Nigger Gangbang

Nigger Gangbang


Nigger Gangbang
Part of HuffPost Black Voices. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
Spiritually Discerned; Doctoral Candidate of Clinical Psychology; Black voice and Male decoder
Jun 30, 2016, 12:22 PM EDT | Updated Jun 22, 2017
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Part of HuffPost Black Voices. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
Spiritually Discerned; Doctoral Candidate of Clinical Psychology; Black voice and Male decoder
Nigger verses Nigga The term "Nigger" is a derogatory term used against Black people. The word was originated from the Spanish word "Niger" and "Negro" meaning Black, which was used to describe Black people. The meaning of the word "Nigger" is -an ignorant person. By the late 1800's, particularly during the Atlantic slave trade, the word was used in a derogatory manner, and often used as a racial slur against Black people. The word "Nigger" has often been used as an insult against people of African descent. The word is extremely offensive and often not mentioned unless one is intended to insult another. In the song 'Woman', rapped by Talib Kweli, he states "she went from being called Nigger to Negro to colored to Black to Afro, to African American and right back to Nigga". His statement shows the racism behind the word "Nigger" and how people of African descent fought to be labeled respectfully, to reflect the beauty of their race, yet ended up going back to the original roots of being called "Nigger", yet justifying that "Nigga" has an entirely different meaning. "Nigga" used as a form of slang is one of the most popular words used today. The term is used in today's slang, among African American groups predominately and hip hop musicians. This outrage of the word being used by African Americans was done so to desensitize the derogatory message behind the word. The term has become so popular that it is now a part of culture and many other groups, considerably; non-African American people are now using the word as well.
The problem with the usage of the word "Nigga" is its roots stemming from "Nigger", which is harsh in its nature. Some things can't be turned around. You just can't take a negative word and turn it into a positive word by changing its meaning. The roots still has its imprints. Also, other cultures, many which have used the word "Nigger" against Black people as an attack now have access to the slang term "Nigga". The word should not even be used by people of African descent, let alone someone who is non- Black, whose ancestry doesn't revolve around the sufferings pertaining to it. Some Black people might say they are more entitled to the word, due to the slavery, oppression, racism, and segregation of their ancestors, which came alongside with being called the N word. Some might say, they've earned usage of the word because their ancestors died during the middle passage, and civil rights movement, when the N word was used for derogatory purposes only.
The term 'Nigger' has evolved into "Nigga", and its usage is much more popular among all cultures today. Some do not mind letting their non-Black friends use the N word, however, many African Americans suffer because of this. Many African Americans to date are educated, politically aware beings and do not stray from knowing the historical facts associated with the word and therefore do not use the word in jest nor do they allow other cultures to use the word in their presence. I personally do not use the word, nor do I allow others of different cultures to use the word. I am highly against the word being used, even among my African descent people. I think the word should be banned and should be illegal.
Many non-Blacks who use the word justify that they are not using the ER at the end of the word, and that they don't mean it in a derogatory sense, yet when upset, many other cultures have used "Nigga" as an insult against a person of color. Many non-Blacks have explained to me that, their Black friends use the word, so they feel it is okay for them to also use it. Many non-Blacks have also stated that some of their Black friends gave them permission to use the word in their presence, without explaining to them that it may be offensive in the presence of others. There are so many contradictions behind this word. Some feel they can use it, while others shouldn't be able to use it. Some people don't understand the influence they may have on other cultures by constantly using the word in their presence, and especially in music. Some defend the difference of context associated with "Nigger" vs "Nigga".
Having to constantly separate the intent behind the word is very confusing for many. While some may say there is a difference between the word "Nigger" and "Nigga" and both words have different meanings, there are many cases where racist people have used the term "Nigga" as a racist attack against Black people. Regardless if one uses the ER at the end of the word or not, the meaning, roots, and circumstances associated with the word remain the same. History can never be changed.
I petition the N word be banned from the mouths of people of African descent, and especially be banned from the vocabulary's of non-Black people. We have to stop justifying the n-word and its meanings. "Nigger" vs "Nigga" has the same meaning and its intent is not positive and every time the word is used, it is not used in a positive manner. Just think about it. Almost every time the word is used to describe someone or something, there is a negative connotation behind the usage of the word. If a word cannot be used in court, chances are, it's a bad word.
Spiritually Discerned; Doctoral Candidate of Clinical Psychology; Black voice and Male decoder

