
You can also regulate the brightness of the tubes (6 levels), and blue back-light brightness (5 modes + switch-off mode). We use only brand-new In-14 Nixie tubes in our vintage clocks, and also we programmed our clocks with the tubes-safety mode, which prevents the Nixies' cathodes poisoning.
The last nixie tube was made in the early 90s, when this beautiful technology was replaced by lower-cost alternatives. But production has now resumed in the Czech Republic.
How many hours does it take to make a nixie?
How many hours does it take to make a nixie?
More than 3 hours of handcrafted precision are invested into each individual nixie. Digits are designed in the same look as original '70s nixie tubes. Hand made with attention to detail and long lifespan. Your browser does not support the video tag.
The clocks are fully hand-crafted. We’ve made this retro Nixie tube clocks inspired by Vault-boy and Fall Out world. The clocks have 6 modes of Nixie tubes’ brightness. The longevity of the Nixie tubes is up to 200 000 hrs. o prolong your tubes’ longevity, we suggest you to avoid using the brightest mode all the time.
The early Nixie displays were made by a small vacuum tube manufacturer called Haydu Brothers Laboratories, and introduced in 1955 by Burroughs Corporation, who purchased Haydu. The name Nixie was derived by Burroughs from "NIX I", an abbreviation of "Numeric Indicator eXperimental No. 1", although this may have been a backronym designed to justify the evocation of the mythical creature with this name. Hundreds o…
The early Nixie displays were made by a small vacuum tube manufacturer called Haydu Brothers Laboratories, and introduced in 1955 by Burroughs Corporation, who purchased Haydu. The name Nixie was derived by Burroughs from "NIX I", an abbreviation of "Numeric Indicator eXperimental No. 1", although this may have been a backronym designed to justify the evocation of the mythical creature with this name. Hundreds of variations of this design were manufactured by many firms, from the 1950s until the 1990s. The Burroughs Corporation introduced "Nixie" and owned the name Nixie as a trademark. Nixie-like displays made by other firms had trademarked names including Digitron, Inditron and Numicator. A proper generic term is cold cathode neon readout tube, though the phrase Nixie tube quickly entered the vernacular as a generic name.

Burroughs even had another Haydu tube that could operate as a digital counter and directly drive a Nixie tube for display. This was called a "Trochotron", in later form known as the "Beam-X Switch" counter tube; another name was "magnetron beam-switching tube", referring to their derivation from a split-anode magnetron. Trochotrons were used in the UNIVAC 1101 computer, as well as in clocks and frequency counters.

The first trochotrons were surrounded by a hollow cylindrical magnet, with poles at the ends. The field inside the magnet had essentially-parallel lines of force, parallel to the axis of the tube. It was a thermionic vacuum tube; inside were a central cathode, ten anodes, and ten "spade" electrodes. The magnetic field and voltages applied to the electrodes made the electrons form a thick sheet (as in a cavity magnetron) that went to only one anode. Applying a pulse with specified width and voltages to the spades made the sheet advance to the next anode, where it stayed until the next advance pulse. Count direction was determined by the direction of the magnetic field, and as such was not reversible. A later form of trochotron called a Beam-X Switch replaced the large, heavy external cylindrical magnet with ten small internal metal-alloy rod magnets which also served as electrodes.

Glow-transfer counting tubes, similar in essential function to the trochotrons, had a glow discharge on one of a number of main cathodes, visible through the top of the glass envelope. Most used a neon-based gas mixture and counted in base-10, but faster types were based on argon, hydrogen, or other gases, and for timekeeping and similar applications a few base-12 types were available. Sets of "guide" cathodes (usually two sets, but some types had one or three) between the indicating cathodes moved the glow in steps to the next main cathode. Types with two or three sets of guide cathodes could count in either direction. A well-known trade name for glow-transfer counter tubes in the United Kingdom was Dekatron. Types with connections to each individual indicating cathode, which enabled presetting the tube's state to any value (in contrast to simpler types which could only be directly reset to zero or a small subset of their total number of states), were trade named Selectron tubes.

Devices that functioned in the same way as Nixie tubes were patented in the 1930s, and the first mass-produced display tubes were introduced in 1954 by National Union Co. under the brand name Inditron. However, their construction was cruder, their average lifetime was shorter, and they failed to find many applications due to their complex periphery.
Перевести · Nixie tube boards 4 indicator tube board 4х индикаторные платы под ин-12 и ин-14 служат для построения Nixie часов под управлением Arduino nano и модуля …
Перевести · 02.02.2018 · The early Nixie tubes were made by a small vacuum tube manufacturer called Haydu Brothers Laboratories, and introduced in 1955[5] by Burroughs Corporation, who purchased Haydu. The name Nixie …
Nixie tube Наиболее известными среди газоразрядных являются знаковые индикаторы типа "Nixie tube", которые состоят из десяти тонких металлических …
Газоразрядный индикатор — ионный прибор для отображения информации, использующий тлеющий разряд. По …
Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
The Coolest Clock Ever: Made of "Vacuum Tubes" / Nixie Tubes
Make your own Retro Nixie Clock with an RTC!
Arduino Controlled Nixie Tube Display
Nixie Tube Clock overview - add steampunk vibes to your office/bedroom!
The Return of the Nixie - New ZIN18 Tubes & Clock from Millclock
апр. 25, 2021 · nixie tube
Перевести · The Nixie Tube is a block that can display text or numbers. 1 Obtaining 1.1 Crafting 2 Usage 2.1 Displaying Redstone signal strength 2.2 Displaying Characters 3 Trivia 4 Gallery A Nixie Tube may be used to display Redstone signal strength of the connected redstone component. It will display the highest connected signal strength. When right clicked with a named Name Tag, the Nixie Tube …
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