Night Club Extasy

Night Club Extasy

Night Club Extasy

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You guys are gonna fuck in the treasury? Originally posted by sddonald You were always the experienced one in relationships. No matter how much a boy would talk himself up, you would leave highly dissatisfied; really the only satisfaction you could get from sexual encounters was watching boys come completely unhinged by your actions. You were truly a goddess. You had met in a crowded club in L. After hours of watching you dance, and after about five drinks, Tom finally worked up the courage to approach you. You had to admit, you were instantly attracted to him. His sharp jaw line, perfectly curling hair, and deep brown eyes nearly put you in a trance as he asked if he could buy you a drink. That first night was ecstasy. It was as if he was able to stimulate every nerve in your body. Orgasms washed over you over and over again, yet you still had your effect on him. After you both had your fill you laid there together, head on his chest. Feeling it move up and down harshly, still trying to fully calm down. How did you even do that? You both found out that your emotional chemistry far surpassed your physical chemistry. You had both fallen madly in love with each other. But that was months ago, and now you lay alone on your bed. Everything was perfect between you and Tom, except one thing. He was too afraid to make your relationship public and you were growing tired of being a secret. You understood the fear, the idea of you becoming too overwhelmed by the attention, the hate you might receive from jealous fans, the fear that it would change everything. You were lying on your bed, scrolling through old messages, when suddenly they swiped back down to the very bottom. You groaned, too tired to swipe all the way back up to the ones you were reading, before you realized that it was because of a new text. What could he possibly need? You tried to convince yourself that you were annoyed by the sudden contact, but you knew you wanted to talk to him. No matter what it was he had to say, just to hear his voice. You swiped the screen to answer the call, but it took a moment before you could actually put the phone to your ear. It just slipped out. You ran to your closet and threw on a pair of sleep shorts and a Vampire Weekend shirt you bought at the concert you saw with him. Suddenly, you were nervous about how you looked, but you decided it had been too long since you hung up for any more primping. You made it to the door and went to turn the handle, but noticed your hand just lying there, unable to turn it. With a deep breath, you swung the door open. There he was, clad in black jeans and a t shirt, just tight enough to notice that his muscles have only grown since you last saw him. His eyes looked bloodshot, and his lips were swollen. You knew he had been crying, but he hid it so well over the phone. May I come in? He moved to the closet next to the front door to shed his jacket, and returned wielding a raised eyebrow and an old sweatshirt—his sweatshirt. He started working his arms through it, as if he was about to put it on, but backwards. He walked over to you and held it above your head. You raised your arms in response and he easily slipped it over your petite frame. For a moment you thought he was about to lean in a place a long awaited kiss on your lips, but instead he started walking towards the living room and sat down on the couch. You sat down nervously, a bit further away from him than you probably should have. We are meant to be together. I know I messed up okay? But I can fix it, I will fix it for you. You had no idea he felt this way, if you did, then you probably would be back together by now. You could see tears starting to well up in those brown eyes again, and you could feel them starting in yours. The fear you felt earlier was replaced intense feelings of love. You wanted him back, in every way. With one foul sweep you placed yourself on his lap, straddling the boy you loved so much. You cupped his cheeks and put your forehead on his. You were so close you had to keep darting your eyes back and forth to look into both of those beautiful brown eyes. The passion was overwhelming, so many emotions were behind that single kiss. You could tell he was taken off guard, but soon he found comfort in the familiar feeling and began exploring your body. First he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in even closer. Then they trailed down to the small of your back, then further to cup your ass, instantly causing you to start grinding on him. His hands journeyed to your thighs. He savored the feeling of your soft skin as you savored the roughness of his palms. You moaned at his touch, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. Then you realized, he probably did think that. You placed soft kisses on his forehead in between shushes. He gave you one more quick kiss before scooping you up and carrying back to your room. He set you down gently on your bed. You expected to feel his lips against yours again, but instead he barely lifted up the sweatshirt and began placing kisses all over your stomach. Goosebumps began covering your body as he kissed the sensitive skin. Even after months of being apart, he knew you like the back of his hand. He never broke eye contact as he slowly slipped you out of your shorts. Even though your room was dark, his eyes were darker, and you could see the lust glistening in them. He started rubbing circles on your clit making your eyes flutter shut and your head fall back into your bed. The sensation suddenly stopped and you groaned at the discomfort starting to grow between your legs. You propped yourself up on your elbows and the second you found his eyes he attached his mouth to your clit and slid two fingers into you. That was always his thing. He loved watching you, and he really loved you watching him. Each lick and pump brought you closer and closer to the edge. Each time you repeated his name he would pick up the pace, soon you were chanting his name and a feeling of euphoria swept over your body. A feeling only he could give you. