Niffty Stories

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World's Only 6 Time Cancer Survivor

BY ANDREW J. KUZYK l August 14, 2016

MCDONOUGH, Ga.-- My name is Andrew J. Kuzyk and I reside …

A Knapsack Full of Paints by BJ This is one of my children's history stories about John James Audubon… called him 'bird man'. It was a story I wrote for my creative writing class… before …

For One More Day! 
*An article in the Kansas City Star appeared by Mitch Albom, the author of Tuesdays with Morrie and the Five People You Meet in Heaven. In the article …

Jasmine This is the story of how me and my family got our pet goat.

One day I asked my mom and dad "Can we go to the sand dunes?"

The sand dunes is a place …

Cycle of Kindness 

Cycle of Kindness

The actual demise and the sad circumstances that surround his father's death was a bitter pill for …

Miracle By Chance ©Copyright - by Jeannette Gardner (December, 2007)

A Story of Love Destined to Be!

This is the real 'true story' about how I met my Husband on a …

The Harp Part 2 When the sun sat on top of the sky he decided it was time to get his chores done. He fed the chickens, cleaned the coop, and fed Lucky leftover scraps. …

Milly I have a cat called Milly
she really loves her food
but because she can't eat too much
it puts her in a mood
so we feed half a packet
she really …

The Dragon Rock 

The Dragon Rock
This story begins with Once Upon A Time, because the best stories do,

So, Once Upon A Time, …

No rhinoceros facts here, purely fiction! How the Rhino Got His Skin Based on the Just So Stories of Rudyard Kipling

Adapted by Kristina Harding

Once upon a time, a bushman was making a cake by his fire. He was so …

The Winters Tale: The Winter Water Hazard “Come on Johnny, let’s go! I want to skate on the old pond today. We’re only here in Millville visiting my grandparents for a week.” Susie said encouraging …

Kids Bible Stories: Zacchaeus & Me We love kids bible stories and this one is one of our favorites, we know you'll like it too!

Zacchaeus & Me

My name is Jonah. You don’t know me …

Doctor Daisy 

"Daisy." "Daisy?!" yelled Josh. "Where is that dog?"

He ran to the kitchen. Her food had not been …

Splash Click the arrow to listen.

One day I asked my mom and dad, "Can I have a guinea pig?"

Mom said, "Me and your father will think about it." …

The Path Home Careen didn’t know it, but she had an audience. A young woman sat on a bench not ten feet away from where the old woman stood talking to herself. She …

The Dog and His Girl One day this past summer I was walking to the park and saw a little dog all by itself walking the same way. He was black and white with a spot of brown …

A 13 Year Old's Most Embarrasing Moment It was track and field day at our school and I was so excited because the one thing in sports I was good at was track. I was FAST! Everyone was amazed …

Cancer Survivor Stories I was pregnant with my daughter when I heard these words, "You have cancer." I was only 24 years old. My son was 2.

The doctors and specialists advised …

Heroes Are you a hero? Any one can be a hero. A dog, a cat, even a baby can be a hero. There are many heroes in the world that help many people.

Have you …

LIGHT ON A SNOWY DAY IT WAS TWO DAYS before Christmas and young Maggie Dotson was already being told that her Christmas wish would not be coming true. Paxton she was told, …

On the road with the Magi "Come on Melchior, you've read and re-read that scroll a thousand times. Why do you need to read again now? We need to get going, the star is moving!" …

Prow-Ling My name is Prow-Ling
I am the mighty warrior
I am the defender of the child
One scowl from my fearsome face causes the seven dragons of sleeplessness …

THE DAY I FOUND ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Well it all started one day after school. Me and my friends Antoneo, Jairimy and Ricky were walking home from school and all of a sudden a giant …

THE LAZY DOG I have a dog that thinks he`s a god because he never wants to walk he always wants to talk. And when we take a walk we carry him in a bag, now that`s a …

The Reformation...Prince Charming Not rated yet MY STORY IS A STORY OF PAIN AND RECOVERY… THANK YOU, JESUS! (This is a true story.)

Who I am today is because of one man. I will call him Prince Charming. …

The Eye Exam Not rated yet It all started when it was reading time at school. I picked a book, and since I was not that good at reading, I picked an easy book. Although it was …

April Not rated yet April was a silent girl. In fact, she didn't talk AT ALL! But no one knew why. At school she didn't talk. At the park, she didn't talk. She didn't even …

Wisdom is Gold Not rated yet 

Total education yields reward, my father would say, the incomplete bring regret. Half knowledge is worse than ignorance. He hypothesized …

Patience is Virtue Not rated yet Patience is a Virtue

Wisdom and Patience are like man and his shadow which never separate. Even in utter darkness when shadow, which …

Death Channel Not rated yet It was a sunny Friday afternoon. Katie was just back from school and let herself in. Knowing it was quiet in the house, she knew it would be as both her …

Wild Cat Not rated yet Our summer holiday started. I and my sister went to meet our grandparents. They lived in a small village and their house near to mountains. There was also …

The Night of Fear Not rated yet George Walker was up in Ohio with General Motors as work in his home of Kentucky was scarce. Each weekend he would take a bus back to Kentucky in order …

Water Melon Contest Not rated yet My Dad’s name is Walter Johnson and if ever there was a man who loves a contest, my Dad is the one.

