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News Unlocks Map

MelQ - Melissa Grenier

Oct 7, 2021

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted? (To show the original wording from the Bible)

Which version? (Catholic version.)

Why is this relevant? (Q is bringing attention to the powers of the Catholic church and the Vatican)

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer? (In Dec 2017, Pope Francis called for the Lord’s Prayer wording to be changed. He received backlash for the changes, some calling it an “abomination”)

What can be connected? (Q posted this section with the 9/11 drop, so they are asking to make connections. The CIA and the Vatican are deeply connected. They have a history of working together that goes back to World War II when the CIA was known as the OSS. The CIA uses the Vatican for its knowledge and political leverage and the Vatican uses the CIA as a type of food soldier for world reach)

Do you believe in coincidences? (The CIA was directly responsible for creating and then continuing the farce of 9/11, so the Vatican must be involved as well.)

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III. (The Godfather, Michael Corleone tries to leave the Mafia and become a legitimate businessman by facilitating a deal with the Vatican and a company called Immobiliare. However, the Vatican is more corrupt than The Don’s Mafia, his family also does not want to go legit and wants to continue in the Mafia. **As a side note, oranges represent mortal danger and this is a reference to a scene in The Godfather where Vito Corleone buys oranges just before he is sprayed down with bullets in an ambush)


Tues Nov 4th,

Who financed 9-11? (Court evidence from a 9/11 lawsuit, suggests that the Saudi Royal Family was involved. Two of the hijackers, Mohammed al-Qudhaeein and Hamdan al-Shalawi actually worked as Saudi government agents. Also, the leader, Muhamad Atta was also being funded by the Saudi government. Al Qaeda operative Zacarias Moussaoui said in a sworn deposition that high ranking Saudi officials and Royal Family members were involved such as ex Saudi Intelligence chief Prince Turki al Faisal and Prince al-Waleed bin Talal as well as top Saudi clerics funded the operation.

Who was Bin Laden's handler? (Raymond Davis. According to Gordon Duff, Veterans Today, Senior Editor, there is evidence out there to show Bin Laden died of an illness in 2001 and the CIA had been propping up his identity with clones or look-alikes for years to keep the wars going. According to the Intelligence community his body was recovered by US Special Forces in 2001 and kept in cold storage for later use. The CIA kept the facility next door in Abbottabad Pakistan where Bin Laden was allegedly located. Raymond Davis was in charge of the safe houses. There is also evidence that the Bush family, especially former head of the CIA George HW Bush and Bin Laden were acquaintances since the 1970’s, originally recruited by the CIA for the Soviet Afghan war and now being repurposed by the CIA for the War on Terror. The final raid on the Abbottabad compound in 2011 by the Navy Seals was mostly for political show with a hasty burial at sea to cover any identity issues.)

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI? (CIA was tasked to hunt and kill Bin Laden because they were directly involved and handling the case since Pre 9/11, Military Intelligence was not as intimately involved.)

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive? (Bin Laden was used to extend the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Keeping him alive through clones/look-alikes kept the wars going. Endless wars are big money and political excuses to limit freedoms just like the Patriot Act in 2001, which allowed warrantless surveillance and was used to spy on Americans.)

Why wouldn't we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events? (The CIA would not want to give him an opportunity to talk to the public in any way. That could lead to leaks about the truth and their cover up. A possible Termination Level event to cover it up was discussed.)

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction event.

(Termination Level Event just like the Solar Coronal Mass Ejection CME event)

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families? (Mainly the Rothschilds and the Onasis families instigated World War I by getting a heads up on Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination, so the rest of the Illuminati families went along with it as well. The Rothchild’s, Morgan’s, Dulles and Warburg’s mainly prompted World War II. They used the event to create the League of Nations, their first attempt at starting their one world order. It failed but other goals were met, a Russian Satanic dictatorship was established, the creation of weapons of mass destruction, control over Palestine by the Rothschilds, military power including airplanes, missiles, alien aircraft and submarines, the cold war and the United Nations.)

Fantasy land. (CIA operations run all over the world and everyone plays a part, nothing and no one is real)

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D's push for gun control ‘directly' after every tragic incident? (Democrat created false flags help to get them to their goal of taking away America’s guns. A false flag is a real event but usually planned, mass shootings are a good example, once the shooting occurs the media analyzes it and plays the propaganda on TV for the next week or two straight. By the end of the two weeks, they have folks convinced that the country needs gun control. Sandy Hook was a particular sore point because little children were involved, but you have to understand they only care about their agendas.)

-Define 'False Flag'. An event created as a distraction or to change the narrative, for example a school shooting, the event isn’t’ necessarily fake but definitely planned. In the case of school shootings, the narrative will be changed to control in the CIA/Mossad media. An example would be the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School at Parkland shooting in 2018, it was a real event but planned and even actors like CIA/Mossad asset David Hogg were set in place to maintain a gun control narrative. Students report multiple shooters, Alexa Meidnik and Jalen Martin both claim seeing at least two shooters. Some unnamed students also multiple shooters in different attire, one being tactical gear and a gas mask whom Jalen saw tossing smoke bombs and Teacher Stacey Lippel also witnessed that tactical gear shooter which didn’t match the attire Nikolas Cruz was arrested in.

The Secret Service was at the school weeks before performing active shooter drills using real gunfire with blanks and crisis actors panicking and screaming. The actual code red drill was scheduled for the day of the shooting. Witness testimonies/videos by students that “army people” were there hiding bodies under mats and led students to rooms and directed them to stay there but the media never reported this. Laura Ingraham reported that Broward County police were ordered not to enter the building without a body camera and the entire precinct does not have body cameras, so none ever entered the school. Pro-gun legislation was even to be voted on that day and the next in Florida.

The shooter Nikolas Cruz was likely coerced by a therapist and CIA MKUltra techniques into committing the shooting. On the day of his arrest he was saying voices and demons made him do it. One of his therapists Henderson Behavior Health had him play violent video games as a form of “anger management”. Henderson is funded by the United Way which is funded by Microsoft(Bill Gates), Amazon(Jeff Bezos) and Pfizer which connects to BlackRock, Vanguard and Jacob Wallenberg.)

Why is this so very important to their agenda? (By taking our constitutional rights and rifles away they can achieve their goals of a weakened more controllable American population which will be susceptible to their one world order, one world, one government socialism. The United Nations disarmament 2030 Agenda plans on removing guns to for the maintenance of peace and security for their own protection. The UN also claims disarmament would achieve good health and quality education to gender equality, economic growth reduced inequalities and safe crisis.

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


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