


Nexxus Rewards Provides Enduring Funding for Local Social Causes

The charity and non-profit organization Nexxus shares the gross revenue received from the purchase of their members, as well as from friends and family members of their members, to infinity throughout their customer network, which consists of potentially tens of thousands of customers. They don’t have anything to sell or buy – they only support their local community.

For traders

Nexxus traders don’t pay anything to get started, and they can start attracting new customers using a free mobile text messaging (SMS) marketing system to broadcast daily promotions. Buyers keep coming back again and again to collect and redeem their prize points. Traders can create additional revenue streams from other purchases from customers they attract. Traders will also have unlimited access to the cryptocurrency payment processing gateway, which allows them to finally accept bitcoin and all other supported top-end cryptocurrency.


Nexxus shoppers can easily register for free to start collecting and redeeming free general bonus points that can be spent, such as cash, from any seller. Nexxus Reward rewards can increase in value because the use of Nexxus Rewards is growing worldwide. And customers can get extra free bonus points for every transaction made by customers that they personally call.


Nexxus Rewards was founded in Plano, Texas, USA, in January 2016. The initial personal capital of the company is US $ 700,000 to complete product development and market testing for a unique and innovative community collaboration solution that helps local sellers find and retain new customers through partnerships with customers local. charity.

All Nexxus Rewards systems are profitable. Nexxus Rewards is currently a Series A company looking for a geographic range of $ 2 to $ 10 million. To use critical mass products concentrated for optimal success.


Nexxus Rewards carries out a tripartite social mission to finance important local social affairs, save small businesses in their hometown, and empower people to regain control of their money and financial system.


The experienced Nexxus Rewards executive team will fulfill the business plan to create a multi-billion dollar company from a network of local buyers around the world with a large number of sellers and buyers acquired by professional direct sales specialists.

The proven and profitable Nexxus Rewards award will be the ideal target for obtaining successful large online brands such as Google or Amazon, who want to expand their brand offline in tens or hundreds of thousands of local merchants around the world.

Getting and retaining new customers is an ongoing challenge for most traders who try to stay in business and increase profits over time.

20% of small businesses fail in the first year, 30% fail in the second year, and 50% of small businesses fail after five years.

Advertising with prepayments in the hope of future revenue has become a key “Pay and Pray” model to attract new customers.

Loyalty marketing has proven very successful for all types of businesses by offering special prizes for customer protection. But small businesses have made little progress beyond the “Buy 10 – Get 1 Free” punch card.

Nexxus Rewards has a completely new approach to getting and retaining new customers, including many unique and innovative techniques that are not available anywhere else.


FREE RISK & AFFORDABLE: Traders do not pay anything until after they make a sale, and when they pay, they mention the price themselves. Traders offer free dollar percentage shopping based on their profit margins.

ADDITIONAL INCOME: Merchants can now make money from their customers after they leave their store. Traders can refer their existing customers to Nexxus Rewards and get money every time they shop at any Nexxus merchant. They even produce from friends and family who are referred by their customers; and to friends who are referred by friends without limits, for a second stream of potentially profitable income.

CRYPTO PAYMENT: Traders will be prepared for the future of cryptocurrency payments with the eventual ability to receive all the top cryptocurrency with Nexxus Rewards.


PRIZE SHARED: Nexxus Rewards is a joint reward program that allows shoppers to collect and redeem free shopping dollars like cash from any Nexxus merchant.

REFERRAL PRIZES: Buyers get free shopping dollars to refer others to the Nexxus Prize. Every time one of their personal referrals receives a free shopping dollar, they also get some.

DYNAMIC PRIZES: As the Nexxus Rewards network grows locally, nationally, and globally, the value of the free shopping dollar can grow automatically. A shopper might have collected $ 50 in free shopping dollars that miraculously grew to $ 100 by itself.


SOCIAL IMPACT: Nexxus Rewards is a community collaboration solution that benefits local charities with funds for their important social goals.

PERPETUAL FUNDING: Charity raising is no longer a carnival, donation and candy sales event, but continues automatically in the background forever from buyers who never stop shopping.

LEVERAGED FUNDING: Charities can increase their general membership relationship. They receive funds from their own members’ shopping transactions; and about friends and family who are referred by their members; and to friends who are called friends without limits. This organically grown shopping network can grow to thousands of reference levels. Charity can make money throughout their spending network to infinity.


