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February 7, 2002
/ 52m

It’s one of the hottest industries in America — and with adult movies, magazines, retail stores, and the growth of the Internet — business is booming. The Bush administration has pledged a new attack on the porn industry and for the first time in years, there’s a renewed interest in mounting prosecutions. FRONTLINE investigates American Porn and the pending political battle that will soon engulf the multibillion dollar business and its distribution partners — some of America’s best known corporations. [Explore more stories on the original website for American Porn .]
Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation
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ICM Registry, the folks behind all those helpful .xxx domains, says its next step is to create a search engine exclusively for porn. It is to launch tomorrow.
It's a filthy nuisance trying to find a movie with three bisexual men and a hula dancer from New Jersey.
It's aggravating beyond acceptance not to be able to instantly discover 5 minutes of rubber-suited short people doing things that may or may not be suited to those above 3-foot-6.

It's not as if Google or Hollywood is fulfilling these needs.
So what joy to those of an imaginative -- or simply needy -- bent that topless men and women on white horses are galloping to the rescue.
For I bring news that tomorrow will see a search engine exclusively for pornography. Yes, tomorrow.
You will be snapped out of your stiff corporate posture to learn that ICM Registry, the people who brought you those very helpful, if still slightly under-used , .xxx domains, intends to launch this Pornoogle.
ICM's CEO Stuart Lawley told Network World that 21 million of the fine .xxx pages have been categorized and are ready to be uncovered on SearchXXX.

In case you might be skeptical, he told Network World: "It's porn, only porn, all porn. There's as much porn there as anyone would need, I'd imagine."
Imagination does tend to reside solely in the hands of the beholder. Still, Lawley promises your experience will be free of viruses.
For this he credits durable products made by McAfee.
Naturally, some might be suspicious that this little wriggling for supremacy might have something to do with Google adjusting its algorithm in order to downgrade porn sites, in favor of more, well, educative sexual matter.
As Lawley put it: "Google, in their wisdom, has decided that's more relevant to what their customers are looking for."
Clearly, anyone who goes to the new .xxx search engine will be in little doubt as to what they are seeking -- relief from life's drudgery.
Lawley promises that the new search engine's experience will be both calm and ad-free. Yes, just like Google, until recent pressures sent it to the commercial dogs .
I know that many will already be experiencing suitable palpitations at the prospect of tomorrow's launch.
For myself, I'm merely wondering whether it'll have an "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.

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Adar giggles throughout the movie — but her hollow laugher is more like a silent scream, signaling that this is not funny at all. Her mother and the boyfriend become abusive to Adar, and she wanders the streets looking for someone to save her. She meets a boy named Alan who could pass for her doppelganger. They connect almost wordlessly, then buy matching outfits at a clothing store before Adar brings him home.


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“Our imaginations can sometimes change our reality,” writes Israeli writer/director Tali Shalom Ezer about her award-winning film Princess . But only sometimes.
Ezer’s main character, 12-year-old Adar (played hauntingly by Shira Haas ) is surrounded by dangerous adults. In the opening moments of the film, Adar is in bed with her mother and her mother’s boyfriend, their limbs intertwined. Adar’s mother gets dressed in a slinky outfit and then asks how she looks.
“Sexy,” Adar answers, then giggles softly.
“He’ll sleep with me, in my room, it won’t disturb you,” Adar tells her mom with an eerie grin.
This is a beautiful yet profoundly disturbing movie. The cast is extremely talented as they delve into sexual abuse, incest, and the fallout in a young girl’s mind. Ultimately, whether or not her imagination can change her reality is a lingering question for the viewer to answer.
Princess opens on Friday, May 27 in NYC and LA, and is newly released on VOD/DVD .
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If you’re trying to quit, know that you don’t have to do this alone—we’ve got your back. Here are a few key tips to quit porn.
This article contains affiliate links. Fight the New Drug may receive financial support from purchases made using affiliate links.
Even after recognizing that their porn habit has become problematic, many people still have difficulty quitting porn.
Fight the New Drug is not a recovery resource, we’re an awareness-raising movement that educates on the harmful effects of porn . We acknowledge that many people who follow us have struggled with porn, and we want to encourage those people that there is hope.
If you’re trying to quit, know that you don’t have to do this alone—we’ve got your back. Here are a few key tips to quit porn.
Especially in the beginning, it may feel like quitting porn creates an emptiness in your life, but replacing those unhealthy habits with healthy ones can be super helpful.
Exercise, try new recipes, start painting —focus on what you can do, not what you can’t.
Exercise can boost neurogenesis, the formation of new cells, as well as dopamine receptors, which are key in healing the brain’s frontal cortex.
By recharging your body with the sleep, fuel, and energy it needs, you’ll be better equipped to deal with stress in healthy ways and feel better physically and emotionally.
Setbacks often happen when you’re Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired (HALT).
If you’re feeling triggered, find something more productive to distract you. Talk to a friend, take a nap, eat some cereal—whatever it takes to get yourself back into a good headspace and back on track.
Scrolling through social media at night or turning to your phone whenever you’re bored can easily lead to watching porn.
Consider not using your phone late at night, keeping it in a different room while you sleep, setting time limits, or using filtering software.
Research shows that shame actually drives people back to unhealthy behaviors rather than motivating sustainable change.
Remember: you are not a “bad” person for struggling with this. Be kind to yourself, be patient with your progress, and keep trying. Gilliland, R., South, M., Carpenter, B. N., & Hardy, S. A. (2011). The roles of shame and guilt in hypersexual behavior. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 18(1), 12–29. Copy 1
Unhealthy habits thrive in secrecy, so opening up about your struggles and feelings can limit the power shame can have over you. Talking to a therapist can be especially helpful, as they can help you learn healthier habits and work through any underlying issues that drive any unhealthy behaviors.
Fortify is a free , science-based recovery platform that actually works. Here’s what Fortify’s users report:
Recovery is not linear—that’s totally normal. A minor setback does not mean you have failed to reach your goal, it just means you should keep trying. It’s okay if it takes time. Be kind to yourself, and be patient.
Even if you’ve had an unwanted porn habit for most of your life, that doesn’t mean it has to be part of your life forever. It’s not a part of who you are.
You can change and live a healthier life free of porn and free of shame. There is hope, so keep trying. You got this.
Did you like that article? Help us keep our educational resources free to access! Fight the New Drug is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which means the educational resources we create are made possible through donations from people like you. Just one dollar can make a difference!
1 Gilliland, R., South, M., Carpenter, B. N., & Hardy, S. A. (2011). The roles of shame and guilt in hypersexual behavior. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 18(1), 12–29.
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©Fight the New Drug, Inc. 2022, All rights Reserved. Fight the New Drug, Inc. is a U.S. 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 26-3550143.

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