Nipple Torture

Nipple Torture


Nipple Torture
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Spanish Inquisition Tales of Torment
Torture Methods That Prolonged Suffering
Appalling Types of Medieval Torture
Updated June 21, 2021 5.0m views 13 items
The Spanish Donkey Cut Women In Half During The Inquisition
Foot Binding Existed In China for A Millennium
Photo : Frank and Frances Carpenter Collection / Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
The Breast Ripper Maimed Unmarried Mothers
The Scold's Bridle Forced Women Into Silence
Throughout history, the ways women have been tortured at the hands of the men who tried to control them will send a shiver down your spine. Women have been tortured to repress their sexuality, silence their tongues, and conform to standards of beauty. Most of all, women have been tortured to break their spirit and to keep them submissive to the men who feared what a liberated woman might mean for their fragile worldviews.  
The majority of the methods and devices men created for the purpose of this cruelty were intended to humiliate the female victim. Many of these instruments of torture used on women display an overt sexual-sadism that torture methods used on men simply did not. There are devices below created with the sole purpose of mangling the genitals, and other sexualized body parts, i.e. the breasts, of the woman. Most of these torture methods were abolished centuries ago, however, a few of these barbaric punishments are still practiced today.
Also known as the wooden horse or the chevalet, the Spanish donkey slowly cut a woman in half through her genitals. It was used throughout medieval times and during the Spanish Inquisition, and a similar device was used on Confederate prisoners during the Civil War .
The device consisted of a sharp triangular wedge supported by either two or four legs. The woman would be forced to straddle the pointed end of the device, which was sometimes covered in spikes (as shown in the above photo), so that it could slowly cut into the woman’s crotch. Weights were sometimes added to the victim’s feet to make the triangular edge dig even deeper, eventually cutting into her organs.
Although the Spanish donkey is pretty gruesome, some people thought it was sexy. The BDSM subculture adopted a mild variation of the device, using it like a restraint and spanking bench. The woman partaking in the play lays down on the "horse" face-forward with her arms and legs dangling below, exposing her rear.
Foot binding existed in China for over a thousand years . A “beautification” procedure that left young girls disabled for life, it was considered beautiful for Chinese women of means to have small dainty feet. So, wealthy Chinese families would bind their daughters' feet in order to attract worthy male suitors. The ideal foot length was just three-inches long and referred to as the “golden lotus” ; a “silver lotus” was four-inches long. Everything longer than that was considered an “iron lotus,” and was not an acceptable foot length. 
The effect of the tiny foot was achieved by breaking the young girl’s toes and binding them backwards onto the sole of her foot with silk cloth. The girls were then forced to walk on their feet to encourage the continued breaking of the arch. Over time, the cloths were wrapped tighter and tighter until the desired foot length was achieved.
The breast ripper was an appalling device that caused immense pain in its female victims. The instrument consisted of two large pointed prongs that would, as the title suggests, tear into women’s breasts and rip the tissue clean off of the body. Occasionally, the prongs were heated as well. It was meant to mark the bodies of unmarried mothers and women accused of adultery .
The use of the instrument was put to an end during the Middle Ages.
For the medieval man, the easiest way to get his wife to stop constantly nagging him was to put her in a scold’s bridle. "Scold" refers to a woman accused of gossiping, or simply complaining too much. In those times, gossiping was feared to be the work of the Devil.
The first recorded use of the device - an iron mask locked over a woman's head - was in the 16th century. The bridle was an iron mask locked over the head of the woman. Sometimes, spikes would be extended into the mouth and placed over the tongue , making it impossible for the woman to speak without immense pain. However, the torture of the scold’s bridle was primarily psychological; the woman was publicly humiliated as she was paraded through town wearing the bridle, while onlookers cursed and spit at her.

I worked as an office manager once, and it was my job to open and sort all of the mail, including packages. It was a pretty boring job for the most part, but every now and then there would be a wave of excitement when my boss’s crazy ex-wife would come in and scream at him in front of all of his employees.
So I’m doing my mail duties when an odd looking package arrives for my boss, the CEO of the company. I open it as part of the standard office procedure. I pull out some packing materials, then an item wrapped in plastic wrap.
What is this? I think to myself. Oh, a leash. Must be a leash for his dog. What’s with the metal things? This is kind of weird, I think, so let’s pull out the invoice:
“Dog collar with attached nipple clamps.”
Dogs don’t need nipple clamps, so what the shit.
I throw everything back into the box as if *I’M* the one who has just committed some horrible sin against nature. I hop onto my computer and pull up messenger and message my boyfriend. “QUICK. I NEED TO KNOW HOW TO TAPE UP A PACKAGE AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE IT WAS NEVER OPENED.”
Tons of totally rational and then totally fucked up explanations are going through my head. Halloween is coming up soon, maybe this is for a crazy party. Or maybe my boss is just seriously kinky and doesn’t have the foresight to send these types of packages TO HIS HOUSE. I got mental images, playbacks – not pretty.
I carefully tape up the box and pack it neatly. Voila! It looks as though it was never opened! No one will touch this stuff! I sneak it into his office and put it on his desk with the rest of his mail.
So for weeks, I can’t make eye contact with my boss, and at one point, I almost greeted him with a “Good Morning, Mr. Nipple Clamps” because that’s all that would go through my head when he walked in the door.
We go out on a business trip and at dinner, he tells us about how an old secretary is sending packages to his work and picking them up from his office, and he’s DYING to know what’s in them, but he never opens them.
Having had like 4 glasses of wine, I raise my hand.
“I know what’s in them,” I say, my face turning more purple than the merlot I’m drinking.
I have everyone’s attention now, and at this amazing restaurant in downtown Chicago, I blurt out, way too loudly, “NIPPLE CLAMPS!”
I tell them the story of the accidentally opened package. (We found out what the deal was weeks later because it turns out this lady who used to work for him was running a sex service behind her family’s back and making good money at it, but she couldn’t let her family know she was a dominatrix for hire so she had the boxes sent to her old work. How bad would that screw your teen daughter up, anyway?)
After I tell the table, including investors and business associates (glug glug glug) about how horrified I was and how deftly I re-taped the package to look as though it had never been tampered with, and how proud I was of my handiwork, the table falls silent.
So this one guy looks at my boss and says, “Your secretary has been walking around for weeks thinking you’re a sick pervy bastard! She must have been terrified to fly out here to Chicago with you!”
Hey man, sometimes I was paid in wine. Nipple clamps or no nipple clamps, that’s a good deal.
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