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him up to you. You could taste yourself on his lips as he began to kiss you again. Tom noticed you struggling and reached down to help you. You slipped your hand into his jeans and began palming him through his boxers. He clenched his jaw and hissed from the contact he had been anticipating for so long. It really was a spectacle, him all worked up, curls messy, t shirt clinging to his chest with sweat, dark eyes locked with yours. Clearly not much because he rolled off of you and began kicking his jeans and boxers off. Once he was free of the clothing you swung your leg over to straddle him. You tugged at the hem of his shirt and he pushed himself off the bed just enough for you to pull it off of him. You grabbed the hem of the sweatshirt and started to lift it off when he grabbed your wrists. I love it when you wear my clothes. Tom was throbbing beneath you. You began grinding against his length, letting your wetness cover his cock. Tom sighed, half in pleasure, half in desperation. You raised an innocent eyebrow at him. You smirked as you lined yourself up and began lowering yourself onto him. His eyes rolled back as he reached for your hips. Squeezing tighter as you began to quicken the pace. He pulled you forward by the back of your neck and began kissing you sloppily. He grabbed your ass, causing you to lean forward even more. He began lifting up his hips to thrust into you, and you bit at the skin on his shoulder to suppress your moans. The feeling of his hot breath against your neck drove you crazy and you let out a loud whine. He flipped the two of you over so that you were on your back and began thrusting relentlessly. He lifted one of your legs up over his shoulder so that he could thrust even deeper. The new angle was too much, you could feel your abs tightening as another orgasm started to creep up. You dragged your nails down his back as he continued to fuck you, riding out your high. His thrusts started getting sporadic and you could tell he was close. He got up on his knees and he started to jerk himself off, but before he could cum you scooted forward and took his length in your mouth. You bobbed your head before sucking on the head, running your tongue over the little slit—his most sensitive spot. He collapsed next to you, letting out a satisfied sigh. He held out one of his arms, inviting you to snuggle up under it. You woke up alone. You wanted to bury yourself under the covers in embarrassment, but then you noticed music playing faintly. It sounded like Goodness Gracious by The Heligoats. You dragged yourself out of bed and walked into the kitchen, and there he was. Flipping pancakes and sipping on coffee while wearing nothing but boxers. He was singing along so softly that you could barely hear him, you always loved the few moments you could hear him sing. You started humming along yourself, which caught his attention. You rolled your eyes and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before pouring yourself a cup. How exactly do you know that? How was your gyno appointment by the way? Originally posted by bts-we-are-bulletproof. Looking back on your past, your life has never been anything out of the ordinary. Although your parents had left you on one mysterious night, leaving you little to no explanations, you live out the rest of your years residing in a new town under the custody of your aunt. That is, until you return to your hometown to investigate the whereabouts of your parents during your senior year in high school. It was that fateful decision that led you to find a boy collapsed on your front porch one night, wounds gaping and life fading when your entire life is spun out of control. Somehow being dragged into a life of crimes in the underground business of his, you discover the twisted secrets hidden behind the world you thought you had known all along. Can you do a jimin request??? Where jimin is your sexy hot husband and a cop and when he pulls you over for speeding he punishes you. You take all my inhibitions. You take me places that tear up my reputation, manipulate my decisions. Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far. It had been at a party in downtown San Francisco, everyone under the sun was invited to that party. People were stumbling through rooms, slurring their words, crawling down the stairs, slinging liquor around, and the music had been so loud, Tom could feel it in his bones every time his heart would beat. After some drinks were in his system, he came across the pretty singer lounging on the balcony. With all the liquid courage he had consumed, it was easy to talk to her and when they decided to meet up days later on sober accords, it was even better. She had shown him around her home. Took him to places he would have never seen or even bothered to go to. She was a singer, someone who took great pride in music and made it her life. He had a fun ride that week he stayed in San Francisco. Part of him, never wanting to leave and the other part wanting to take her with him back to