Nexxus Rewards has changed the paradigm of how to get and retain new customers in an efficient, effective and socially beneficial way.


Local problems are best solved by local solutions. Local charities and non-profit organizations are always the best at solving local social challenges, whether in the local soup kitchen to feed the homeless, local shelters to protect battered women, or local animal shelters for abandoned animals.

But these programs are too often underfunded and hindered by government bureaucracy, excessive spending, and a lack of timely donations.

Local small and medium businesses provide the most jobs and they best understand the local needs of the community. A higher percentage of every dollar spent with a local business remains in the local community. But they struggle to compete with big companies, big stores, and national chains.

20% of small businesses fail in their first year. 30% fail in the second year, and 50% of small businesses fail after 5 years.


Charities get perpetual fundraisers that are used to fund their unlimited social goals from an endless network of buyers who are referred to their friends, and who tell their friends, and … You can get a picture of it.

Traders get and retain new customers with a completely risk-free and affordable marketing solution where they pay nothing until after the sale, and when they pay, they name their price.

Buyers collect and exchange Nexxus Reward points distributed like cash from all participating merchants. That free shopping dollar is only for shopping and sharing with their friends.

Nexxus Rewards technology is ready for production to generate revenue with product development and market testing completed


Nexxus Token has a default buyer demand as an internal currency from the Nexxus Prize. Every purchase in any currency drives buyer demand and the value of the Nexxus token. Regardless of the currency used for purchases, the percentage of cash back prizes offered by merchants are automatically bought from the market in the Nexxus token.

For example, if a trader offers a 10% cash back gift and the shopper spends $ 100, Nexxus Rewards takes $ 10 from the merchant and buys $ 10 Nexxus token from the public exchange. Potentially tens to hundreds of millions of dollars are valued every day at Nexxus Reward Points creating demand for exceptional utility buyers.

Similar to the Ether coins used by Ethereum, Nexxus tokens have utility as the internal currency of Nexxus Rewards and can increase in value as the use of the Nexxus Rewards solution grows worldwide. Ethereum provides computing services for the programmer market, while Nexxus provides marketing services for a much larger market of traders and buyers.


Nexxus Token will soon start public sales.

50M Nexxus tokens are offered at a price of $ 0.20 each with a

BUY GUARANTEED $ 1.00 from merchant shopping transactions

SIMBOL: NXX – Nexxus Token

TYPES OF TOKEN: ERC20 Utility Token


TOTAL SUPPLY: 375.000.000

SALE TOKENS: 50,000,000

SOFT / HARD CAP: $ 2 million – $ 10 million USD

Token Distribution

TOTAL SUPPLY: 375.000.000

ANGEL: 98.000.000 – 26%

Nexxus Tokens are distributed to initial investors for initial capital.

RESEARCH: 56,000,000 – 15%

Nexxus Tokens is distributed to participants from the technology and business research phase and the conceptual design phase before the development of the technology platform.

EVANGELIST: 69.000.000 – 18%

Nexxus Tokens are distributed to product evangelists who contribute during the development and testing and marketing phase of early education products.

DISTRIBUTION: 243,000,000 – 65%

Nexxus tokens have been distributed for the design, development, testing and improvement of the Nexxus ecosystem from cryptocurrency services.

TOKEN SALE: 50,000,000 – 13%

RECOMMENDATIONS: 82,000,000 – 22%

The Nexxus Token is extraordinary and is reserved for promoting the sale of this digital token and for the development of the Nexxus merchant network business.

Use of Funds

TOTAL DANA: $ 10.000.000

SALES STAFF: 50.0% – $ 5,000,000

ADMIN STAFF: 15.0% – $1,500,000

AD: 12.5% ​​- $ 1,250,000

MARKETING: 5.0% – $ 500,000

COMMUNITY RELATIONS: 5.0% – $ 500,000


CAPITAL FEE: 5.0% – $ 500,000

OFFICE & OVERHEAD: 2,5% – $ 250,000


Robert A. Wood: Pendiri & CEO

W. Terry Howell: Ed.D. NEXT

RICHARD LEBLANC: Marketing Director

Joseph Prescia: National Sales Director

Gary Berriochoa, VP of Business Development

Mike Sorensen, Technology Director

Bill Richardson, Financial Controller

Michael Bailey, Director of Localization

Richard LeBlanc, Creative Director

#NexxusRewards #realbusiness #cryptocurrency #Rewards #CustomerLoyalty #venture

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