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Welcome to NiteFlirt! To be a Flirt on NiteFlirt, all you need to do is:
Become a Flirt To get started, click "Become a Flirt" at the bottom of any NiteFlirt page and then click "Start now!" If you do not already have a NiteFlirt account, enter your member information to create one!
If you are already a NiteFlirt member, click "Sign in" on the right and then enter your existing Member Name and password.
Next you'll be asked to enter your credit card information. Although being a Flirt is free, all NiteFlirt members are required to have a valid credit card on file at all times as a form of age verification. Your card will not be charged unless you initiate a charge. But, in order to validate your card, we will send an authorization to your credit card issuer when you add the card to your NiteFlirt account. This $1 authorization will show up as a pending transaction but will fall off of your statement within a few days.
Now tell us a little bit more about you and the type of services you will offer on NiteFlirt by selecting your gender and intended audience from the drop-down menus and then select which type of offering you want to set up first: phone listings or Goody Bags.
Create a Listing If you want to create a phone listing first, take a few moments to read more about creating & editing listings to help you get your listing set up and submitted. Then check out Play Fair Basics to familiarize yourself with our policies so that you know what is and what is not allowed on your listings.
Personalize your Flirt Profile Your Flirt Profile is the store front to your business on NiteFlirt. It allows you to introduce yourself to customers and sell your services. See Personalize your Flirt Profile to get started!
Take Calls As soon as your listing has been accepted , you can start taking calls! Check out Taking Calls for the ins and outs of managing your availability and taking NiteFlirt calls.
Sell Goodies If you want to make money even when you're not taking calls, bundle your digital goods (e.g., photos, videos, audio files, etc.) and sell them with Goody Bags. Start uploading your Goodies to File Manager and creating Goody Bags now! And don't forget to familiarize yourself with Play Fair Basics so that you know our policies on what is and what is not allowed.
Congratulations, you're a Flirt! Being a Flirt means being a business owner and as a business owner, money matters! Find information about what matters to you by checking out NiteFlirt's commission structure and how to get paid .
*NiteFlirt reserves the right to modify, alter, or suspend any Member Name at any time, at our sole discretion and without notice, for any reason whatsoever. We do not allow obscenities, profanity, or hateful language to be included in Member Names.

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Flirts are not employees of NiteFlirt. NiteFlirt is for entertainment purposes only.
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Want to know more? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions or contact Customer Support .

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