Night When Evil Falls

Night When Evil Falls


Night When Evil Falls

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Sheliss Elleness Zurbach suddenly appears out of the blue in modern-day Tokyo. Destiny has brought her to the human world - destiny in the form of an evil adversary named Gilva. Needing help in tracking down her enemy, she enlists a sexy demon killer.

What Sheliss didn't count on was that a crazed, slimy, tentacled magician would paralyze her and turn her into a sex slave. The slimy tentacles slither all over the paralyzed princess's body... A long night of sexual punishment is about to begin.


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Plot Summary:
Sheliss Elleness Zurbach suddenly appears out of the blue in modern day Tokyo. Destiny has brought her to the human world, destiny in the form of an evil adversary named Gilva. Needing help in tracking down her enemy, she enlists a sexy demon killer. What Sheelis didn't count on was that a crazed, slimy, tentacled magician would paralyze her and turn her into a sex slave. The slimy tentacles slither all over the paralyzed princess' body. A long night of sexual punishment is about to begin...

Original Character Design : Hiroshi Sasa

Animation Director : Kosuke Murayama (eps 1, 3)

Key Animation : Kosuke Murayama (ep 1)

Technical Director : Mitsuhiro Yoneda

Mina Motoyama as Sherisernes Zarbach

Animation Production : Dream Entertainment

In-Between Animation : ANI FACTORY (ep 1)

Key Animation : ANI FACTORY (ep 1)

Sound Direction : White & Dragon (ep 1)

Jun 10, 16:00


Chainsaw Man is a manga known for a lot of things, but above all else, what truly impressed me about this manga is its ability to convey complex, often incredibly dark emotions while the actual dialogue says very little or even nothing at all.
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As Shaman King enters into the back half of this reboot, the show enters into a seemingly hopeless battle on two fronts. Jairus Taylor questions if, following the show's missteps along the way, this reboot needed to happen at all.
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Leaks and new trailers abound this summer. Heidi checks out the promising new look of Street Fighter 6 and salvages what she can from the underwhelming Summer Game Fest.
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Visual also unveiled
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Jun 9, 23:19


New project centers on Meliodas' son Tristan
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Star Wars: Visions ‘The Elder’ director, SSSS.Dynazenon creative director also pen scripts
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Including stories from Tomie , Sōichi , The Hanging Balloons
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Jun 9, 16:11


For a show occupying a unique premise this season, Fanfare of Adolescence can't decide what it wants to focus on. One thing's for sure, it could certainly use more horses.
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Jun 9, 08:00


Metal Max Xeno Reborn can be a lot of fun, but it does make you work for it. Its oblique objectives and wild difficulty curves can definitely be off-putting—and yet there's fun to be had in driving around the wasteland, scrounging for scrap metal, and blasting away mobs of cannon fodder.
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Revue Starlight The Movie addresses and fixes nearly all my quibbles with the series by burning off the fat and violently compressing the remaining stylistic meat into a brilliant multi-faceted diamond.
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Macross Frontier: The False Songstress and The Wings of Farewell have had official English subtitles for nearly a decade . Here's the story of a trio of fans and the team at YTV who made it happen.
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What goes better with an art contest than an awesome tablet?Simban has provided us with one PicassoTab XL and two PicassoTabs to give away to ANN entries in the Grand Marshal's Gala!
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Jun 7, 17:30


Kaguya-sama and SPY x FAMILY both ramp up the romantic developments. Is a confession on the horizon?
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Even if the status quo is maintained at the end of the film, Cucuruz Doan still tells a satisfying adventure that fits seamlessly within the larger narrative of Mobile Suit Gundam.
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Ikkitousen, a 2000s-era series about reincarnated fighters from Romance of Three Kingdoms beating the crap out of each other with plenty of nudity is back. Prepare yourself for unabashed T&A in This Week in Anime!
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