Nimble Dick

Nimble Dick


Nimble Dick
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(Spoilers All) Nimble Dick - who was he really?
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Nimble Dick who meets up with Brienne and helps her accomplish her critical mission to find Sansa is an often overlooked character. However is it at all possible that Nimble Dick was in fact a major character in disguise. Here are the possibilities:
Rheagar Targyean. It may seem unlikely but think about Nimble Dick claims to be a member of House Crabb who were sworn to Rheagar and fought with him on the trident. Dick says he liked Rheagar. It seems plausible that after perhaps surviving defeat at the Trident he would seek to find shelter in the nearby lands of Crackclaw Point where he would know the traditions because he was well read and the townsfolk would take him in.
Rodrick Greyjoy. Instead of being killed by the Mallisters he escaped and lived in hiding?
Benjen Stark. This one is somewhat more unlikely but should be included because the physical descriptions loosely match but I don't know why Benjen would be pretending to be a Crabb.
No I don't think GRRM would waste our time with those entire chapters unless there was a deeper meaning.
This makes no sense. Not everyone is a secret noble.
Besides, we all know that GRRM said emphatically that Rhaegar is dead.
Which of course confirms that Coldhands=Rhaegar.
Rhaegar is pretty absolutely dead. It would make no sense to introduce another Greyjoy into the story at this point. And I really really doubt Benjen is masquerading as anyone.
Benjen Stark. This one is somewhat more unlikely but should be included because the physical descriptions loosely match but I don't know why Benjen would be pretending to be a Crabb.
Wait a second. If Rhaegar = Benjen, does that mean that Daario was fucking his own sister daughter ?
Lol this is up there on the stupid tree with benjen secretly being mance
wow... are you really suggesting that Rhaegar Targaryen is his own son? Both Brienne and Ned's POVs confirm that Nimble Dick was part of the "dragon 5" that popped out of Jaime Lannister, when Rhaegar took him to the tower of 'joy', and fathered Dany, Jon Snow, Ned Stark, Tywin, and Tyrion (all 3 heads of the dragon)

Nimble Dick Crabb is a character from Cracklaw point we meet when Brienne and Pod are on the lookout for Arya and Sansa and after a trip around Maidenpool
he leads them to the whispers in Cracklaw point and eventually becomes their Guide, along the way scaring the crap out of Podrick with the possibly mythical creatures called squishers
Eventually after being very suspicious of nimble dick, brienne and co come across the brave companions where shagwell kills poor nimble dick with a morning star.
After brienne deals with the other 2 companions she makes shagwell dig a grave for nimble dick crabb
With one of the saddest bits for me in a feast for crows.
Brienne says "I'm sorry I never trusted you. I don't know how to do that anymore" upon putting poor nimble dick into his grave and tossing in the 2 gold dragons she had promised for helping
In my view one of those underrated minor characters that brought humour and slight tragedy into a chapter and seems sadly forgotten.
Sources: "A Feast for Crows" and Google images.
Loved him i dont think he was 100% trustworthy though he did look through briennes bags while she is sleeping
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Lord_of_Japes , August 13, 2014 in A Feast for Crows

