Nirvana Teen

Nirvana Teen


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One of Nirvana’s biggest hits, “Smells Like Teen Spirit” was the lead single from their second album, Nevermind. The song’s success and omnipresence in the early ‘90s brought the band unrivaled popularity. Eventually, Kurt grew tired of it and removed it from their live set as often as possible.
Rock history recalls Kathleen Hanna from Bikini Kill scrawling the phrase “Kurt Smells Like Teen Spirit” in spray paint on a wall, from which Kurt took the title. Some say Kurt took it as a call for a revolution, in reference to the Bikini Kill-led riot grrl movement; but according to producer Butch Vig, Kurt just thought the phrase “was stupid,” and it didn’t really mean anything at all. However, it was later revealed that Hanna was referring to the brand of deodorant worn by Kurt’s then-girlfriend and Hanna’s then-bandmate Tobi Vail.
I was trying to write the ultimate pop song. I was basically trying to rip off the Pixies. I have to admit it. When I heard [them] for the first time, I connected with that band so heavily I should have been in that band—or at least in a Pixies cover band. We used their sense of dynamics, being soft and quiet and then loud and hard.
It was one of the last tracks written and recorded for the album, and the final version is comprised of the second take out of just three takes, according to Montage of Heck and other sources.
“Smells Like Teen Spirit” was voted #9 on Rolling Stone’s list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.
i think this whole song is about partying to escape from troubles of life. on verse 3, first three lines is about what he thinks about life or serius things, but after that it says “oh well, whatever, nevermind” which i think means “nevermind the problems and continue partying”. And “a denial” part being repeated so many times proves my point (he’s denying the life and problems)
The lyrics are a sardonic opinion about the average, idiot, conformist who brings nothing of value to the real world and doesn’t know he doesn’t know that. The track has a tone of disdain for ignorant people who follow, go through the motions and never seem to think for themselves. Kurt feared that people result to gluttony and materialism because they are told it’s the only way to be happy. His comment “stupid and contagious” is about how most of humanity is generally an ignorant, pretentious parasite that eats away at the necessities of the Earth at an alarming rate. “load up on guns, bring your friends, its fun to lose and to pretend” is another comment that mocks the average idiot for his hedonistic living style and ignoring all the problems on Earth. Kids “play” guns in suburban towns when there are numerous countries distraught by war/poverty.
“And I forget just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard, it was hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind”
ANOTHER comment on mindless gluttony and thoughtless consuming. Then the following line points out how people are fickle and adaptive, as they tend to change their minds about what they want/need once they get it. I think Kurt hated dumb people because he secretly envied the way they look at the world through an optimistic, irrational lens. high intelligence and depression are very connected: I have found an extremely high association between intelligence and the likelihood of becoming severely depressed. In fact, a high IQ is a good predictor of depression. Why? Simply because those with higher intelligence are amazingly “creative” with their inner dialogues.
Some of the characteristics of high intelligence are an above-average imagination, superior verbal ability, and advanced analytical skills. This is the perfect recipe for cooking-up very elaborate, and very negative, inner dialogues. And that’s exactly what happens. This helps explain the well-known phenomenon of “tormented geniuses”. Simply, their submission response is often out-of-control. And, despite their genius, they don’t know how to stop it.
A denial is repeated 9 times, almost as if the track is stuck on repeat, the song will end, but not Kurt’s dilemma. He never made it past the demons mentioned in the song and the terrible truths in the song stayed on repeat in his head until it drove him to kill himself.
“It’s fun to lose and to pretend”
She’s overboard, self assured
The statements in parenthesis are unannotated. The first line is alluding to how boys feel when they are dumped by a girl. He loss Tobi Vail and would tell himself negative things about her, in an attempt to console himself for losing her. Basically, it was her fault and not his ineptness. Placing the blame on her is easier than looking in the mirror everyday knowing she needed more than what he could offer.
