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Библиографическое описание документа. Вернадського — UnKiNB. Вернадського, жовтня р. Додаток M. ISRN, який було помилково надруковано. CODEN, який було помилково надруковано. Номер, призначений агенстством. Агентство, яке призначило номер. Дата видання. Два двохсимвольних кода див. Приклад 1. Яблочкова пер. Вишняков ред. Приклад 2. Приклад буде перероблено!!! Texts; Vol. VIII Bibliogr. Приклад 3. Видавалася у рр. Додаток A. Коли це неможливо, коди мов уводяться за абеткою. Pro domo sua: Щоденники, есе. Приклад 4. Хоменко передм. Приклад 5. Информационно-аналитический центр мониторинга внешних товарных рынков; А. Болодурин ред. Приклад 6. Та практ. Вернадського; О. Онищенко гол. Приклад 7. Додаток B. Кравчук, О. Взаимодействие зданий и сооружений с грунтовым основанием при динамических и сейсмических взаимодействиях: Дис… канд техн. Приклад 8. Приклад 9. Шевченко, О. Bajdak Ed. Том може позначатися числом, роком тощо. Додаток А. Gardner The second edition of an item is reissued with the addition of a foreword by Magnus Magnusson, with extra notes by P. Le Mesurier and E. A reprint is issued with corrections. A parallel edition statement. Vertical scale ; Universal Transverse Mercator proj. EX 1, 2. The entire statement of manufacture is enclosed within parentheses. The date is not certain. The date is taken from elsewhere than the chief source of information and is enclosed in brackets. In this example the end of field marker is included for clarity. The date is a copyright date and indicated as such. The item was published in separate volumes over a period of time. Поле тимчасове. Publication was delayed. The heights of these items differ. There is an accompanying booklet. It is metres long. The catalogue entry would appear as follows: 1 film reel 20 min. The item is a colour videocassette in U-matic format, with sound, lasting 30 minutes. The track configuration is given. A Dolby noise reduction system has been used. The groove width is coarse. The groove direction is vertical. The item is a book from the hand-press era. EX 3, 5. Додаток А Коди мов. EX 3, 6. Series I, Germany language and literature ; vol. БЕЛ Данные записываются в произвольной форме, сокращения не применяются, за исключением слов, относящихся к области издания и количественной характеристики документа. При наличии более одного примечания поле повторяется столько раз, сколько требуется привести примечаний. РУС Данные приводятся в произвольной форме. Если вводится более одного примечания, каждое приводится в соответствующем вхождении в поле в порядке, определенном 'Правилами New York : Dow, A note citing published research based on drawings described in the catalogue record and held by the institution. Patterson, A provenance note, indicating the donor and former owner of a rare book. A technical report number appearing on the title page of the item. A new series of library and information research reports is published, the first of which is The online public library LIR Report 1 by A. Convey, A. Pearce and A. Депонирована в БелИСА Газеты и журналы стран СНГ и дальнего зарубежья». Volume 2 is entitled Air Force colours. Yoico, L. On the title page appear the words 'Who did done it'. The document is known to have been written in the words of F. Cockman who consulted and rewrote the account of Horace Mann. Compare field , EX 3. The document is in two parts, each with its own statement of responsibility. This example makes use of ISBD punctuation. Leavis \\\\\\\\\[et al. Leavis, A. Quine, A. Kenny and R. Quirk The cataloguing rules do not permit the inclusion of more than one name in the statement of responsibility when there are more than three names of persons responsible on the item. The names are entered in a note. В цьому випадку може використовуватись поле A record is made for a multi-volume monograph in four parts of which parts 1 and 2 only are in a series. Commission on Civil Rights. Compare field , EX 5. Запис для British national bibliography. EX 2, 3. Historical sets, collected editions and manuals of music A set of musical scores described in an external publication. Testamenti Graeci, p. Newmans essay on development its own confutation, London : W. Cleaver, Kent and Richard G. Youthparent socialization panel study, Ann Arbor, Mich. Додадок ХХ. Номер замовлення. The full name and address of the publisher are given in both the and the field. West, Toronto, Ont. M5S lN5, Canada The full name and address of the publisher, when the information was given in abbreviated form in the field. Додаток К. ISSN Fasciculi suppletorii. EX 3 Див. North Kesteven ed. Archivio di Ottalmologia та Rassegna italiana di Ottalmologia злились та утворили Archivio e Rassegna italiana di Ottalmologia. Mining series. Geology and geography series злилося з Abstracts pertaining to Communist China in Soviet abstracts journals. Metallurgy та Abstracts pertaining to Communist China in Soviet abstracts journals. Mining series щоб утворити Communist Chinese scientific abstracts. Au Austria, au Gallia? Garden City, N. Як приклад див. EX Для прикладу див. Anonymous classics : a list of uniform headings for European