The shame and intrigue of gang bang fantasies
Remember: Porn is different from real life
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"Are there people who aren't turned on by gang bang porn?" my friend responded when I asked if she was. Touché.
Even science shows that having a gang bang fantasy is normal . A 2014 study conducted by researchers at the University of Montreal and published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine suggested that 28.3 percent of women and 13.1 percent of men fantasized about having sex with more than one man at the same time, and that 24.7 of women and 75.3 percent of men fantasized about having sex with more than one woman at the same time. (A gang bang, by the way, can be but doesn't have to be a bunch of cis men. I like to define a gang bang as one person being fucked by more than two people, but more on that to come.)
Despite the popularity of gang bang fantasies, they're still stigmatized. At the least, you may experience more trepidation telling your partner that you watch gang bang porn than, say, anal. "Watching porn is a safe way to explore from a distance. Gang bang porn is something that I think a lot of people, whether they realize it or not, are aroused by, because the idea of group play, or multiple sexual partners simultaneously, has become mainstream enough for people to be curious, but it's still taboo enough to be erotic," says New York City-based publicist Melissa Vitale .
Vitale proudly enjoys the genre, although she loathes the term "gang bang" preferring to instead call it group sex. "I think the term creates an image of a woman with three men getting absolutely ruined while not enjoying the experience when usually, the woman is the one in the most control and the one who is experiencing the most pleasure," Vitale says.
Watching lesbian porn helped me take the plunge and embrace my
bisexuality—sometimes porn helps us discover things about our
Your shame surrounding your gang bang fantasy may even be why you get off on it. "Shame and sexiness tend to be strongly tied together," says sex-positive psychotherapist Liz Powell . "It’s not super clear why that is; part of it is that we live in a culture that shames sexuality generally. We may feel shame and think that means it’s sexy, but whatever the reason, it’s not uncommon."
So, let's form a coven circle (i.e., what happens here stays here) and discuss our gang bang fantasies with like-minded people and some of our favorite porn performers .
Porn is fantastic. It allows you to explore your most secret and filthiest fantasies from the privacy of your own bed. We can use porn to discover what turns us on. Sometimes porn helps us discover things about our sexuality; for instance, watching lesbian porn helped me take the plunge and embrace my bisexuality. Other times, watching porn may just be like going to the movies and an engaging form of entertainment, but perhaps we don't actually want our life to mirror the plot.
Regardless of if we want to turn our porn viewing habits into IRL experiences, it's important that we acknowledge that the cinema comparison is accurate. "The same way people don’t drive the way they do in The Fast and the Furious , people don’t fuck the way they do in porn. The gang bangs you see in porn have all kinds of preparation, negotiation, and other things you don’t see that happen offscreen," Powell says. Queefs are edited out, and the scene is prearranged.
Porn performer Ingrid Mouth , who starred in a Star Trek -themed gang bang for, says she was given multipart questionnaires to complete prior to shooting. "There was a checklist of boundaries and limits that asked for details on what I was and was not willing to do, in addition to being penetrated by five penises (things like bondage, slapping, or ball gags). They also asked if I had a specific fantasy I'd like to work out on camera. When I got the booking request, I was deliriously stoned and decidedly thrilled, and in this section, I wound up typing out an entire Star Trek fan fiction. It was titled: Star Trek: The Next Penetration ."
You're still a feminist if you like gang bang porn. Being a feminist
is all about embracing what turns you on.
Mouth's experience is reassuring to everyone in search of original porn that treats performers well , but also shows that there's a lot of work put into your favorite gang bang porn to make it look as easy as it does on camera. "Experiencing a gang bang is pretty different from fantasizing about them for sure. It gets edited, and there’s so much starting and stopping," says transgender adult filmmaker and performer James Darling . So watch all the gang bang porn you like, just understand that porn isn't the same as real life.
And on that note, please pay for your porn through a trusted platform — especially as, in the wake of FOSTA-SESTA , it's more important than ever to support sex workers. If you're not sure where to look, here is a handy list of porn sites worth paying for .
In case you needed a reminder, there is no script of sexual fantasies that make you a good feminist or a bad feminist. Being a feminist is all about embracing what turns you on. So yes, you're absolutely still a feminist if you like gang bang porn. A gang bang is often portrayed as a cis woman being multipenetrated by many sweaty cis men. There is often an aspect of degradation and humiliation, and yes, it's chill if that's your thing. "Women like sex. Some women like sex with multiple partners. There's nothing wrong with sex and there's nothing wrong with having a fantasy. And if your gang bang fantasy specifically involves degradation, well, that's a whole fetish unto itself that is not gender-specific, and which can be hot as fuck in a consensual setting," Mouth says.
For some people who enjoy gang bangs, there is power in the passivity. " Growing up transgender , I had body issues. For me, gang bang porn has a strong element of body and sex positivity to it," says writer and comedian Amanda Kerri . "Here is a person at the center of the gang bang who is indulging in just wild, crazy abandon of moral taboos, any sort of sexual shame, and is just letting themselves become almost gluttonous with sex. It’s not the people using the woman in the center of a gang bang, but her. It’s her body and sexuality that’s the center of the lust, and she’s in full control of it," Kerri explains.
If you are truly interested in a gang bang, you shouldn't let status
quo prevent you from experiencing your fantasies.
However, there doesn't have to be degradation, and the penetrators of the gang bang scene do not need bio penises. Strap-on dildos work great and can be used and worn by all genders. Kerri says, "The idea of a bunch of [cis] guys or other trans people just going to town on me? Hell, a bunch of women with strap-ons? Great. Now I’m turned on at work."
Just because you have a fantasy, doesn't mean you want to act it out in real life. Along with watching porn, using dirty talk and sex toys such as multiple dildos can be an excellent way to engage with gang bang fantasies without actually having one. However, for the people reading this who are curious about trying one (no shame), let's review Your First Gang Bang 101 Basics.
"Scheduling a gang bang is hard because you have a lot of schedules to work with," says Powell. "The easiest way to make them happen is if you already have a play community that you’re a part of, or multiple lovers." If you aren't a regular at sex parties or kink events, the kink social network FetLife can be a great place to meet people and learn about events. However, do your due diligence and meet people in person before you gang bang them.
If you haven't ever had a threesome, I would start with that before having a gang bang. Technically, there can be as many people present as you desire. Discuss STI testing , statuses, and make sure everyone is on top of barrier use. Know that there is no such thing as risk-free sex: Condoms break, and STIs such as herpes and HPV can be spread even while using barriers.
Even if everyone is physically safe, a gang bang is going to be an emotional experience and, as discussed, quite different than you've seen in films. Or it may end up being one of the most sexually fulfilling experiences of your life. "I highly, highly, recommend doing research and talking to someone trustworthy with experience to provide insight and education to fulfill your fantasies safely, sanely and consensually. If you are truly interested in a gang bang, you shouldn't let status quo prevent you from experiencing your fantasies," Vitale says.
Read more stories about sexual fantasies:
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