Every year he would enter the County Fair contest. …

Dreams of Illusion (waking up in the room) Not rated yet "Jessica, wait!" I shouted while sprinting restlessly to school. My dark, mahogany skin dimmed in the cloudy skies.

Even if I was a little nipped, sweat …

Joe and his birthday Not rated yet There once were five dogs named Joe, Matt, Bill, Mark, and John. Joe is a small black dog. Matt is a brown and white dog. Bill is a small white and light …

Guinea Pig Love Not rated yet ©Copyright by Jeannette Gardner (March, 2012)

I never really knew how smart guinea pigs are, and that they can actually have you wrapped around their …

The Harp Not rated yet “Come on Lucky, we can't miss the market,” Taylor called out as he began roughly trotting down the old gravel path in his ruffed up blue jean overalls …

The Haircut Not rated yet It was a bright sunny Wednesday morning in late June. My last day of school was yesterday and I was looking forward to my first day of summer vacation …

The Baby Not rated yet “Well, Mrs. Johnson, how do you like your new baby boy. Isn’t he a handsome little fellow?”

“Well…he sure is, but…but…there seems to be…”

“He comes …

Pizza Not rated yet A long time ago, in a neighborhood that seems far, far away. Back during the time when I was just a skinny little kid, my family had a dog. Lots of families …

Color People Not rated yet There once was a girl named Pink and she had a baby girl and named her Ink.

All the children giggled but one day Ink became queen of the land and no …

Stories of Big Eddy Not rated yet Running out of the car to hug my cousins, I began to think it's the beginning. It's the beginning of my first camping trip of the year. What I have always …

Cecilia and Sophie Not rated yet Once there was a little girl named Sophie. She was 6 years old and lived in a house with her Mummy and Daddy. Where Sophie lived, no other little kids …

Granny's Printable Short Stories Not rated yet Enjoy Granny's Printable Short Stories for Preschoolers by Patricia Johnson!

The Cat and The Bird

The cat sat down by the tree.
She …

...... the thanksgiving opossum ........ Not rated yet ..............................

it was a beautiful fall morning ...

the early rain left the bark of the trees dark ...

the leaves of the maple …
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Before Alastor's death, he was about to the marry the only love of his life. Everleigh was just a few years younger than Alastor. They were deeply in love with each othe...
Sent down from Heaven to check on Hell, you find yourself in multiple scenarios with the girls of the Hazbin Hotel universe. Fall in love, develop relationships and woo...
"For the last time Alastor, stop teleport me whenever you like when I'm trying to enjoy my day!"
"Oh but honey, I know you love it!"
'Fox' or his re...
" Help wanted: join I.m.p and kill humans for money", that's how daren the demon decided to join blitz and his gang of imp misfits, with the exception of the c...
❝ 𝐘/𝐧 , 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 . 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬...
Love Hazbin Hotel? Well this book is for you^^
You get to be the child of the Hazbin Hotel!!
Alastor has always had trouble with emotions. Since Alastor has moved to the Hazbin Hotel, he's felt all of these new and strange emotions he doesn't understand, and he...
🔥𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚉𝚘𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚌𝚜,𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙴𝙲𝚃🔥
🔥𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚒𝚜 12...
[Thanks for 100 followers!]
Highest Rankings:
- 1st in HazbinHotel
- 1st in AngelDust
- 1st in Fandom
[Completed] This is a Valentino x Reader fanfiction. The reader (You) is a female.
Also this is going to be published on Valentine's day 2/14/2020 how cool it that!?
When a demon arrives at the hotel that claims to be Alastor's father, Angel Dust learns that he and the Strawberry Pimp have a lot more in common then he realized. Unfor...
A story of a person who had a rough life, he ended up killing his own mother and killed himself not too long after that. He was sent to hell and not long after, he made...
One little angel name (y/n) can't stand that extermination's and it's not easy being a child of a holy figure but one commercial brings hope to the little angel can she...
𝗬/𝗻 𝗟/𝗻,
one of the if not most powerful overlord in hell,take's interest in a certain 'happy hotel.'
(Also this was my first *official* fanfic i wrote...
Born as daughter to the rulers of hell, as well as twin sister to Charlie. As the Happy Hotel is made a mockery of on TV, a red deer demon, known as Alastor, shows up on...
You woke up in an unknown hotel room, not knowing where you were ...little did you know you actually have been living there for a few years and, most importantly, you fo...
(Y/n), a normal teenage girl living a comfortable sub-urban life. Supporting friends and family along with good grades in school. Until she meets the powerful R
Playboy Tripple Play
Maika Monroe Boobs
Diane Kruger Ass

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