Nigerian Politicians, The Church And Heaven

Nigerian Politicians, The Church And Heaven


Most Nigerian politicians including all the good and bad people in politics who make generous donations to the church will make heaven at last. The church continues to grow bigger and infrastructural projects undergoing lesser completion time. Thank God for this. So, why are the masses complaining and criticizing their government? The blame game in general - from the president who is never aware of misdoings in his government, to the common man like me on the street. We share similar values of trading stupid blame on people and values that are not existing. How can it be our fault when they constantly tell us how "village people" and "haters" are causing us harm? Pathetic!

The chairman donated over one million Naira for the progress of the church and was showered with prayers. The priest in a way to push everybody forward started lamenting how we (the worshippers) will not benefit from God's blessings if we don't make tangible donations. I nearly regretted why I came to church that day. This act of threatening people who have refused to give to the church because of their difficulties in life is the new trend. Sadly, we came to church for God to bless us abundantly and their ministers are praying to him to withdraw his blessings. How can we give what we don't have? Many politicians fund many of the church projects in the country. Some go ahead to build and donate churches in the country. This is good for the progress of the church of Christ.

The vice president of Nigeria, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo is a senior pastor in the Redeemed Christian church of God. He is loyal to a Muslim godfather (God is universal) who makes things happen. Most people in Nigeria believe that all politicians are thieves and corrupt. This may be true or false, depending on the angle you are viewing the argument from. By the way, the church has its own politics and humans are political. This pastor is a top politician in Nigeria, and Nigerian politics comes with some tricks; on some occassions, a politician has to tell lies and even give bribes to make things happen to their favour. Many pastors are joining politics and most are constantly praising politicians. Yet, Nigeria is still underdeveloped. Up till this moment (2017), the general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church has refused to condemn Fulani Herdsmen killings in the country and he wishes his followers well. I think most Nigerian politicians and pastors will make heaven at last.

Many cathedrals and big churches continue to grow in Nigeria, yet many are jobless, hopeless and the minimum wage is pathetic. Who finances these projects? Politicians I say. Good one, Politicians are blessed already. They will surely make heaven, for they give generously to the church.

One day, the Bishop in an annoying remark told the youths how he purchased glasses worth forty-eight million Naira. We clapped, he retorted, "...not the ten and twenty Naira you people give me for offering..." I now see it, the big wings finance these projects and we are busy making ourselves feel good. Eyaa! What of the reverend father that criticized a politician for not making tangible donations? And he started campaigning for the failed one for giving a paltry sum. Amazingly, honoring the one who was seen in the video hiding so many dollars in his clothes. Lol...

Most of our pastors have no jobs and nothing going on in their lives. They just wake up, read their bible, listen and make podcasts, then deliver their messages for the day. How would they have earned so much if not for these politicians? Who finances the investments and luxury lives of these pastors? Their members donate a small fraction compared to what these multi-millionaires donate as their tithes. This is one of the major reasons they honor politicians in the front row in their various crusades. Yes, Nigerian politicians will make heaven at last!

If you don't have money to donate and give to your church, then I don't think it will be wise for you to go there and sit and tap from the blessings the pastors and priests are dishing out. That seat you sit on inside the church and steel roof that houses the church cost millions of Naira. What contributions do you make in your church? Is it not foolish to go to church and be giving God orders to help you whilst not donating generously for the progress of the church? No wonder they have longer lives and living good lives we are dreaming of.

Politicians will go to heaven, as well some of us. Stop criticizing them. They receive special prayers and do well for our churches. Yes! Only a small fraction of us the worshippers will make heaven. We are sinners and still contribute nothing to the growth of the church. "Ogbenye na Amaosu!" Donate generously and receive special blessings.

Lastly, even those occult brothers who hide in the facade of the business world honour church invitations and make generous donations. It is good to know this.

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