Niagara Group Rules

Niagara Group Rules


Group Hub

Niagara News: Channel for news & updates

Niagara Launcher Chat [strictly on-topic]: Support/discussion for the launcher

Niagara Showcase: Home-screen showcase / wallpaper & icon pack sharing


We expect a decent behavior from our members, to make this community fun & useful. This includes:

  • Always be polite, and don't harass others
  • Speak English, so everyone can understand you
  • Don't spam, off-topic content (OT) isn't welcome in the discussion group. Multiple violations can result in a warn/ban. The showcase group allows for some OT, though it's still encouraged to keep it to a reasonable amount.
  • Only share wallpapers as a file in the showcase group. You can do this through Telegram's share menu. This doesn't apply to bug-report and personal setup screenshots. You might want to zip up multiple files if they follow a certain theme, but that's not required.
  • Don't promote piracy in any form. Doing so will get you a warn, or in severe cases a ban.
  • Don't ask for ETAs (estimated time of arrival), and respect the personal life of the developer. Updates will be released when they're ready, and asking for them won't get them to you faster.
  • While we try to answer any questions asap, it may sometimes take some time. Be patient!

Bug reports/Feature requests

Bug reports & feature requests are handled on our GitHub.

If you don't have a GitHub account, you can also report them in our on-topic/discussion group and hope that someone else adds them to the GitHub, keep in mind though that they might get lost in the stream.

Report Page