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The Sex Party review – spiky comedy fails to satisfy
Bigotry in the bedroom … Timothy Hutton and Pooya Mohseni in The Sex Party. Photograph: Alastair Muir
Timothy Hutton on The Sex Party: ‘Do I think it will be controversial? I don’t know …’
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Menier Chocolate Factory, London There’s tension in Terry Johnson’s tale of four couples meeting for sex and nibbles but the unruly debate isn’t deep enough
A t first, The Sex Party looks like a retro BBC sitcom about swingers, although that term is banned at this adult shindig. Four couples collect for sex and nibbles at a cool north London postcode. There is gleeful talk about getting it on and a fair share of parading around in lingerie and thigh boots.
But Terry Johnson’s spiky comedy takes us from the familiar fare of smut and sniggering double entendres to something bolder and more awkward in the sex/gender debate at its centre, even if it does not reach a satisfying end.
We only ever see what happens in the high-end kitchen (set designed by Tim Shortall) but we get a vivid idea of the action in the living room from the moans and groans we hear. In a production also directed by Johnson, the acting stays fine across the board although the characters are flimsy (Lisa Dwan especially does wonders with her part) and the star casting of Timothy Hutton stays strangely marginal for too long. He drifts on and off stage, saying little and looking like a cliched California guru in yoga pants.
The dialogue often goes off on random, unruly riffs; one character (Will Barton) talks about taking MDMA and the dialogue sounds under the influence too.
The play’s grenade is lobbed as the first act closes, with the entry of Lucy (Pooya Mohseni), a trans woman, and from here on in it feels like another play altogether. Doris Lessing, in a Penguin introduction to Lady Chatterley’s Lover, wrote that what happens in the bedroom is a “report on the sex war” outside it and it seems to be the case with this living room; suddenly, no one wants to convene there and a very live tension is in the air.
Much is flung at us, from talk of toilets to language and JK Rowling and it feels genuinely edgy. It is brave of Johnson to grapple with a debate that has become so divisive that a meeting of this kind would be unimaginable in real life. But arguments come thick and fast without being explored. Johnson seems to be shooting an arrow through the issues of the day – including, too briefly, consent – but it comes to feel like a dramatised version of Twitter.
The room exposes its bigots and we finally see the point of Hutton’s character but as more plot-points are lobbed at us in the closing moments it feels much less like a sitcom than an entire series rolled into one production.

Health | Bringing Sexy Back — To Fight H.I.V.
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Bringing Sexy Back — To Fight H.I.V.
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The Fight Against H.I.V. An estimated 40 million people are living with H.I.V. worldwide. About 10 million of them do not have access to treatment. A New Shot : An injection every two months rather than a daily pill could shield many more women from H.I.V. , but the shot is unavailable in places that need it most. Pandemic Setbacks : Before Covid-19, the world had been making strides against global illnesses like H.I.V. The pandemic has changed that for the worse . A Visionary : Ravindra Gupta led the efforts that resulted in the second case of a patient being cured of H.I.V. Then he was drawn into Covid research . A Promising Treatment: In February, researchers announced that a woman became the third person ever to be cured of H.I.V. thanks to a new transplant method that could help more people from racially diverse backgrounds.
Most safer sex campaigns focus on danger and disease. Acknowledging the importance of pleasure — and how to make safe sex good sex — could make them more effective.
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Efforts to make sex safer almost always focus on the bad stuff: what to do to avoid a terrible infection or potentially deadly virus. They rarely acknowledge the good stuff: usually the reason people have sex in the first place.
And that’s why safe sex campaigns throughout the world aren’t as effective as they could be.
Research shows that when safe sex campaigns acknowledge pleasure — by talking about sex as something that makes life good, or showing how condoms can be erotic — more people use a condom the next time they have sex.
That is what the World Health Organization and a small nongovernmental organization called the Pleasure Project found when they reviewed the results of safer-sex trials and experiments over the past 15 years. They assessed more than 7,000 interventions for their treatment of pleasure (and lack thereof). The peer-reviewed findings were published in the journal PLOS One.
“Sexual health education and services have traditionally promoted safer sex practices by focusing on risk reduction and preventing disease, without acknowledging how safer sex can also promote intimacy, pleasure, consent and well-being,” said Lianne Gonsalves, a co-author of the paper and an epidemiologist who researches sexual health with the W.H.O. “This review provides a simple message: Programs which better reflect the reasons people have sex, including for pleasure, see better health outcomes.”
The stakes are high. Sexually transmitted infections are at record levels in the United States and rising around the world since Covid-19 pandemic closures set back testing and treatment. Globally, 1.5 million people were diagnosed with H.I.V. in 2021, a rate of new infections that has hardly budged in the last four years. Taking a daily pill known as PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, offers the promise of preventing some infections, but condoms remain a simple and surefire way to do it.
