New Muslims

New Muslims


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Welcome to eLearning site. Register now and start learning. It's free!
Welcome to New Muslims eLearning site. It is for new Muslim converts who would like to learn their new religion in an easy and systematic way. Lessons here are organized under levels. So first you go to lesson 1 under level 1. Study it and then take its quiz. When you pass it move on to lesson 2 and so on. Best wishes.
It is highly recommended that you register so that your quiz grades and progress will be saved. So first register here , then start with lesson 1 under level 1 and from there move on to the next lesson. Study at your ease. Whenever you come back to this site, just click on the "Take me where I reached" button (available only for registered users).

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New Muslims: A Basic Guide for New Muslims about Islam
New Muslims eLearning Site
New Muslims Guide - Muslim Converts
New Muslims – Courses for New Muslims
New Muslims
New Muslim Academy – A Hub For New Muslims
New Muslims - YouTube
New Muslim Guide
NEW MUSLIMS Islam made easy for new muslims
New Muslims: A Basic Guide for New Muslims about Islam
New Muslims

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