New Uzbekistan University Winter School!

New Uzbekistan University Winter School!

New Year is almost here, but there are some unexplored opportunities still.

Right now the application process to Winter School of New Uzbekistan university is opened. 

It’s one week program with different immersive lectures given by professors and students of New Uzbekistan university: core curriculum of the program is similar to Freshman studies here, so it’s your real opportunity to try yourself as a University student. 

Also there are some truly cool workshops organized for you, they show the creative spirit of our university — it’s never fading spark !

During the week you will be assigned to create a group project and present it at the final meeting, based on your ideas there are going to be special prizes and certificates for most innovative of you !

So what should you ?

 1. Fill general information

 2. Write a short essay on “What makes you feel inspired?” 

 3. Submit before Dec 26th 23:59

 4. Wait for the announcement on Dec 27th

With best wishes, 

Team of NewUU Winter School

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