New Mission: Download Friendz App

New Mission: Download Friendz App

Do you remember our last campaign on TokenBooster?

It's a Twitter campaign where you should retweet a post about Friendz 2.0 and its latest developments.

Well, do you know what Friendz is?


Friendz is an app that offers a variety of digital advertising services, among which brand awareness and product placement campaigns, sharing content activities and market researches. Friendz community can take part to the activities available on the platform and get rewards.

When you enter the app you will find a series of campaigns introduced by some photos that will help you as an inspiration for your shot. Choose the campaign you like and participate by taking a photo or uploading one from the gallery. In a few minutes the photo is approved and the credits added to your Friendz account! Credits can be converted into a gift card that you can use within the app.

Credits can also be converted to FriendzCoin! FDZ can now be used in the app to unlock different campaign upgrades.


1) Download the app

  • Click here for iOS version
  • Click here for Android version

2) Take a screenshot where we can see your Friendz profile info. Instructions:

3) Upload the screenshot here and write the same e-mail you have used to register on Friendz app


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