News Digest (S2E27)

News Digest (S2E27)


ROMAN (CMO): [00:00:07] Yeah. Hello, everyone, and welcome to two weekly news. And we are happy to share with you the progress of the past week. And today I'm on my own because Therese has a vacation and he will come back in one week. So we have a couple of news today, and let's get started.

The first news about the decentralization update here. We have been working on a new algorithm for POS leader election and it's practically done. And we are moving to complete all the tests for it. And for this purpose, we have been started a test network environment that is already set up and all the tests will take part on this test environment. So everything is going according to the announced plan. So about the next steps, we will tell you next week and about the progress about.

In this track to the next news is about PWA. And there we are working on course. A control interface where we now we are we have already implemented some UI improvements in it and now it's under test too. And we hope that in two weeks, after all the tests will be passed, we will have a release candidate version. And we will update Android iOS and the browser extension to.

So, the next new series about space bridge. And this week we found the bag in the functioning of the bridge Smart contracts, and one of the users discovered this bag and withdraw some tokens that were locked on the their own site by the bridge. And the main impact token are ENX. It's around 3.3 million tokens were stolen and the last token with 10Thousands tokens stolen. The amount in ENX has been successfully restored by the team already and the bridge functioning as usual. And one interesting point, this attacker immediately sold all stolen ENX for about 200 bucks. So $200 for 3 million. Really funny price. And but when he saw it in the pool. Their MEV bot, bought, bought this ENX and now practically all the tokens are on some kind of MEV bot wallet. And we are working on a plan how to create the necessary arbitrage. Uh, for, to return these tokens to the team. And detailed reports about this problem will be published tonight, I guess. Yes. And let's move on.

And the last news is about the new Bridge History Service. And here we have been testing a new functionality and it looks really cool now. And with this new history, updated history, we are going to solve the problem of it's like missing bridges. So now it would be much more difficult to miss your bridge and lock your funds. An uncontrolled way. So it will make our bridge much more user friendly and safe. So that's all the news that we have today. And if someone has questions, feel free to write it in our telegram chat and I'll answer.

About the history because with current history you have to use something. One is better to use only one browser not to lose your transactions in the future. Updates. We will fix it. That's why we are working on improved history functionality.

Question: is there any contact between BNB and ENQ?
Roman: you can use the space bridge to send tokens from BSC to Enecuum.

Roman (CMO): See you next week!

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