New vision system updates headed to League in 2023 preseason

New vision system updates headed to League in 2023 preseason


Get ready, support mains. Changes are coming to the way vision is handled in League of Legends’ 2023 preseason. 

The 2023 League preseason focuses mostly on making the game easier to understand, with more options for players to be communicated to clearly throughout the course of a game. For years, League has had an incredibly steep learning curve, especially for new players. The updates coming to the game this preseason should aim to alleviate some of the heavy lifting for new players who may seem confused by things not explicitly told to them by the game 먹튀검증사이트

The two biggest updates coming to vision in the preseason revolve around the duration of wards. Right now, the only way to see how much time is left on a ward’s lifespan is by clicking on it and hovering over 토토사이트 its health bar. In the preseason, though, the duration left for allied wards will be displayed on the mini-map. Additionally, a unique marker will be in place for wards that are very close to expiring. 

In regard to enemy wards, players will gain a “persistent tracker” of wards placed by opponents whenever they ping or attack one. The tracker will last until the ward is either killed or its timer expires. 

These more streamlined changes to vision 토토사이트추천 come along with many other updates in the preseason, most of which revolve around the game being easier to understand. Nearly every role is receiving quality-of-life updates in the preseason, with solo laners seeing changes to the way their 메이저사이트 gold and experience are earned and junglers receiving an overhaul to their position. 

The League preseason should begin later this year. The preseason has traditionally begun in late November, annually.

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