literatures. ISBN: List of uniform titles for liturgical works of the Latin rites of the Catholic Church. Для них не робиться додатковий запис. Prussia, Приклади див. Можливе використання для пошуку EX 3. When the script is not in current use or is otherwise not available a suitable alternative script should be used, for example, Cyrillic civil for Cyrillic Church Slavonic. EX 2, 3, 4. EX 2, 4. EX 4, 5 , Напр. Така назва заноситься до поля EX 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Mirren F. Agricultural Experiment Station. Назва: IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems. Фрагмент найменування колективу, використовуваний як початковий елемент заголовка рубрики. Будь-яка частина найменування колективу, яка перенесена з початку найменування з метою формування початкового елементу заголовку рубрики. For an item which is an index see EX 7. The cataloguing agency omits leading articles c. A topical subdivision is added. Ю я The field is in hierarchical form. There is a record for Montgomery in the authorities file, with an of The field is in non-hierarchical form. County is also recorded. Додаток D. Field is repeated for code for each river. Field is repeated for each region. Додаток E. As only one date is involved, the code is repeated to create the four characters. Код мови використаного видання УДК. Номер використаного видання ДКД. Код мови використаного видання ДКД. The item is classified according to the nineteenth edition of the schedules. The item is classified according to the nineteenth edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification schedules. The use of A The item is classified according to the 13th Abridged edition. The 21st, full, edition would class the book at The main edition has no subdivisions of beyond Period of the House of Valois ; the French edition has a number for each monarch. I74 The class number for A proposed delineation of critical grizzly bear habitat in the Yellowstone region : a monograph presented at the Fourth International Conference on Bear Research and Management. A book number has been added. National Library of Medicine class number. National Agricultural Library class number. Контрольний номер авторитетного запису для заголовка EX 3. It is necessary to be aware that names formed according to different cataloguing rules, or even originating from different authority files based on the same rules will not always inter-file correctly in one sequence. Jenkins, Adelbert M. Knevel, Frank E. David Herbert. The variations result from the application of different cataloguing rules for headings. The third example above includes parentheses to distinguish between the preferred form of the forenames and the full form. An author has a title which comes before the given names according to the cataloguing code used. The cataloguing code of the source format stipulates that epithets be used under certain circumstances: Parker, Theodore Spirit. An individual has two separate titles; they are entered in separate subfields. Entry in catalogue: Bergh, George van der. Depending on the prefix, names are sometimes entered under the prefix, at other times not. Entry in catalogue: Du Perron, E. Monarchs are entered under their given names in the majority of cataloguing rules. Pseudonyms having the appearance of a forename, forenames or initials, and a surname are according to most cataloguing codes entered under the pseudo-surname. An epithet and date are added. S Alternative The above is an example including an instance of a person with alternative intellectual responsibility. Newton and Robert S. The established form for Robert S. Parker is Parker, R. A further example of the use of this field appears as EX 5 of the field. Тараса Шевченка. Контрольний номер авторитетного запису для заголовка EX The cataloguing code used generally stipulates the removal of initial articles from all corporate body headings. The division responsible for the document is a subordinate body of a subordinate body. Certain cataloguing codes invert the names of corporate bodies which begin with the name of a person. The subfields are entered in the order required by the cataloguing rules. First indicator is set to 1. An authority record number is present. Where the name of a conference begins with a personal name it may be formulated in the same way as in EX 9 and The above shows two ways of entering a conference that begins with a personal name. The name may be inverted or not, according to the cataloguing rules followed. The name appearing second is coded as alternative. Форма наведення даних для поля такаж сама як для поля IEA Coal Research is given as publisher, but clearly has a certain degree of intellectual responsibility for the item. Контрольний номер авторитетного запису для заголовка. The name can with some confidence be assigned to a more specific field by the use of computer algorithms. Додаток H. Зазвичай вони генеруються системою. Приклад: x номер телефону з додатковим номером. Сербо-хорватська кирилиця \\\\\\\\\[scc\\\\\\\\\] Сербо-хорватська латиниця \\\\\\\\\[scr\\\\\\\\\] Сербська \\\\\\\\\[scc\\\\\\\\\] сербо-хорватська кирилиця Хорватська \\\\\\\\\[scr\\\\\\\\\] сербо-хорватська латиниця. National Library of Canada English subject headings. Ottawa : National Library of Canada. National Library of Canada French subject headings. Descriptive terms for graphic materials : genre and physical characteristic headings. Washington: Library of Congress. Guidelines on subject access to individual works of fiction, drama, etc. United States. Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Thesaurus for Graphic Materials. Washington : Library of Congress. National Agricultural Library subject headings. Beltsville, Md. Binding terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries. Paper terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. Printing and publishing evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. Provenance evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. Type evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. Thesaurus of engineering and scientific terms. Washington : Dept. Bureau of Reclamation. Thesaurus of water resources terms; a collection of water resources and related terms for use in indexing technical information. Washington : Bureau of Reclamation. Klassifikationssystem fцr svenska bibliotek SAB:s kommittй for katalogisering och klassifikation. National Library of Medicine. National Library of Medicine classification. Bethesda Md. Caption heading?? Приклади: Vol. Romae, Dragutin A. Запис 1 Record Label: Hierarchical level code, ch. Запис 2 Record Label: Hierarchical level code, ch. Запис 3 Record Label: Hierarchical level code, ch. Iugoslavica, str. Patriciae Gentis Iohanne Christophoro Gatterero. Приклад 3: Kongl. Med kongl. Stockholm, trykt tryckt i kongl. Tolkien - \\\\\\\\\[Authorised ed. The fellowship of the ring : being the first part of The lord of the rings - - p. The two towers : being the second part of The lord of the rings - - p. The return of the king : being the third part of The lord of the rings - - p. The fellowship of the ring. The two towers. The return of the king. Tractat de microbiologie generala. Genetica moleculara, Ingineria genelor. Animal health status. Disease control methods Дата вводу запису до файлу. Два двохсимвольних коди див. Кириченко, О. Баркова Додатки Додаток A. Вернадського 2. Вернадського 3. Вернадського 4. Вернадського 5. Вернадського 6. Тараса Шевченка 7. Вернадського 8. Тараса Шевченка 9. Вернадського Тараса Шевченка Структура формату 3. Але це не завжди можливо. Маркер запису п. Код, привласнений журнальним статтям. Наприклад: 1. Приклади The form of the data in the examples under field applies equally here. Додаток G. Washington: Library of Congress gsafd Guidelines on subject access to individual works of fiction, drama, etc. Washington : Library of Congress lctgm United States. Bethesda, Md. National Library of Medicine nal U. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries rbpap Paper terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries rbpri Printing and publishing evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries rbprov Provenance evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries rbtyp Type evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. Sears List of Subject Headings. New York : H. Wilson she SHE: s ubject headings for engineers. New York : Engineering Index, inc. Paris: Afnor amim White-Hensen, Wendy. Archival moving image materials. Archives, personal papers, and manuscripts. Washington: Library of Congress bdrb Library of Congress. Office for Descriptive Cataloguing Policy. Bibliographic description of rare books. Washington: Library of Congress bm British Museum cataloguing rules. DKR Katalogiseringsregler for danske biblioteker og bibliografier. Ballerup: Bibliotekscentralen gihc Betz, Elisabeth W. Graphic materials. Stockholm: SAB:s kommitt? Pravilnik i prirucnik za izradbu abecednih kataloga. Barcelona: Institut Catal? Madrid: Comisar? Ministerstvo Kultury Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Version fran? Guidelines no. Додаток K. Нуль на. Найменування елемента даних. Найменування елемента ДСТУ Найменування елемента. Baltic Other Old Prussian Prussian. English, Old ca. Raeto-Romance Ladin Romansh Friulian. Ukrainian Carpatho-Rusyn Ruthenian Rusyn. Папський Престол. Thesaurus of ERIC descriptors. Washington : Educational Resources Information Center. INIS: Thesaurus. Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency. London : Institution of Electrical Engineers. Library of Congress Subject Headings. Medical Subject Headings. Sears, Minnie Earl. SHE: s ubject headings for engineers. Anglo-American cataloguing rules. Normes de catalogage publi? Paris: Afnor. Hensen, Steven L. Katalogiseringsregler for danske biblioteker og bibliografier. Ballerup: Bibliotekscentralen. Katalogiseringsregler f? Verona, Eva. Zagreb: Hrvatsko bibliotekarsko drustvo. Rules of Composition of Bibliographic Description. Moscow: Interregional Commission on Cataloguing. Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut. Regole italiane di catalogazione per autore Roma: Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliographiche. Rossiyskaia Bibliotechnaia Assotsiatsiia.

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