On a re-read, and I'm paying more attention to some minor characters. Anyways, you'd think Nimble Dick would have known he was going to be killed at the Whispers, since he fooled Shagwell and co. Did he have any inkling that those three would still be hanging there? I guess he didn't or he wouldn't have walked into his death. He must have been desparate for Brienne'e gold, so he was going to finish his task no matter what.
Also, he could have sent Shagwell anywhere, but he sent him to the Whispers because I suppose Dick wanted more people to see his ancestral seat? Even though it's ruined I guess Dick has some sort of urging to show more people the Whispers. Other than that I can't discern any other purpose to his motivations. Anybody else have anything to add?
I never thought about that before, but it really was a horrible idea. Maybe he thought the Mummers would just kill Brienne, and split the gold with him.
He's probably not the smartest guy ever, but he has the most hilarious nick name.
I think he was hoping that they would have moved on by now and that he would be able to get at least something out of Brienne.
Didn't he keep telling everyone about the heads...many people are superstitious in these books and would not have like to hang around there if they thought it was haunted.
I wonder why the Mummers did stay there at there anyways. None of them were the sharpest knives in the drawer, but it seems like even they would realize that no one was probably going to come to an old, abandoned castle, especially since Dick was always warning people about the heads and everything. It seems like they would have moved on pretty quickly.
I suppose Nimble Dick was too concerned with making another quick buck, that he didn't allow himself the time to use the common sense the 7 gods gave him. I more or less wonder myself why the mummers sat there like stooges with their thumbs up their ass all that time.
I read the book a while ago but I remember reading that he was a member of House Crabb, correct me if i'm wrong. :P
maybe he wasn't aware how dangerous mummers are....
seems to me : he was introduced to show that Targ loyalists are still around
They were there because they were supposed to get on a boat.. A smugglers boat or something. The whole point why Brienne wanted to go with him was because Nimble Dick had previously sought out passage for 3(Brienne thought it was Sansa, Dantos, and Tyrion who were trying to get away) on a smugglers boat.
To their surprise though, it was some Bloody Mummers that wanted to escape.
My guess is that he was hoping they had moved on by the time he would arrive with Brienne and Pod. Oops!
maybe he wasn't aware how dangerous mummers are....
seems to me : he was introduced to show that Targ loyalists are still around
I caught that feeling as well. There may be a turn out of targ supporters from that region later on or so.
I felt bad for him when he got hit. His whole voyage becomes his undoing.
maybe he wasn't aware how dangerous mummers are....
seems to me : he was introduced to show that Targ loyalists are still around
That seems the point to me as well.
He didn't know who Shagwell was so (he just thought he had fooled a fool) and saw some more easy money in it for himself. After getting caught 'flour' handed he must have decided to get the gold legitimately.
Roy Dotrice does his voice hilariously in the audiobook. I highly recommend it.
Roy Dotrice does his voice hilariously in the audiobook. I highly recommend it.
Roy Dotrice did such an amazing job that it gave me a whole new experience with ASOIAF that I am so glad I got to enjoy. It was real to me, as if I was listening to people speak. And Vary's voice freaked me out. It was perfect!
Roy Dotrice did such an amazing job that it gave me a whole new experience with ASOIAF that I am so glad I got to enjoy. It was real to me, as if I was listening to people speak. And Vary's voice freaked me out. It was perfect!
The bit when he is doing Khal Drogo had my in stitches, "My hoorseee, must riideee, my horrrrseee"

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(Spoilers Extended) Nimble Dick done a grave injustice
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Teaching Rude Squires Honor since 1992
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News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, the "Game of Thrones" TV series, and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series.
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Let’s be real people, Nimble Dick has one of the most exciting sub plots in “A Feast For Crows”. I wish he was in the show and really feel that fight against Shagwell would of been an amazing screenplay. Anyways who else feels Nimble Dick didn’t get the shot he deserved
I absolutely love Nimble Dick. He totally cracks me up with his stories. I think that he provides the comic relief needed in Brienne's very grim chapters.
Agreed, I found her chapters to be quite boring until he joined her company
Briennes chapters in the Riverlands really stood out to me in my recent re-read... The chapter where poor Dick meets his end has this undeniable sense of dread pouring out of it, making his death one of George's scenes of pure horror.
Without silly Nimble Dick and his untimely demise, we would never have gotten the squishers, so he will always live on in my flaming heart.
Also, if it wasn’t for Nimble Dick’s story about the “magic sword” she wouldn’t have remembered to bring Oathkeeper into the Whispers with her which probably saved her life.
"Timeon and Pyg can feed the crows. Nimble Dick will have a grave. He was a Crabb. This is his place."
Them burying poor Dick always manages to get me watery-eyed. It's amazing how Martin can make me feel so strongly for a character who's with us for such a short time, and who's so barely connected to the "main story" of the series.
I can't remember - it's been a while since I read - what kills him?
Gotta believe the squishers will have some kind of payoff. Just seems like the kind of 'crazy rambling guy' story that will turn out to be true (like ice spiders in the North)
Not sure if I can agree with that, to be honest. I think they're just playing into the comedic archetype of the character, rather than echoing the prescience of Old Nan.
That being said, we're yet to see Varys naked...
We can't get them to show stannis' death on screen, nimble dick ranks rather low on my list of priorities.
You're right though, Feast gets a bad rap around here but it's really grown on me on second read-through.
Say what you want about Briennes arc in Feast but they could have easily tightened it up and included it in S5, removing the face biting and LSH and all.
I'd say Feast is my favourite in the series. Dance is a bit crap in fairness though.
One might say that Podrick Payne's new nickname is Nimble Dick
I remember he was talking about some creatures ? What were they ? Big crabs something like that Yeah I really liked nimble dick it was I think the best thing about affc
I agree, i enjoyed that subplot, but they would have needed to create Shagwell to go along with Locke an co. None of the "mummers" really had any valuable screen time.
I hope GRRM make a tribute to that poor guy later on
The third time reading about Nimble Dick had me in tears, I felt so bad for him. I related so much to Brienne being distrustful of men but also knew he wasn’t a bad guy and I just wanted to hug them both
People need to make less grammatical errors in this sub.
Nimble dick literally existed solely as a mechnism for suspense. All he is there to do is make you wonder whether or not he plans to steal from Brienne, then it turns out he wasn't, then he dies. The sub plot was only exciticing because of the ensuing battle between Shagwell and Brienne and that's because it is one of two action scenes in the Brienne plot, and frankly most of her other chapters are more interesting

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