Nice Labia

Nice Labia


Nice Labia



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By Guest | 12 posts, last post over a year ago

I'm so curious, some women have their "stuff" tucked in and some have everything hanging out... how does it get to that? Are babies ever born with everything out? Or does this happen with age? I'm so curious and it's a strange question to ask people...
Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks in advance...

hey im a guy and i was wondering the same thing.
when i was younger i heard other dudes talkin bout a girl being "loose" and then i started looking at porn... and saw girls with their lips hanging out and i guess i just figured those girls were "loose" - and naturally in my young mind i made the correlation between being a s*** having a loose p***y and dangling lips... but i've grown up and seen a few different labias and now i know that girls dont necesarily have hanging labias because they're s**ts or anything but i still wonder how they got that way lol.. honestly i still like neat, clean looking, tucked in packages.

but there was this one girl i hooked up with and she had a nice neat lil set up, then i felt inside and talk about LOOSE! %-)

Mine hangs out a little bit and i've never had sex before... So i dont think its a s*** thing. I think some women are just born that way..

Roxanne27 is right.

The condition of your genitals and labia is a combination of genetics that you inherit and experience... maturity, hormone levels and surgery, if any.

Grown women vary in their internal anatomy and the exterior "show", just as some men have a pronounced penis or a large scrotum, and some do not.

The size of the organs don't necessarily translate into satisfaction nor amount of experience.

Humans always try to equate the condition of a woman's genitals with her virtue, but there really isn't any connection.

Women have asked about surgery to shrink their lips, hide their lips, expand their lips, or emphasize their lips. And we're not talking about their mouth here, either.

When will people learn to value what they've got and not to judge others by their appearance? You make the most of what you've got, and not wish for something else.

I exactly have the same problem.And much relieved know that there are so many others like me.First ever i got a chance to discuss this with someone.
I'm 26,Single,Female.I'm addicted to masturbation since early childhood.i end up masturbating often.Over 3-4 yr back i started observing my vagina has lost its natural shape.My labia minora have lost their shape & size.Unlike normal(i.e they are not tight,pink and barely visible)but they've turned blackish, fragile, abnormally long & hang out from the outer lips.The left one is more longer than the Rt,literally hanging out(not just protruding)nearly 1 cm from outer lips & is all wrinkled.Also my outer lips are wrinkled & dark(looks obvious between my very fair thighs) In short when i streach my legs and look at it,i myself feel its so ugly! Yes probably coz even i've always seen on the porns..only those cute outer lips almost hiding the inner ones. As you all say many gals have bigger labia minora,but i think they wudnt look bad if they are since birth & if they arent wrinkled n reamined pink.But mine too wrinkled,blackish,and not both but only one hanging out.How would my man love me?? :-(
Even if its not the shape of the vagina that really matters but wouldnt he expect it too look normal.??
I NEVER HAD SEX nor inserted anything in my vagina but all i do is,stand at the corner of a table & press my vagina hard against it & brush with slight strokes till i reach orgasm.Or i sit cross legged & press my vagina hard against the heel of left foot,and keep brushing with slight stokes,as if i want to burrie my heel in vagina.
Will this ugly vagina cause prob in my married life?M worried my future husband may think I'm not virgin.How can my vagina regain its natural shape?Is surgery the only option?will it be risky & expensive?Can anyone suggest some dr?
M gonna get married shortly n really panicked coz of this prob.I've been postponing my marriage for last 4 years coz i'm worried.
pls send your comment ,

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To above Guest: why dont you talk about it with your fiance instead of being an annoymous guest on here?
You might also speak with your doctor or your religious leader in your pre-marital conversations. Most marriages require some pre-marital consultations... but as a couple and as indivuals.

SAME HERE! Im 17 and Im still a virgin. Never had sex nor inserted anything inside before! I like masturbation like a down below massage...
Maybe its genetic or just me.. I felt so so itchy down below in my puberty esp the minora!! i scratch and my minora became longer and longer! that actually scared me to hell! They are exactly like what youve mentioned above! same! maybe even longer! I just dont want my first sex partner to see this while he expects them to be normal!! :'( ALL I WANT IS TO CUT THEM SHORTER:( but ppl said there are so many nerve endings and its not suggested to cut them shorter! And the are just too big and large to hide inside! I hve hidden them since the puberty and its neat.. so uncomfortable hving them loose and hanging out! I am an Asian and I believe im not an alien :'( im just a teenager:( who never had sex before:(

In reply to anonymous on 2009-06-05 - click to read

dont trip personally i do like the tucked in look but honestly im a vag eater and there is nothing like sucking the lips on a chick with a nice gape between there thighs...i love eating large lips i would marry you so dont trip

Your concerns are needless sweetie. A vagina is as a vagina is. What we see on porn has been selected by a casting director and most often doesn't reflect reality. It's confusing to see what's on tv and that what's in out panties isn't the same. Just know that all vaginas are different and the man you'll find should accept you for who you are and how you are. That's what's the most important !!!

I'm surprised so many don't like their big labia! I absolutely love mine! When a penis goes on it hugs it so beautifully.. And how you can pull them open for your partner to get directly to your clit with his tongue.. Oh and I die love couple of clothes pegs dangling from my labia, shaking them, pulling and teasing... Oh my my.. Why would you want nothing there? ;)

I completely agree with you. When I was younger I use to feel as if they were irregular and abnormal but being older I learned to live with. The guys that I've been with are completely in love with them because of the different things that can be done. e.i. Nibbling on them, licking, parting, or even just feeling them. Mature guys know that they all come in different, shapes and sizes naturally. Plus I get a lot of pleasure with them now.

In reply to Guest on 2008-04-16 - click to read

All women are born different. Labia is just labia, it's skin. It has nothing to do with the vagina size which is inside.

In reply to Roxanne27 on 2008-05-11 - click to read

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