The Pleasure Project has for years maintained that recognizing the role of pleasure would have a major impact on condom use, reducing not only sexually transmitted infections but also unwanted pregnancies. Still, Anne Philpott, a British public health specialist who founded the initiative in 2004, said the strength of the results of the analysis came as a surprise even to her.
“If you had a pill or a vaccine where you could show this kind of effect, everybody would be talking about it, it would have all the headlines,” she said. “Now we have evidence: Ignoring this blind spot, all the way through the AIDS pandemic, has led to less condom use, and deaths we could have prevented.”
The good news, she noted, is that the pleasure message is a comparatively cheap and easy addition for programs. It’s a change in conversation, rather than a new drug or device that needs regulatory approval and infrastructure to be delivered to far-flung places.
I’ve been crossing paths with Ms. Philpott at global gatherings on AIDS for nearly two decades. But her message is only slowly taking root in the vast sexual and reproductive health community that delivers safer-sex messages and technologies in much of the world.
There is some progress. In September, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the largest sexual and reproductive health organization in the world, endorsed what are called the Pleasure Principles, guidelines for centering enjoyment in healthy sex . It was the first move by a global sexual health organization to embrace the P-word explicitly in delivering its services.
And there are scattered programs around the world taking this approach — projects such as Phénix, in Montreal, which taught “erotic skills” to men who have sex with men, using videos that made condoms sexy and fun.
The best demonstration of the pleasure message I’ve seen comes from Arushi Singh, who is co-director of the Pleasure Project. When she demonstrates what it means to eroticize safer sex, she pulls a little blue pouch out of her bag .
“This is a sex toy I was introduced to by sex workers at an AIDS conference in Bangkok,” she says in the tone of a friend with a delightful discovery to share.
“It’s small, convenient, you can carry it in your bag, insert it by yourself, or your partner can help,” she explains. “It’s nicely lubricated. It comes with two rings — one anchors against the cervix. And this outer ring is the secret: When a penis or a dildo goes into your vagina, the outer ring is pressing against the clitoris.”
She gives a little shimmy. “That’s what does it.”
The toy Ms. Singh is demonstrating is, in fact, a female condom. And that, she says, is how you flip the narrative and make a conversation about disease prevention first about having a good time.
So why, given the millions of dollars spent globally every year to change how people have sex, is the actual point of sex mostly left off the agenda?
Ms. Philpott has a theory. “People who work in sexual health often come from a biomedical background, and they focus on death, danger and disease,” she said. “They’re not encouraged to think of themselves as sexual beings.”
The fact that most sexual and reproductive health programs are delivered by big aid agencies doesn’t help, she added. “There’s an international development narrative that historically comes from a very sex-negative place or a Christian colonial perspective aimed at saving the ‘poor unfortunates.’”
Sonali Silva, who until recently did advocacy work for the Pleasure Project in Sri Lanka, told me that during the years she worked on sexual health-related issues, including abortion rights and H.I.V., with big international organizations such as the W.H.O., she kept running into the same phenomenon.
“The big elephant in the room that nobody wants to make eye contact with is why people have sex in the first place,” she said. “We’re all just going to act like it’s only for reproduction. As long as people have been alive, they’ve been having sex for pleasure, but the world of international development is not having that conversation.”
The prudish resistance may be a colonial import, she said, but it’s entrenched. She encounters the same reluctance from Sri Lankans. When she pushed for the seventh-grade health curriculum in Sri Lanka to say more about masturbation than that it is not a mental illness, she was called to appear before a parliamentary committee.
“I really saw how forceful the resistance is,” she said, to the idea that people have a “right to pleasure.”
Mahmoud Garga, who leads strategic communications in the Africa office of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, recently launched a social media campaign called “Treasure Your Pleasure,” which I love. It was designed for East Africa, but he and his colleagues have been asked to expand it to Southeast Asia.
The campaign features words for orgasm in different African languages, emphasizing that pleasure is not an imported idea .
“We want to debunk that myth that sexual pleasure is a Western theme that is pushed on other cultures,” Mr. Garga said. “It’s simply not true. I’m Egyptian, so I’m familiar with Arab literature, and there was just this history of erotic poetry.”
Mr. Garga told me that the topic was never part of sexual health education when he was growing up in Egypt, and that even in progressive environments like Planned Parenthood, sexual health typically means “contraception, sexually transmitted infections, and unwanted pregnancies, going to clinics and consulting with doctors. That, I mean, I don’t find that sexy at all.”
“But when you shift the narrative from that fear-based framing,” he continued, “when you talk about sexual pleasure as a big component of sex and your sex life, then you turn it into something that needs to be talked about.”
“Using a condom frees up your mind to feel pleasure.”

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