Network Moms

Network Moms


Network of Moms есть на Facebook. Чтобы связаться с Network of Moms, войдите в существующий аккаунт или создайте новый.
Network of Moms есть на Facebook. Чтобы связаться с Network of Moms, войдите в существующий аккаунт или создайте новый.
Только участники группы видят, кто в ней состоит и что публикуется.
I'm a stay at home mom to two little girls and I created this group, called Network of Moms to bring the community of moms together. It's an online support network for moms to connect, and ask questions (child… Ещё related or not) and lean on other moms for support and encouragement.

Network of Moms Group Rules:

1. Respect. First and foremost, be respectful to everyone, no rude or judgemental comments will be tolerated. If you are not being respectful, you'll be removed from the group. If you see a rude/condescending comment please report it to Admin.

2. Moms only. When adding friends, please make sure they are moms or moms to be. Dads have their own dedicated group called Network of Dads:

3. Mompreneur Monday. 1st Monday of each month. This group is about networking so let’s support the moms who run a business, but please keep these posts under the Mompreneur Monday logo (posted the 1st Monday of each month). Self-promotion with links to your individual page/groups, website or blogs will be removed without notice. Direct messaging members to sell your products or services are NOT permitted. If you received an unsolicited message, please let me know, spammers will be promptly removed.

4. If you are interested in doing a sponsored post to feature your business or share your event please send an email to

5. This is not a buy/sell site. If you have something you’d like to give away, unopened/new formula samples etc. that is ok.

6. Medical Questions. Serious medical questions including questions regarding rashes, illness and vaccine recommendations should be asked to your Dr. or a pharmacist who has the training and background to accurately answer these questions.

7. Privacy. This is a closed group and due to privacy, only members of the group can see posts. Posts from the group are not permitted to be shared outside of this group, which includes taking screens shots and sharing. If this happens, the offending member will be blocked from the group.

8. Fundraising. Unfortunately we don't allow them to be posted here (includes GoFundMe links).

9. Slander/Libel/Defamation - The common law protects every person from harm to their reputation by false and derogatory remarks. Please be mindful that what is said in this group can find its way back to the person you're talking about. Posts that are derogatory will be removed.

10.Admin at its discretion may turn off commenting, delete posts or comments.

In addition to this group, we have the Network of Moms FB Page, don't forget to "like" it here and you can also find more information including local playdates on

Hope you enjoy our community of moms and if you have mom friends who are not yet members of this group, but you think would enjoy it, please add them so that we can continue to build this awesome community - Michelle Lefrancois

Michelle Lefrancois (Creator of Network of Moms)

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