“Denial” being screamed repetitively to explain what “pretending” really is; a “denial” of the fact that she needed more than he could offer. This fact was pointed out by: Shmoop Editorial Team. “Smells Like Teen Spirit Title” Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 9 Nov. 2013.
This entire song alludes to his life being a full fledged “denial.” For Kurt Tobi, drugs, and music were escapes from his miserable reality and Tobi’s departure caused drugs and music to lose their effectiveness. He had become famous and wealthy, yet still in misery. Wealth and fame is what the American culture pushes as dreams, goals, and happiness. Kurt recieved what most believe for and yet remained unfixed.
John Sanburn reported on November 8, 2012 the following. “A new paper from the San Francisco Federal Reserve shows that, all else being equal, suicide risks are higher in wealthier neighborhoods, a morbid demonstration of the folly of trying to “keep up with the Joneses.” Death was the only fix left, Kurt felt could allow him to rest from his own misery.
People really tried to interpret these lyrics? They’re obviously nonsensical. You can tell by how all these explanations feels forced, like the authors desperately want this song to have a message. I think the lyrics were simply made up and added to the melody in a fitting way. Maybe there’s a line or two in there that has actual meaning, but to pretend like the whole song has is silly. We have to accept the fact that not all songs' lyrics has meaning behind them.
While I do think this song as a whole references the stupid, superficial, and sometimes rebellious things teenagers do to get a thrill out of life (and because of raging hormones), I don’t think Kurt really intended this music to be interpreted line by line. He said in an interview that people would always ask him about the meaning behind his choices of words, but that he really didn’t think about the lyrics on that kind of level, he was just making rock music (and unknowingly pioneering grunge movement).
When speaking to ‘The Record’ magazine about the songs from Nevermind Kurt Cobain said of Smells Like Teen Spirit – “My generation’s apathy. I’m disgusted with it. I’m disgusted with my own apathy too, for being spineless and not always standing up against racism, sexism, and all those other isms the counterculture has been whining about for years.”
Kurt mentioned that his goal was to write this song as the ultimate pop song. this song is full of self loathing and ridicule to the gener. I believe the song is about kurts feeling he’s getting too pop'ish and comercialised.
the first verse: the band is goig to a gig, the lights line refers to the confidence you get when you dont see your audience, especially when you feel “stupid and contagious”. the mollato, albino mosquito and his libido are the members of the band, interduced like a freak show or a circus act' they are there to entertain, as opposed to serious punk rock music.
second verse: refers to kurts inner conflict with his self he hates the things he does best, but at least he acknowledges that, hence he’s feeling blessed (for hating it). the group line says they’re all feeling the same.
third verse: just like drugs, he forgets why he does it, itmakes him smile. meanning he feels like a junkie, doing thing out of habit with no real attention to the reason. his apathic to it without true, strong feelings about it. nevermind, nothing has any importance or meanning.
a denial: is all you can do to coup with this way of being. just like an addict, he’s trapped by society and the music industry
little fun fact about the song: this album came out the same day as the Red hot Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Wasting time on hating other people and judging them is exhausting. Thinking you’re smarter than everyone else just means you’re not paying attention and not being open to different interpretations of their behavior. It makes you feel isolated and chronically frustrated. People who are perfectionists and hard on themselves are often judgmental of other people as well.
Obviously I’m a fan of the songs and the band but it doesn’t mean I agree with all the sentiments. I think he was very creatively gifted and probably had a good memory because he remembered all those songs and lyrics. Having a good memory is important for intelligence but it is also a predictor for depression because you don’t forget bad experiences. That said, he was also a high school drop-out and a heroin addict who spent most of his time during those last couple of years getting high.
I think he had high standards for his music and he put a lot of pressure on himself which created a lot of anxiety. He seemed confident around his peers but he couldn’t even meet with some of his true idols because he felt they were more advanced than he was. If only he had been able to let go of some of those fears and be kind to himself then he could have cleaned up and given himself time to grow as a person and as an artist.

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