London. It had been a months since the two of them had last seen each other but it had only been a few days since they last spoke. They kept in touch, him finding parts of him he never knew about when he was talking with her. She had no limitations and saw the world as her oyster. Tom really liked that about her, her ability to just do what she wanted because no one could tell her otherwise. She lived in the now. It was exhilarating to be involved with someone like that. She looked around, chuckling to herself. It was obvious that a guy lived here. Not that it was messy but the lack of decor and reason gave it away. I was actually going to move to Los Angeles. We could meet in less than two hours by plane. Sipping on his own, he smiled. Speaking of which how are you liking London? And he was especially happy that she decided to fly out to London to give it a chance. So, she enlisted in the best tour guide there was. Shrugging, she took a sip. Taking a seat on the opposite end, she pivoted towards him. Tom was about to respond but received multiple text messages. Reaching into his pocket, he juggled his beer and his phone. Opening the texts, he internally groaned at them. Should I run for the hills? But, she always held herself to be respectful and kind. He shook his head, laughing. Looking at his beer bottle, he sighed. This time, her brow quirked in curiosity. Sucking in air, he debated if he should reveal what the messages were saying. Tilting his head back and forth, he just went for it. Sipping on her beer some more, she chuckled. Far from the kind that she usually gravitated towards, usually the bad boys that used her. But, he had an accent and from what she had learned from their friendship was that he was incredibly smart as well. Bringing the bottle to her lips, she shrugged. I spent four nights in a row drinking myself into oblivion with you. Running her tongue over her teeth, she leaned forward. Tom could feel his insides burning at the thought of what she could be like behind closed doors. Smirking a smirk that sent chills down his back, she leaned forward. Rocking forward, she nipped his lips before he finally kissed back. Her nails were digging into his shoulders while his were digging into her hips. Tom had never felt a kiss be so exhilarating before. It was a different kind of feeling that he had never felt and it was already too late because he was addicted. A feeling of a grand euphoria pouring out of her lips and into his. Pulling from him, she nipped down his neck and all over his collarbone before going back to where it started. Kissing him for a few more seconds, she chuckled against his lips and pulled away completely. She tore herself away from him and stood up. Walking back to where her beer sat, she snatched it up and took a good swig. Who have you been snogging? Shaking his head, he tried to clear his fuzzy thoughts. She gave a loose laugh, quirking a brow. Tom smiled sincerely, turning, he brought his hands to her face, cradling her worried expression in his hands. That just makes you, you. Acting is something I want to do forever. And the whole neurotic thing? Well, that can be easily medicated. Tom dropped his hands and pressed his lips together. Life with you sounds great, amazing actually. She lived a fast paced life, it was what she always wanted. Loving me will be one hell of a joyride. Enjoying the moment and relishing that for once aside from pursuing her dream that making this decision would be the best one yet. I may have missed a few people but um…. I give props to those who them. On a dark night, Kindled in love with yearnings—oh, happy chance! In darkness and secure, By the secret ladder, disguised—oh, happy chance! In the happy night, In secret, when none saw me, Nor I beheld aught, Without light or guide, save that which burned in my heart. This light guided me More surely than the light of noonday To the place where he well I knew who! Oh, night that guided me, Oh, night more lovely than the dawn, Oh, night that joined Beloved with lover, Lover transformed in the Beloved! Upon my flowery breast, Kept wholly for himself alone, There he stayed sleeping, and I caressed him, And the fanning of the cedars made a breeze. The breeze blew from the turret As I parted his locks; With his gentle hand he wounded my neck And caused all my senses to be suspended. I remained, lost in oblivion; My face I reclined on the Beloved. All ceased and I abandoned myself, Leaving my cares forgotten among the lilies. Jooheon laid back, upper body propped against the headboard, his arms above his head, handcuffed to the metal frame. His white T-Shirt was disheveled, pushed up slightly so his lower stomach was visible. His breathing was heavy, trying to maintain an even pattern. His half-lidded eyes glistened, mouth parted, cheeks flushed. JavaScript is required to view this site. Log in Sign up. Most recent Most popular Most recent. Filter by post type All posts. The two ways you might feel when the drugs hit you. Who has never wanted to have the full Scrooge McDuck? Months after breaking up, you get a text from Tom… 2, words Warnings: Originally posted by bts-we-are-bulletproof Genre: Can I help you, Officer? Jimin x Reader Warnings: How to go on walking hand in hand without our bodies on the path we made for our feet, talking, talking? Poems University of Pittsburgh Press, What are you doing? I can handle my own. Submissive Jooheon, handcuffs, orgasm denial, etc. Jooheon blows off your homecoming ritual, and needs to be punished for it. He tightened his hands into fists and shifted.

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