Nightshift Eacorts

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October 14, 2021 April 7, 2018 by Ryan Malone

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Home » Escort Sites » A Bad Backpage Replacement
You might like using escort dating sites, but I don’t and I’m here today to tell you why. But more importantly, I’m telling you why to avoid a site like Backpage that’s called There are lots of copycats (kind of like Craigshookup did with Craigslist and others) that try to take advantage of consumers and based on my investigating, this website is no different. If you take one thing from what I’m about to share below, it’s to totally AVOID THIS SITE at all times. Yes, there are many reasons why you want to stay away from it. I have held nothing back here, so keep reading to get all the details right now.
I’ve never been known for being perfect. Sure I’ve done some things that would make you think twice about the choices that I make. However, some of the choices I have made have been good ones, like not using I will 100% never use or recommend this site to anyone because in my opinion, it’s nothing but a scam and trouble. But first, you need to know all about the escort site and how it works, so here’s why it exists and how people are using it.
This site is pretty simple. Soon as you land on the index page of this website, they feed you with a bunch of legal content that essentially covers them if anything negative were to help you from using this site. It’s a bunch of crap in my opinion and doesn’t make it right. You have no choice but to basically accept those terms and move on to using the site.
As you dive deeper into this site, you’ll notice that the website has some sort of advanced filter. Based on my research, the filter allows consumers to narrow down their searches based on things like location, hair color, ethnicity, age, type of girl, type of service, so on and so forth. It’s all crap in my opinion because you’re not going to every meet the local girl at the bar just looking for a casual one night stand. Instead, they are all gross escorts that you have to pay money to hook up with. has some premium membership that they offer. Becoming a premium member of this site gives you inside access to the escort reviews of girls a couple of weeks before it gets published publically. Why on earth would they need to keep the reviews private for a certain period of time? I don’t understand the concept of doing this and I’ll tell you right now that it sucks anyway (in my humble opinion).
The website may also make claims that upgrading will lead to further filtering options which helps you more accurately connect with girls you want to have sex with. Guess what, these features likely aren’t going to help you hook up any faster. Paying for advanced filtering? Give me a break…
In fact, on escort directories, it’s usually the more sophisticated they are, the more data collection and data mining they’re doing. This means exactly what you think it means, they are tracking your behavior from your local IP most likely!
Since we’re talking about the Nightshift escort website, you need to understand that the girls here may not be real. In fact, if you set something up with the girls on the site, you may find that some gross crackhead shows up or perhaps a girl that’s 30lbs heavier than the photo posted. Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with BBW women. Don’t get your panties in a bundle. I guess the bottom line is that they may not be who they claim to be. I’m not willing to take any chances.
There is no other way to state it, the girls on these websites are most likely disgusting and drug addicts. There’s a good chance that they are also con artists and scamming professionals. This is of course based on my own investigation and nothing more, but I’ll go out on a limb and suggest that you not use the site for the mere fact that you may contract diseases or have a run-in with some bad people if you do.
All the girls want on this site is your money, THAT’S IT.
Something else you need to take into consideration when using is that that if you decide to sign up as a user and it ends of getting shut down by the federal government for one reason or another, your name will be on that list. They’ve got all the names of people that have signed up in the past and you best believe that they will use that to their advantage, not yours.
Also, remember that since the girls want you to pay money in exchange for having sex with them, you will be partaking in illegal activity based on most laws within the United States. You will be breaking the law if you pay girls money to sleep with you.
Guess what, I’m not for breaking the law nor am I for paying girls to hook up. That’s why I simply join adult dating groups that have real members looking to date that isn’t looking for money, just casual fun.
Given my experience in online dating, I without a doubt cannot and will not suggest that anyone use
If you’re smart, you’ll avoid this Nightshift escort site entirely. It is perhaps the worst Backpage alternative that I’ve ever come across and simply another site trying to take advantage of people lonely and horny. I do not condone paying any girls for sex. Never pay them EVER and avoid this escort forum and all the rest. If you want to hook up with girls, you need to simply connect with girls that are looking to meet with the same intentions. The good news is that there are plenty of dating networks out there that can help you accomplish this. Have a look below, those are the best sites to consider for casual sex.
Ryan Malone is a serial dater who enjoys casual flings. He created this website for all the cocksman out there looking for the best ways to find casual encounters in all the weirdest places. You can follow him on Twitter and sometimes find him posting videos with opinions on dating sites on YouTube .
Want to learn more about me and why I’m qualified to give you advice on hooking up with local girls?
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I’ve been sharing my thoughts on various escort sites for the last few months. Some of which are Escort Babylon , Adult Search , Skip The Games and more. Now I’m here to share what I know about Listen, I’ll just come out and say that using an escort site to round up paid sexual dates is a bad idea and we all know why that is. I’ve left nothing off of this review. I’m angry and as a New Yorker always looking to get laid, when I get burned I get even. Which is exactly why I’m sharing everything I know about this shady site.
First, it’s illegal. If nothing else I say is a turn-off, just remember that you can absolutely go to jail for this, pay hefty fines, and have to explain to friends and family about your illegal “John” ways. And then there is the fact that you can catch a disease, get beaten up and robbed, or just plain ripped off. But I won’t insult your intelligence, you already know all of this. However, what you might not know is that using the escort site, is a waste of time, no matter what you’re looking for.
When you get to the landing page of Nightshift, you’re going to see a bit of legal jargon that basically covers the asses of those in charge of the escort site should anything happen to you while you’re using it. Keep in mind, it doesn’t offer you any such protections, so clicking that you agree to the terms, whether you read them or not, is admitting you won’t go after the creators behind Nightshift.
Joining Nightshift is free. But, if you really want to expand your escort horizons, they also offer a premium membership level. Supposedly, becoming a premium member gives you access to escort reviews before they are published to the general escort-seeking public. I’m not totally sure what the purpose of this is, but if that’s important to you, Nightshift offers it.
They also allow premium members the opportunity to use advanced filters to find the perfect escort for them. Although, this paid advanced filtering system is a complete waste, as joining for free offers you the same thing. The free version allows you to filter down by location, service provided, age, ethnicity, body type, and even hair color. In my opinion, paying for an upgraded membership is an absolute waste of money.
So, who are these girls that advertise on Nightshift? Well, I’m sure there are legit prostitutes (is that an oxymoron or what?) who aren’t looking to cause you any harm. But you do run the risk of coming across the ones that are far less honest.
These women can be using drugs, they can have STD’s, be looking to rob you, have a pimp who plans to cause you bodily harm, or the girl you order might not even be the one who shows up. It really is the luck-of-the-draw when you use any escort site and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to play Russian Roulette with my life.
Remember the little detail of purchasing sex being illegal? Unless you’re in one small section of Nevada, prostitution is still illegal. And when you use Nightshift, or any other escort site, you’re admitting to guilt. If the legal authorities should raid these types of sites, your name, email address, even IP address is associated with a site dealing in illegal activities.
Not to mention, sites like Nightshift are often used in prostitution stings where the cops set up fake profiles to lure “John’s” out of the woodwork. For me, there is just too much risk there.
I know sometimes you get lonely and horny. Believe me, I’ve been there too, and it sucks when you don’t have someone to fill in those holes. But with all the risks of using an escort site, it just isn’t worth the headaches, possible bodily harm, or trouble with the law to even poke around on sites like Nightshift, let alone join and use the illegal services provided by escorts. If you want to get laid, far as I’m concerned you’ve got two options. You can read my blog posts where I share tons of local hookup tips or you can just join this site and get to work. The choice is yours!
Want more options? The list below is all you need!
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