Neverwinter Nights A Dance With Rogues

Neverwinter Nights A Dance With Rogues


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Neverwinter Nights and the Shadows of Undrentide (SoU) & Hordes of the Underdark (HotU) expansion packs are required. All three can be obtained with the Diamond Edition . A Dance with Rogues Part One v1.30 + requires Neverwinter Nights version 1.69 .

A Dance with Rogues is a heavily scripted game. Sometimes these scripts, character interactions, triggers, and other events can be inhibited or adversely affected by add-ons/overrides [ which? ] , and even some things as basic as the difficulty setting of Neverwinter Nights. In order to assure the best compatibility, it is recommended that you run with the default game settings and no or as few overrides as possible. See the What files should I have in my override directory for NWN 1.69? entry on the FAQ for more information on overrides.

Shiny Water has been known to cause crashes or lockups . It is best to disable this option. From the main menu, select Options , Video Options , then Advanced Video Options , and finally uncheck Enable Shiny Water .

The game difficulty should always be set to Normal. From the main menu, select Options , then Game Options , and make sure the Difficulty Slider is set to Normal .

Try to avoid breaking conversations with the Escape key. There's quite a bit of dialog and some choices can affect immediate and long-term gameplay. Occasionally you can restart the conversation, sometimes the game will treat that particular conversation as complete, but other times unexpected problems may arise and they may not be easily corrected.

Hostility toward one group of people, such as sailors , commoners, or Dhorn soldiers, can make the entire group hostile toward you. Illegal activities, such as pick pocketing or attempting to pick the lock on a house, are regarded as hostile. If a commoner turns hostile after a failed pick, try running away from them. If you're going to do any breaking and entering, make sure to do it out of view of any patrolling Dhorn soldiers. If you have to fight them, try to do it inside of a home or a dockhouse, away from others. It's also important to avoid directly attacking a friendly creature unless offered the option as part of a conversation. It's a good idea to save before doing anything questionable.

These and other notes are found in the module description. Be sure to read them when you're starting a new game.

As mentioned above, some add-ons have been known to cause problems with the game. They aren't officially supported, but there are a number of add-ons that are often used and are not thought to cause any (major) issues. If you find yourself having visual issues, such as attacks from invisible creatures , or difficulty with certain events in the game, try running with the default overrides . If you're not an experienced Neverwinter Nights user, you may want to avoid these for now. View Add-ons for more information.

See the Troubleshooting page for other notes and the possible affects of broken conversations and overrides.

Once the game zip files have been downloaded, they need to be extracted. WinZip , WinRAR , or your favorite compression program will do. Open the files and extract the contents.

The A_Dance_with_Rogues_Part_*_V1.*.zip files each contain a .mod file that needs to be placed in the NWN modules directory (C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\modules). The ACAG*.zip file contains a .hak that should be placed in the hak directory (C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\hak). On Linux, make sure the ACAG hak's filename is lowercase (acag105.hak).

If you don't want to create your own character, you should download the lyannastormborn.bic file and place it in the NWN localvault directory (C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\localvault). See Lyanna Stormborn for character information.

Start Neverwinter Nights and select New from the main menu, then click the Other Modules... button. A List of installed modules should appear. If A Dance with Rogues is not on it, make sure the .mod files have been placed in the correct directory. Select A Dance with Rogues Part 1 and click the Load button.

You can load an existing character or create a new one. If you don't want to create your own, use the downloaded Lyanna Stormborn character. If you create your own, be sure to read the FAQ on custom characters. Once your character has been selected/built, click the Play button. The module should load and you'll start in the castle .

Once you've finished Part One , you'll be told to export your character by pressing clicking the Save Character button from the in-game menu ( Escape ). When you're ready to begin Part Two , repeat the process under the Getting Started section, but choose A Dance with Rogues 2 from the module list and click Select Premade Character when prompted. Your exported character will contain a number in parenthesis and should show the last level held (usually 7-9) when viewed. Once the proper character has been chosen, click Play . You should appear on the the Boat to Westwood .

A Dance with Rogues contains graphic nudity and sexuality, so it is greatly recommended that you have to be at least 18 years or older in order to play this DLC.

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A famed (or infamous) Neverwinter Nights two part module that won module of the year in 2006.

A Dance with Rogues is based around the Neverwinter Nights rogue class. It's notable for being Darker and Edgier as well as as Hotter and Sexier than the original Neverwinter Nights campaign, with an original storyline that has been highly praised. The module is epic in scope, taking a character from 1st level to 17th-19th level.

The story starts with a war between the Kingdom of Betancuria and the nation of Dhorn. The player character is the princess of Betancuria, and in the opening scene her family is slaughtered, her mother commits suicide, she herself is raped , and her kingdom is conquered.

The now ex-princess is "adopted" by a thieves' guild, and to survive she must now learn how to be a rogue, from picking locks to using her sexuality as a weapon. As she works her way up the ranks of the guild and becomes settled in her new life, the princess soon becomes entangled in a shadow war for control over Betancuria's criminal underworld.

The module requires Neverwinter Nights with both expansions. It should be noted that Valine continually and periodically updates or outright changes the module from time to time, meaning that a person who played the adventure in 2006 and a person who played it in 2010 are not playing the same game.

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